An Analysis of Satan Archetypes in A Tale of Two Cities and Othello

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  【Abstract】Satan is a classic literary image in biblical stories who seduces others to do evil things. This paper intends to take Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities and Shakespeare’s Othello as examples, in order to analyze the application of Satan’s image in these two literary works by using Frye’s archetypal theory.
  【Key Words】Archetype Criticism; Satan Image; A Tale of Two Cities; Othello
  【作者简介】WANG Xiao tong,Graduate School,Harbin Normal University.
  Ⅰ. An Introduction of Archetype Theory
  Archetypal criticism theory originated in the 1920s and reached its peak in the 1950s. Its earliest theoretical form was derived from classical ceremony theories, after that, James Frazer’s cultural anthropology and Carl Jung’s collective unconsciousness theory was integrated into it. Northrop Frye is the epitome of archetypal criticism theory. He believed that “Archetypal is the symbol of communication, and is concerned with viewing literature as a mode of social phenomenon ” 99 Just because of that, Frye combined with the research results of Fraser and Jung, so that the concept of archetypes entered the field of literature.
  Ⅱ.The Analysis of Satan Archetypes
  In biblical stories, at first, Satan was a fallen angel, but gradually it evolved to the governor who is directly against with Lord’s power of kindness. Finally, Satan became the incarnation of vice. In A Tale of Two Cities and Othello, Marquis Evremonde and Iago also has the characteristics of Satan. Firstly, Satan likes to tempt others. In Genesis, Satan seduced Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil: “Can’t you eat all the trees in the garden?” 4 Marquis Evremonde put “the bucket of gold coins in a small box and left it at my door.” 315 While in Othello, Iago seduced Othello to believe that Desdemona betrayed their marriage. Secondly, Satan was jealous of Jehovah, so he was driven out of heaven and became a fallen angel. Marquis Evremonde was jealous of the power of French King too, so he complained the unfair things of the court in front of his nephew Darnay. And Iago was also full of jealousy. He envies Othello’s status and power. Just because of that, he seduced Othello to kill Cassio so that he can get promoted. Thirdly, the fate of Satan, the Marquis and the Iago was tragic. Satan was thrown into the sulfur lake and was bound for one thousand year. In A Tale of Two Cities, Marquis Evremonde was assassinated by revolutionary party members in the midnight. “The stone sculptor’s face leaned against the Marquis’s pillow...lost his temper and turned into a stone sculpture...a knife stuck deep in the heart of the stone statue.” 122 At the same time, Marquis’ manor was burned to ashes. And from the conversation between Darnay and Marquis, Dickens described it in this way: “I’m afraid he can’t imagine that the ruins of the looting and burning coke would be his manor today and as for the roof he bragged about would be turned into a bullet, shot out of one hundred thousand guns.”117 In Othello, when Iago’s plot was revealed, he was arrested in public and sent to prison. At the end of Othello, Lodovico’s words reveals the fate of Iago: “...remains the censure of this hellish villain: The time, the place, the torture...enforce it!” 268 Therefore, we can see that whether Satan, Marquis or Iago, they all paid a lot of price for their own evil deeds.   Ⅲ. Conclusion
  Frye wrote in his another book The Great Code: The Bible and Literature, which is another masterpiece of archetypal criticism:“for me the two statements ‘The Bible tells a story’ and ‘The Bible is a myth’ are essentially the same statement.”32 “Hence it is impossible for the present book to regard literature as a contamination of myth.” 34 Here we can see that Frye regarded biblical literature as a part of mythology, and all literary works were influenced by early myths. And Satan as a classical figure in biblical stories is definitely regarded as the archetype of myth in Frye’s eyes. Therefore, through analyzing the Satan archetype in A Tale of Two Cities and Othello, readers can realize the hidden classical cultural connotations in literary works, which is very necessary for the contemporary society where spiritual culture is increasingly missing.
  [1]Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of Criticism. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1957:99.
【摘要】在如今的初中英語教学中,学生的英语核心素养与综合能力得不到全面提高,主要原因在于,教师对核心素养关注度不高,学生缺乏参与英语课程的积极性。切实解决这些问题才能提高英语课堂教学的效益。  【关键词】初中英语; 核心素养; 语言交流  【作者简介】陈克中,淮安市苏嘴镇初级中学。  一、当前初中英语教学中核心素养未得到重视的原因分析  在当下的英语课堂教学中,学生的核心素养并不能在课堂实践中得到
【摘要】随着时代不断地发展与变化,传统的教育方式和教育思想已经不能够达到当代素质教育的标准要求。对于英语这门语言类学科来说,高中的英语词汇教学越来越重视起了语篇语境的应用方式,因此,作为教师应当重视起这方便的教学内容,引导学生正确使用英语词汇。  【关键词】语篇语境;高中;英语词汇;教学  【作者简介】张李萍,合肥八中教育集团铭传高级中学。  引言  语篇是英语实际使用的词汇的单位,作用在于构成整
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【摘要】本研究以大规模生物灭绝为案例,以引述动词的分类为理论框架,研究引述动词在科学知识演进过程中的使用规律,采用人工标注的方法,最后对数据进行频次分析和突变性分析。研究发现,引述动词的评论潜势能够反映知识演进过程中,其他学者对于Alvarez“撞击说”的态度变化,这种变化在一定程度上可以体现科学知识的演进过程。  【关键词】引述动词;知识演进  【Abstract】This paper aims
【摘要】写作是初中英语的四项能力之一,也是基础教育阶段的学生必须要进行培养的,它在中考中国占据着重要地位。同时,培养学生学生的写作能力,对学生学习英语知识有巩固的作用,帮助学生将所学知识学以致用。  【关键词】初中英语教材;写作素养;培养  【作者简介】赵平,扬州中学教育集团树人学校。  在牛津英语教材当中,每个单元都有一个写作板块,也是本单元的重点内容之一。每一单元都有一个“任务”板块,也就是我
【摘要】自我国初中英语教学改革以来,阅读作为初中英语教学中极为重要的组成部分,科学地提高学生英语阅读的能力就成了广大初中英语教师为之奋斗的焦点。基于此,本文从任务型阅读法的内容、原则以及应用现状入手,总结以往初中英语阅读教学中存在的不足,并结合当代初中生英语阅读学习的现状提出灵活应用任务型阅读法的举措,希望能对后续初中英语教学的优化提供帮助。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读教学;任务型阅读法;应用  
【摘要】希沃易 互动课堂是基于希沃白板5、希沃授课助手和班级优化大师等软硬件组合的新型媒体。它具有时效性、互动性和生成性的特点。它的出现符合新课程标准的理念:以学生为中心,打破传统单向教学模式,结合多种互动教学工具,让学生参与到课堂中,真正实现互动式课堂。能让学生在轻松自在的氛围中快乐地学习英语。教师只需简单操作就能让知识点跃然呈现,轻松打造创新高效灵动的课堂。笔者以仁爱英语教材为例,阐述如何在英
【摘要】在高中英语学习中,写作成了其中的难点和重点。高中英语教师要注重提高学生的英语写作信心,教给学生英语写作的技巧,并且要让学生认识到要想提高写作的水平需要做到哪些方面。让学生明白其中存在的困难并且带着战胜困难的勇气和信心,加强训练和积累,提高英语写作水平。  【关键词】高中英语;英语写作;英语教学  【作者简介】包小香,甘肃省漳县第二中学。  在高中英语的教学中写作教学要从日常的教学工作做起。