Neo-dihydrokoumine(3) was obtained by reduction of BHa-NfCzHs) and hydrakouminol(2) which was yield from koumine(l) via acid-induced rearrangement hydration.The crystal is orthorhombic, space group P2i2i2i, with unit cell parameters a = 12.671(4), b = 13.634(5), c = 9.653(3) A, Z=4. The intensities of 1053 independent observed reflections were recorded on a four-circle dif-fractometer. The structure has been determined by the RANTAN procedure, and the final residual factors is 0.071 after refining the coordinates and the thermal parameters.The crystal structure shows that the rearrengment of the C=N bond results in forming C(2)=C(7) of the indole residue in 3, meanwhile both the C(2)-C(3) and C(7)-C(20) bonds are cleaved, followed by the formation of a new bond C(2)-C(20) in neo-dihydrokoumine(3). The 5-membered pyrrole ring in 3 is approximately perpendicular to the 6-membered piperidine and* tetrahydropyrane rings which are fused together in a cis-fashion through 0(15) and C(16).
Neo-dihydrokoumine (3) was obtained by reduction of BHa-NfCzHs) and hydrakouminol (2) which was yield from koumine (1) via acid-induced rearrangement hydration.The crystal is orthorhombic, space group P2i2i2i, with unit cell parameters a = 12.671 (4), b = 13.634 (5), c = 9.653 (3) A, Z = 4 The intensities of 1053 independent observed reflections were recorded on a four-circle dif-fractometer. The structure has been determined by the RANTAN the final residual factors are 0.071 after refining the coordinates and the thermal parameters. The crystal structure shows that the rear modification of the C = N bond results in forming C (2) = C (7) of the indole residue in 3, (3) and C (7) -C (20) bonds are cleaved, followed by the formation of a new bond C (2) -C (20) in neo- The 5-membered pyrrole ring in 3 is approximately perpendicular to the 6-membered piperidine and * tetrahydropyrane rings which are fused together in a cis-fashion through 0 (15) and C (16).