一、引言 在历史学的发展中,计量历史学的出现是一重要进展。相应地,在作为历史学的一个分支的科学史的研究中,定量化的研究也逐渐发展起来,并越来越引起科学史家们的关注。然而,在一般历史学中的计量化和科学史中对计量方法的特殊使用之间,是有着相当大的差异的。科学史中的计量方法的引入,更多地是受到科学社会学、文献情报学、科学学、科技政策研究,以及近来出现的“科学技术与社会”等研究领域发展的影响,并从中借鉴了相关的研究方法。
I. Introduction In the development of history, the emergence of measurement history is an important progress. Accordingly, in the history of science as a branch of history, quantitative research has gradually developed and attracted more and more attention of historians of science. However, there are considerable differences between metrology in general history and the special use of metrology in the history of science. The introduction of the measurement method in the history of science is more influenced by the development of research fields such as science sociology, literature and information science, science and science and technology policy, and the recent emergence of “science, technology and society” and draws lessons from it Related research methods.