春耕时节,走进北京市延庆县张山营镇葡萄种植专业村—前庙村,笔者发现,“低碳”已经成为果农种植葡萄的新时尚。草木灰做肥料一大早,前庙村果农蒋进川就推着小车来到了村里的秸秆气化站。他把院子里堆放的草木灰装到小车上,一车车运送到了自家的葡萄地里。“这灰可是宝,对咱的葡萄来说,它是有劲的肥料呢!”作为葡萄种植专业村,目前前庙村葡萄种植面积已达1 100亩,每年秋天葡萄剪枝时,会堆积大量的枝条。于是,村委会就把果农们剪下来的葡萄条收集起来,运送到村里的气化站烧成秸秆气,再通过管道输送到全村村民家中。
Spring season, went to Yanqing County, Beijing Zhang Shanying grape professional village - the former Temple Village, the author found that “low carbon ” has become a grape growers growers new fashion. Early morning straw ash fertilizer, fruit and vegetables before the village of Chiang Ching-chuan pushed the car came to the village of straw gasification station. He put the ash stacked in the yard on the trolley and transported it to his own grapes. “This gray but Po, for our grapes, it is a strong fertilizer it!” As a professional village of grape cultivation, the current village of Miaogo grape acreage has reached 1 100 acres, the annual grapes pruning fall Accumulate a large number of branches. As a result, the village committee put the cuttings of fruit farmers who have collected, transported to the village gas station burning straw gas, and then transported to the village through the pipeline to the village home.