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  Michele Norris (the host): Many of you may know this tune. It’s the 1)intro music from “Angry Birds”, a widely popular digital 2)diversion. The game has been downloaded more than 50 million times in the last year, and now a major toymaker is getting a low-tech slice of the “Angry Birds” pie. Gigi Douban reports.
  Gigi Douban: Whenever Chris Clark fires up his iPhone or iPad, he’s on 3)autopilot. His fingers 4)invariably go to the same place, to the game 5)folder containing the “Angry Birds” 6)app.
  Clark has easily more than a hundred games downloaded to his devices, but after 7)solitaire, “Angry Birds” is his favorite. He’s not the only one. In 2010, “Angry Birds” was Apple’s best-selling iPhone app. It’s also available on 8)Android.
  Clark, an industrial electronics repairman from Birmingham, Alabama, says he plays “Angry Birds” during 9)downtime at work, on the sofa, waiting in line and, well, just about anytime he can. In other words, he’s addicted.
  Mr. Chris Clark (industrial electronics repairman): You keep retrying the harder levels until you get it, and then you’re like, OK, next. Next. Come on. Come on. And you just keep going, and you stop when somebody yells, dinner, or it’s time to go to work.
  Gigi: Part of what makes it so addictive, Clark says, is that it’s easy. You basically 10)hurl birds through a 11)slingshot at a castle. Inside the castle are these ugly green pigs. They stole the birds’ eggs. So the object of the game is
  12)revenge. That’s something a lot of people can 13)relish in, but so is the simple pleasure of breaking things. 14)Mattel knows this.
  Mattel is putting the finishing touches on an “Angry Birds” board game due to hit store shelves in May. It’ll sell for about $15. Mattel still sells tons of board games, but there’s a lot more competition out there. Games played on computers, mobile devices and all sorts of 15)gadgets take away market share from Mattel.
  It’s a way for Mattel to keep a foot in both worlds. The challenge in going from digital to board game isn’t unlike what a 16)screenwriter faces when making a film out of a book. True to the digital game, there will be a slingshot.
  The company wouldn’t say how much it invested in the “Angry Birds” board game, but analysts say it can’t be much. After all, 17)Rovio, the company that developed the “Angry Birds” app, pretty much provided the 18)framework.
  Mr. Paul Swinand (analyst, 19)Morningstar): They don’t have to go out and develop a whole lot of intellectual property to create a new board game.
  Gigi: That’s Paul Swinand, an analyst with Morningstar.
  Mr. Swinand: If it’s not a success, it’s not going to be a
  20)black eye or probably even a loss for them because they probably have very good 21)margins on it.
  Gigi: If it sells at all, it’ll have been a good experiment for Mattel, a nice way to dip the company’s toes into the world of digital apps.
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Len不仅对图书馆的规章制度不甚了解,而且竟然不知道在图书馆借阅图书是需要出示借书证和缴纳押金的。对此,Trina要给Len“扫盲”,并且告诉他逾期不归还书籍是要罚款的。    Len: Alright, I’m all done.  Trina: What’s this? 1)Phantoms in the Brain? Isn’t this a book about   2)neuroscie
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