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  【Abstract】The present essay offers us a different and new point of view about the methodology of study of the language and in particular of the Castilian language. Thus, we carry out an analysis from a diachronic point of view to the historical evolution of the Spanish language and how to know and understand this evolution helps us to teach and learn that language, taking as our main point of analysis what is considered the Golden Age.
  【作者簡介】Pablo Miguel Mora Leiva, Spain, Almería.
  “It does not matter that you do not understand me, that I am speaking my Spanish language, which is so beautiful and noble that it should be known by all Christendom.” (Charles V, Holy Roman and Spanish Emperor)
  In April 1536 the Emperor Charles V pronounces a speech in Spanish in front of Pope Innocent III and in such a way in front of ambassadors, bishops, cardinals and various authorities of the greatest importance. This moment is considered one of the most important events in our history since our language is used for the first time as political in international diplomatic circles.
  The Emperor Charles, who had been born in Flanders and whose mother tongue therefore was not Castilian, now becomes his most faithful defender, proclaiming it as the official language of diplomacy. Needless to say the Spanish Empire is, at the moment, the largest and most powerful in the world, so much that it would be known later as the empire where the sun never sets: in all European courts Castilian language is learnt and spoken.
  The characteristics of the Spanish language throughout this era are several: Latinisms are purified a lot and tend to a simpler and more natural speech. A sample of this spontaneity and clarity of Spanish in the times of Charles V is found in Lazarillo de Tormes. Later, during the reign of Felipe II, it is still used a sober language and without an abuse of cultism: see as an example the work of Fray Luis de León.
  Towards the second half of the 17th century, however, authors such as Fernando de Herrera will create a tendency in their own use of the poetic language, different from the usual one and full of neologisms and verse twists. Thus in this time Castilian language acquires a degree of remarkable perfection and modernity.
  According to the linguistic variations, consonantal transformations are experienced, such as the total disappearance of the sound difference between /v/ and /b/ (both phonemes are unified in the latter); /h/ also disappears, becoming silent, and /g/ and /j/ lose their initial sonority in favor of the current one. Last but not least we can appreciate the use of the verb to have (haber) as auxiliary in compound times: this way, son ido turns into han ido (they have gone).   The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were known as the Golden Age: the language is stabilized and the authors seek correction and fight the vulgar. This desire for improvement is undoubtedly due to the foundation of the Spanish Language Royal Academy, founded by King Philip V in 1713 with the motto “it cleans, fixes and gives splendor”. Its first director was the Marquis of Villena and from the first moment the academics share the idea of ??publishing a general dictionary, taking as a model what is already happening in France, England or Portugal. This way the first six volumes of the first edition of the dictionary of the Royal Academy are born: Diccionario de Autoridades (Dictionary of Authorities). During the same century, Ortografía de la Lengua Espa?ola (Orthography of Spanish Language; 1741) and Nueva Gramática de la Lengua Espa?ola (New Grammar of Spanish Language; 1771) are published, two works that achieve the definitive unification of Spanish in oral and written form. From then on, any novelty that wants to be introduced with respect to the language has to be approved before by the Academy, and those who do not conform to its norms will fall into inaccuracies.
  From the linguistic point of view, there is an invasion of gallicisms (foreign words derived from French), and phonetic changes: ph becomes f and the use of ss disappears, and x takes its current sound.
  [1]Ariza,M.Manual de fonología histórica del espa?ol[J].Madrid, Síntesis,1990.
  [2]Espinosa Elorza,Rosa María.Santos Domínguez,Luis Antonio: Manual de semántica histórica[J].Madrid,Síntesis,1996.
  [3]Gómez Espelosín,Javier.Guzmán Guerra,Antonio[J].Latín, Madrid,Bachillerato S.M.
  [4]López,Pablo.Vergués,José:Latín: método y gramática[J].Barcelona,Tercero de bachillerato Teide,1969.
  [5]Penny,Ralph(Act.2012):Gramática histórica del espa?ol[J].Barcelona,Ariel,1993.
