育才中学语文学科用的是自编教材。高一上学期读《史记》中的陈涉世家、项羽本纪、留侯世家、李斯列传、魏公子列传、廉颇列传、滑稽列传、刺客列传等。高一下学期读《汉书》中的匈奴、西南夷等篇。高二上学期读《后汉书》中的光武帝纪、马援等篇。高二下学期读《三国志》中的武帝操、袁绍、袁术等。高三上学期读《孟子》。高三下学期是语、修、逻、文总复习。除开上述教材外,各年级另外补充咏史诗(如胡曾的)、史论(如《十七史商榷》)。文科班学生还加读《唐诗三百首》、《唐宋名家词选》。部编教材我们也用,教学时数占三分之一。在教学方法上,我们进行了以下的探索: 一、“读、议、练、讲”在文言文教学上的应用。这种教学方法注重考虑学生的年龄特征,根据学生的阅历、兴趣、爱好、心理特点来考虑教学目的,
Yucai Middle School is using its own textbooks for the Chinese language disciplines. On the first semester of his senior year, he read Chen Shi’s family, Xiang Yu’s history, Hou Hou’s family, Li Si’s biography, Wei Gongzi’s biography, Lianpo’s biography, funny biography, and Assassins’ biography. The semester read the articles on the Xiongnu and Southwest China in the Han Dynasty. In the second semester of his senior year, he read the titles of Emperor Guangwu and Ma Yuan in Hou Han Shu. In the next semester, Gao Er read Wu Di Cao, Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shu in The Three Kingdoms. Seniors read “Mencius” in the last semester. The third semester of the third year of senior high school is the revision of language, revision, logic, and text. In addition to the above-mentioned teaching materials, each grade grade supplements epic poems (such as Hu Tseng) and history (such as “Seventeen History of Commerce”). The liberal arts students also read “300 Poems of the Tang Dynasty” and “Selected Poems of Tang and Song Masters”. Departmental textbooks are also used by us, accounting for one-third of teaching hours. In teaching methods, we conducted the following exploration: First, “read, discuss, practice, speak” in the application of classical Chinese teaching. This teaching method focuses on considering the age characteristics of students, and considers the purpose of teaching according to their experience, interests, hobbies, and psychological characteristics.