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2013年3月20日,在江苏宜兴发生了一起车祸,造成车内一对年轻夫妻当场死亡。在此之前,夫妇俩因不育去医院做了人工授精手术,留下了四枚冷冻胚胎,双方老人故要求医院返还胚胎,由于冷冻胚胎的唯一用途只能是代孕,因而遭到医院的拒绝,双方老人因此以医院为被告提起诉讼,要求医院归还胚胎。一审法院认为受精胚胎不能被继承,故驳回了老人的请求。双方老人均向二审法院提起了上诉,二审法院基于伦理、情感和特殊利益保护,作出了完全不同的判决,判令由四位老人共同监管和处置四枚冷冻胚胎。二审判决与一审的判决结果相比,判决的依据有很大的不同,因此引发了司法界与学术界一场很大的争论。表面来看,这是一起普通的继承权案,可实质上是一个更深层次的问题,即代孕是否应当合法化。在立足于我国代孕的立法现状和吸收其他国家的立法经验的基础上,本文提出了适度开放代孕的观点,最大程度上保证代孕立法的先进性和适用性。代孕是一种人工生殖技术,它弥补了某些群体不育的心里缺憾,是一种代替性交而进行受孕的方式。具体而言,代孕是指夫妻一方或双方因为自己的生理或病理原因无法生育孩子,在不发生性交的前提下,借助人工受精或者试管婴儿的方式将委托方男性的受精卵移植到志愿方代孕女子的子宫内,并且完成胎儿的发育和分娩的整个过程。现如今,代孕的现象在各国普遍存在,各国立法纷纷应对之,而我国目前却没有专门的立法对此作出规定,因此引发笔者对我国代孕模式的探讨。 On March 20, 2013, a car accident took place in Yixing, Jiangsu, causing a young couple in the car to die instantly. Prior to this, the couple went to the hospital because of infertility to do artificial insemination surgery, leaving four frozen embryos, the elderly so both require the hospital to return embryos, the only use of frozen embryos can only be surrogate, which was rejected by the hospital Both the elderly therefore filed a lawsuit with the hospital as the defendant, requiring the hospital to return the embryo. Court of First Instance that fertilized embryos can not be inherited, it dismissed the request of the elderly. Both seniors filed an appeal with the court of second instance. On the basis of ethical, emotional and special protection, the court of second instance made a completely different verdict ordering the four elderly people to jointly supervise and dispose of four frozen embryos. Compared with the verdict of the first instance, the verdict of the second instance is very different from the verdict of the verdict, which leads to a big controversy between the judiciary and the academic circles. On the surface, this is an ordinary right of inheritance case, which can be essentially a deeper question whether surrogacy should be legalized or not. Based on the status quo of legislation on behalf of surrogacy in our country and absorbing the legislative experience of other countries, this article puts forward the viewpoint of opening up surrogacy modestly to ensure the advancement and applicability of surrogacy legislation to the greatest extent. Surrogacy is a kind of artificial reproductive technology, which makes up for some groups of infertility heart defects, is a way to conceive instead of intercourse. Specifically, surrogate refers to one or both husband and wife because of their physical or pathological reasons can not have children, without sexual intercourse under the premise of using artificial insemination or IVF will entrust the male fertilized eggs transplanted to volunteer surrogacy Women’s womb, and to complete the entire process of fetal development and childbirth. Nowadays, the phenomenon of surrogacy is prevalent in all countries and the legislation of various countries cope with it. However, there is no specific legislation in our country so far to provide for it. Therefore, it leads to the author’s discussion on the surrogate model in our country.
◆摘 要:进入到新世纪之后,课程在不断的改革深化,因此课外阅读越来越受到了广泛关注度,同时无论是老师还是相关的教育专家都对其开始进行大量的探究,使其在整个的小学语文教学过程中得到了大量的應用,同时还对整个语文教学发展提供了良好的基础条件,特别是在当下各大小学院校对语文水平的不断加大投入力度,所以我们一定要不断加强小学生进行高效的课外阅读,此外还要在不断的学习过程中能够使得每个小学生养成良好的课外读
◆摘 要:由于小学一二年级学生年龄偏小,这些孩子们的情绪与意志力等普遍存在不稳定性特点,这些因素使得他们上课时注意力容易分散,造成学习效率低,针对这种现象,语文教师需充分利用好课堂导入,密切關注学生们共性特征,在课堂教学中采用具体、形象的导入方法,将低龄学生们的情趣调动起来,使其对新知识充满好奇与渴望去迎接学习。  ◆关键词:低年级语文;具象课堂导入;方法;应用  小学一年级最难教,这些六七岁的孩
◆摘 要:初中历史科目的特点是内容丰富且知识点琐碎,十分容易记混。但历史最大的特点就是具有相似性和互通性,因此教师在初中历史课堂教学中没必要拼命向学生灌输知识,强迫他们死记硬背,应当采取合适的教学方法,使学生能够真正理解历史事件的前因后果,串联相似的历史事件,有计划地开展学习,从而提升课堂教学的有效性。  ◆关键词:初中;历史课堂;教学有效性  初中历史教师应当培养学生的自主思维能力,促使学生自发