【摘要】初中英语课堂教学要改变传统“一刀切”的教学模式,关注每个学生个体的发展需求,以分层教学理念指导英语教学设计。本文笔者从识记分层、阅读分层、检测分层、作业分层四个方面,探讨了初中英语分层教学的有效策略。  【关键词】分层教学;初中英语;教学策略;个性发展  【作者简介】安丽琴,甘肃省定西通渭县平襄初级中学。  分层教学,指的是教师根据学生的个体差异性,提供不同的学习指导,推动每个学生的成长与
【摘要】TPR模式简称为直接式沟通教学法,这种方式主要是通过获取足够的听说信息,使量变引起质变的过程。目前将TRP模式应用到小学低年段英语绘本《黑布林英语阅读》中的实践教学方式已经受到了教育界较为广泛的关注。本文就TPR模式在小学低年段英语绘本《黑布林英语阅读》中的应用进行一些探究与分析,希望能够对广大教育工作者起到一定的参考作用。  【关键词】TPR模式;小学英语;黑布林英语阅读  引言  在当
【摘要】“互联网 ”时代,传统教育已无法适应信息时代的发展。融合了线上教育和课堂授课的“翻转课堂”“慕课”和“雨课堂”相继成为大学教育研究和实践的核心。“雨课堂”以其便捷、互动性和大数据信息支持成为提高教学效率的利器。本文将通过大学英语全新版精读课程为例,对基于“雨课堂”教学平台的大学英语课堂进行研究和实践。  【关键词】雨课堂;英语课堂教学;翻转课堂  【作者简介】顾楠,天津商业大学大学外语教学
【摘要】本文通过界定《客舱服务英语综合实训》课程属性,对课程实施进行探索,提出符合空乘职业逻辑、遵循职业教育人才培养规律、“教方法,给工具”的TRIP综合实训模式,对提升空乘专业整体综合实训质量有着重要借鉴价值。  【关键词】《客舱乘务英语综合实训》;职业用途英语(EOP);教学模式  【作者简介】郭丹,湖北武汉人,武汉城市职业学院旅游与酒店管理学院,副教授,研究方向:英语教育、英美语言文学、空乘
【摘要】对于小学英语以往“重理论,轻实践”的传统化教学形势,本文尝试基于项目式教学法来探索小学英语教学的新出路,全力发掘项目式教学的价值优势以推动英语课程的改革,在实际教学中有效激发学生的学习积极性、能动性,并促进其语言思维及能力的良好运作,以及学科素养的形成,最终借由项目式教学的实践探究助力学生的全面化发展。  【关键词】小学英语;项目式教学;思维导图  【作者简介】张?,青岛弘德小学。  项目
【摘要】《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》提出英语学科核心素养包括语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力四个方面,思维品质被列为英语学科核心素养的关键要素之一。阅读教学中通过情境创设、语篇分析、问题设计、读后续写等可以有效培养学生的逻辑性思维、批判性思维和创新性思维,促进其学科素养的发展。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读教学;思维品质  【作者简介】施冬春,福建省同安第一中学。  随着课程改革的
【摘要】构建写作支架的环节作为高中英语读后续写教育中比较重要的环节,正确引导学生构建读后续写支架能帮助学生更清晰地了解读后续写目标,进而更科学地开展读后续写实践。所以,本研究从高中英语读后续写教学的现状出发,探究高中英语读后续写中寫作支架构建的方式和注意事项,希望借此能获得更好的读后续写教育效果,为取得更好的英语成绩提供帮助。  【关键词】高中英语;读后续写;写作支架;构建  【作者简介】吴晓芬,
【摘要】董乐山是我国近代著名的翻译家、作家和美国文化研究专家。他所翻译的《第三帝国的兴亡》,对我国翻译文风从欧化到中国化的转变有重要的示范作用。本文将从归化与异化,形合与意合,字面对等和概念对等三方面,對《第三帝国的兴亡》中译者的翻译风格进行探究。研究发现译者以归化的翻译策略为主,异化为辅,巧妙地将英语的形合结构转化为汉语的意合表达,并力求达到字面和概念意义的对等。  【关键词】董乐山;《第三帝国
【摘要】读后续写是当前高中英语教学中的一个新内容,它结合了英语阅读与英语写作,读后续写教学对于学生英语综合实力的提升具有非常大的帮助,但同时也是因为它结合了英语阅读与英语写作,所以对学生的阅读思维逻辑以及写作构思能力有着非常高的要求,本文将对高中阶段的英语读后续写教学策略进行探究,从实践中探索适合当前高中生的特色教学策略,以此来帮助学生掌握英语这门语言,提高学生的英语成绩。  【关键词】高中英语;