唯心的说法是,万事万物之所以成为其本来面目,是因为冥冥中早已注定。有时候 ,也许我们需要的仅仅是一双发现美的眼睛。“让被摄物自然地展现自己,我作为摄影师会尽量避免着力过重而导致过犹不及。所有天成之物都有独特的内在美,而我的工作并不是阻碍它们奕奕生辉。”丹麦摄影师Christian Staehr 如是说 。
Christian Staehr:我当时为一本鱼类相关的烹饪书籍拍摄照片,有人注意到它们就联系我说他们对此很感兴趣,后来就有画廊经理人邀请我办摄影展 。
ZEST: where is your beginning ofphotography art?
Christian Staehr: I shot these images for a cookbook on fish. People who saw them told me they were interesting and a gallery owner asked me to do an exhibit.
2. ZEST:说说你创作的核心主题。
Christian Staehr: 我喜欢精确度和细节,因为他们是好摄影作品必不可少的元素。我会选择那些激发我兴趣的物作为拍摄对象,并尝试尽可能多的去展示其中的肌理结构和材料特质。我欣赏那些高质量的、充满图像震撼力和独特色彩的影像。
ZEST:¬ please talk about the central theme of your work.
Christian Staehr: I like precision and detail because that is what photography does well. I work with objects that I find interesting and try to get as much sense of texture and material into my images as possible. I like images with a powerful graphic quality and distinct colors.
3. ZEST: 一般来说你如何完成你的作品?有哪些有趣体验可以分享的?
Christian Staehr: 其实非常简单,让被摄物自然地展现自己,我作为摄影师尽量避免着力过重而导致过犹不及。所有天成之物都有独特的内在美,而我的工作并不是阻碍它们奕奕生辉。我用数码相机捕捉它们的影像,然后用Photoshop后期处理。
ZEST:Generally, how do you complete your work(from idea to finished) ? Is there any interesting experience to share?
Christian Staehr: It is very uncomplicated... I try not to do too much, and let the object I work with present itself. Most things have a certain innate beauty and my job is to not stand in the way of that. I shoot digitally and finalize my pictures in Photoshop.
4. ZEST: 创作中最重要的是什么?
Christian Staehr: 忍耐和自我批判。还需要一个好助手...
ZEST: What's the most important thing when you creating ?
Christian Staehr: Patience and self-critique. And a good assistant...
5. ZEST: 有人说吃什么,像什么,你怎么看这句话 ?
Christian Staehr: 我觉得这句话很棒!我喜欢有机、健康、天然的食物,我希望有朝一日我能成为它们;-)。
ZEST:Someone said that you are what you eat,what do you think about it?
Christian Staehr: That makes perfect sense to me! I am into organic, healthy and real food and I hope to one day become just that ;-)
6. ZEST: 想像与创新对你来说意味着什么 ?你觉得它们如何影响我们的生活?
Christian Staehr: 在全球范围内就意味着一切。想像和创新正是我们前进的方向。我们应该尽可能多的探求“新的”,尽可能少的留存“旧的”,以维持日常必须,来保持快乐和理智。哦,还有一点,鉴于每天都有那么多新的垃圾被制造出来,具备判别什么是好创新和坏创新的眼光也是相当必要的⋯⋯
ZEST:what does imagination and innovation mean to you and how does it affect our life in your mind?
Christian Staehr: On a global scale it means everything. This is how we move forward. We should take in as much “new” as we can and only hang on to as much of the “old” as we need in order to stay happy and sane. Oh, and one more thing; since there is so much new crap being churned out every single day; figure out how tell the difference between “good new” and “bad new”...
7. ZEST: 对你来说甚么是好的摄影作品 ?
Christian Staehr: 对于个人作品,我在技术方面会着力更多,进行大量的工艺尝试。但说实话,曾给我留下难忘体验的摄影作品大多与美学相关甚少。摄影与现实世界的联系与其他艺术形式大不相同,而我正中意于此。
ZEST:What is good photographic work?
Christian Staehr: I tend to focus on the technical aspects of my own work a lot, the craftsmanship, but in all honesty, some of the most unforgetable photographs I have come across have very little to do with aesthetics. Photography is connetted to reality like no other art form and I like work that reflects that.
8. ZEST: 你都喜欢哪些艺术家
Christian Staehr: Lars Tunbjork, Peter Funch, Nadav Kander, Richard Avedon, Lucian Freud, Picasso.
ZEST:Give us some names of the artist you like.
Lars Tunbjork, Peter Funch, Nadav Kander, Richard Avedon, Lucian Freud, Picasso.
