有人问,雷锋精神的根底在哪里?雷锋精神是不是民族精神?我们的回答是:雷锋精神的源头在中华大地上,民族优秀传统是雷锋精神深厚的文化底蕴。 雷锋精神体现了中华民族的人生价值观。自古以来,中华民族崇尚“自强不息”,“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”的奋斗与献身精神。人应该怎样活着才有意义?人生价值是什么?民族传统一直有轻个人而重整体和国家的思想。古代就有“盘古开天”之说,流传着“愚公移山”、“夸父追日”、“精卫填海”和“女娲补天”的美好传说。屈原的“路漫漫,其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”激励着多少炎黄子孙为真理而求索和献身;诸葛亮的“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”,李商隐的“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”,
Some people ask, where is the basis of the spirit of Lei Feng? Lei Feng spirit is not a national spirit? Our answer is: the source of the spirit of Lei Feng in China, the national tradition of excellence is Lei Feng spiritual profound cultural heritage. Lei Feng reflects the spirit of the Chinese nation’s life values. Since ancient times, the Chinese nation advocates the struggle and dedication of “striving for self-reliance,” “giving every effort to death, and ending after death”. What should a person be worth living? What is the value of life? National tradition has always been a light individual and the whole body and the country’s thinking. In ancient times, there was a “Pangu open sky” theory, circulating “Foolish Old Man”, “Kuaifu chasing the day”, “Jingwei reclamation” and “Nu Wa Tian Tian” beautiful legend. Qu Yuan’s “long way, its Xi Xi Xi, I will search from top to bottom,” inspired how many descendants of the Yellow Earth for truth and dedication; Zhuge Liang’s “spared no efforts, after death,” Li Shangyin’s “ Torch ash tears began to dry ”