班主任是全班学生的组织者、领导者和教育者 ,其工作的好坏直接影响着未来人才培养。面对一群思想敏锐 ,个性独立 ,正在逐渐走向成熟的中学生 ,能否树立较高威信 ,赢得学生的尊重与信赖是班主任工作成败的关键所在。那么 ,如何才能成为一只有威信的“领头羊”呢 ?这里首先要给
The class teacher is the organizer, leader and educator of the class. The quality of his or her work directly affects the cultivation of talents in the future. Facing a group of middle school students who are keenly aware, independent in personality and are gradually becoming mature, whether they can establish high prestige and win the respect and trust of students is the key to the success or failure of the class teacher. So, how to become a prestigious “leader”? Here to give