9. ZEST: 下一步的打算是?
Christian Staehr: 我正打算在香港和东京寻找代理。
ZEST:What is your next step?
Christian Staehr: I am going to find an agent in Hong Kong and Tokyo.
Christian Staehr:我当时为一本鱼类相关的烹饪书籍拍摄照片,有人注意到它们就联系我说他们对此很感兴趣,后来就有画廊经理人邀请我办摄影展 。
ZEST: where is your beginning ofphotography art?
Christian Staehr: I shot these images for a cookbook on fish. People who saw them told me they were interesting and a gallery owner asked me to do an exhibit.
2. ZEST:说说你创作的核心主题。
Christian Staehr: 我喜欢精确度和细节,因为他们是好摄影作品必不可少的元素。我会选择那些激发我兴趣的物作为拍摄对象,并尝试尽可能多的去展示其中的肌理结构和材料特质。我欣赏那些高质量的、充满图像震撼力和独特色彩的影像。
ZEST:¬ please talk about the central theme of your work.
Christian Staehr: I like precision and detail because that is what photography does well. I work with objects that I find interesting and try to get as much sense of texture and material into my images as possible. I like images with a powerful graphic quality and distinct colors.
3. ZEST: 一般来说你如何完成你的作品?有哪些有趣体验可以分享的?
Christian Staehr: 其实非常简单,让被摄物自然地展现自己,我作为摄影师尽量避免着力过重而导致过犹不及。所有天成之物都有独特的内在美,而我的工作并不是阻碍它们奕奕生辉。我用数码相机捕捉它们的影像,然后用Photoshop后期处理。
ZEST:Generally, how do you complete your work(from idea to finished) ? Is there any interesting experience to share?
Christian Staehr: It is very uncomplicated... I try not to do too much, and let the object I work with present itself. Most things have a certain innate beauty and my job is to not stand in the way of that. I shoot digitally and finalize my pictures in Photoshop.
4. ZEST: 创作中最重要的是什么?
Christian Staehr: 忍耐和自我批判。还需要一个好助手...
ZEST: What's the most important thing when you creating ?
Christian Staehr: Patience and self-critique. And a good assistant...
5. ZEST: 有人说吃什么,像什么,你怎么看这句话 ?
Christian Staehr: 我觉得这句话很棒!我喜欢有机、健康、天然的食物,我希望有朝一日我能成为它们;-)。
ZEST:Someone said that you are what you eat,what do you think about it?
Christian Staehr: That makes perfect sense to me! I am into organic, healthy and real food and I hope to one day become just that ;-)
6. ZEST: 想像与创新对你来说意味着什么 ?你觉得它们如何影响我们的生活?
Christian Staehr: 在全球范围内就意味着一切。想像和创新正是我们前进的方向。我们应该尽可能多的探求“新的”,尽可能少的留存“旧的”,以维持日常必须,来保持快乐和理智。哦,还有一点,鉴于每天都有那么多新的垃圾被制造出来,具备判别什么是好创新和坏创新的眼光也是相当必要的⋯⋯
ZEST:what does imagination and innovation mean to you and how does it affect our life in your mind?
Christian Staehr: On a global scale it means everything. This is how we move forward. We should take in as much “new” as we can and only hang on to as much of the “old” as we need in order to stay happy and sane. Oh, and one more thing; since there is so much new crap being churned out every single day; figure out how tell the difference between “good new” and “bad new”...
7. ZEST: 对你来说甚么是好的摄影作品 ?
Christian Staehr: 对于个人作品,我在技术方面会着力更多,进行大量的工艺尝试。但说实话,曾给我留下难忘体验的摄影作品大多与美学相关甚少。摄影与现实世界的联系与其他艺术形式大不相同,而我正中意于此。
ZEST:What is good photographic work?
Christian Staehr: I tend to focus on the technical aspects of my own work a lot, the craftsmanship, but in all honesty, some of the most unforgetable photographs I have come across have very little to do with aesthetics. Photography is connetted to reality like no other art form and I like work that reflects that.
8. ZEST: 你都喜欢哪些艺术家
Christian Staehr: Lars Tunbjork, Peter Funch, Nadav Kander, Richard Avedon, Lucian Freud, Picasso.
ZEST:Give us some names of the artist you like.
Lars Tunbjork, Peter Funch, Nadav Kander, Richard Avedon, Lucian Freud, Picasso.
9. ZEST: 下一步的打算是?
Christian Staehr: 我正打算在香港和东京寻找代理。
ZEST:What is your next step?
Christian Staehr: I am going to find an agent in Hong Kong and Tokyo.