摘 要:目的:通过了解和比较澳门-北京两地高校教职工心血管疾病危险因素的差异,为两地教职工心血管疾病的预防提供更具针对性的建议。方法:采用问卷调查和测量140名澳门和460名北京高校教职工生活方式、血脂状况、锻炼习惯等11项心血管疾病的危险因素进行调查和比较。结果:澳门高校教职工心血管疾病危险因素的平均数目显著低于北京高校教职工,在高甘油三酯、高血压、吸烟等指标方面表现优于北京高校教职工。两地教职工都存在肥胖和运动参与不足的问题,且澳门经常运动者比例显著低于北京高校教职员。另外,无论北京或澳门,男性高校教职员心血管疾病危险因素数目均显著高于女性。结论:北京和澳门高校教职工都应更多地参与运动,减少肥胖的发生,降低心血管疾病的危险因素,男性教职工更应关注自身健康。
A Comparative Investigation of Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease in the University Staff in Macau and Beijing
KONG Zhao-wei1 CAO Jian-min2 XIE Min-hao2 SU Hao2 ZHU Wen-fei2 XIAO Jie-hua3 SHI Qing-de3 LIANG Hong-bo4
1 School of Physical Education and Sports, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, China(Current Address: Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macao, China)
2 Sport Science College, Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China 100084)
3. School of Physical Education and Sports, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, China
4 School of Physical Education and Sports, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, China(Current Address: Macao Sport Development Board, Macao, China)
Abstract: Objective: This study is aimed to provide practical advices on the prevention of cardiovascular disease for the universities teaching and administrative staff in Macau and Beijing by analyzing and comparing the differences in the risk factors in these two places. Method: An assessment together with a questionnaire survey is carried out to investigate the 11 cardiovascular disease risk factors including lifestyle, blood lipid conditions and exercise habits among 140 university staff in Macau and 460 in Beijing. Result: It is found out that on the part of Macau university staff the average level of risk factors of cardiovascular disease is significantly lower and the indexes correlated with hyper triglyceride, high blood pressure and smoking status perform markedly better. Moreover, staff of the both sides show a prevalence of obesity and lack of exercise, and the proportion of people from Macau who exercise regularly is comparatively smaller than that from Beijing. Furthermore, the numbers of risk factors in male staffs are significantly more than those of in females both in Macau and Beijing. Conclusion: It is suggested that university staff from the two places should participate in exercise more often in order to reduce the chance of suffering from obesity as well as cardiovascular disease. Male staff need pay more attention on their health than female staff.
Key words: Macao; Beijing; university staff; cardiovascular disease; risk factors
A Comparative Investigation of Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease in the University Staff in Macau and Beijing
KONG Zhao-wei1 CAO Jian-min2 XIE Min-hao2 SU Hao2 ZHU Wen-fei2 XIAO Jie-hua3 SHI Qing-de3 LIANG Hong-bo4
1 School of Physical Education and Sports, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, China(Current Address: Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macao, China)
2 Sport Science College, Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China 100084)
3. School of Physical Education and Sports, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, China
4 School of Physical Education and Sports, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, China(Current Address: Macao Sport Development Board, Macao, China)
Abstract: Objective: This study is aimed to provide practical advices on the prevention of cardiovascular disease for the universities teaching and administrative staff in Macau and Beijing by analyzing and comparing the differences in the risk factors in these two places. Method: An assessment together with a questionnaire survey is carried out to investigate the 11 cardiovascular disease risk factors including lifestyle, blood lipid conditions and exercise habits among 140 university staff in Macau and 460 in Beijing. Result: It is found out that on the part of Macau university staff the average level of risk factors of cardiovascular disease is significantly lower and the indexes correlated with hyper triglyceride, high blood pressure and smoking status perform markedly better. Moreover, staff of the both sides show a prevalence of obesity and lack of exercise, and the proportion of people from Macau who exercise regularly is comparatively smaller than that from Beijing. Furthermore, the numbers of risk factors in male staffs are significantly more than those of in females both in Macau and Beijing. Conclusion: It is suggested that university staff from the two places should participate in exercise more often in order to reduce the chance of suffering from obesity as well as cardiovascular disease. Male staff need pay more attention on their health than female staff.
Key words: Macao; Beijing; university staff; cardiovascular disease; risk factors