企业速写:1.GE 公司的历史可追溯到托马斯·爱迪生,他于1878年创立了爱迪生电灯公司。2.GE 是自道·琼斯工业指数1896年设立以来唯一至今仍在指数榜上的公司。3.GE 在全球100多个国家开展业务,拥有员工34万人。4.世界上有两个公司盛产 CEO,一个是麦肯锡咨询公司,另一个就是 GE。来到 GE 公司,你会感到这确实是一个大公司,尽管在这里没有豪华的陈设,只有员工们一张张温和、真诚的笑脸。GE 公司的传播及公共关系经理王晓忠说,在中国乃至在全球,GE 的员工遇到一起,即使不提公司名字,只要有过交流就可能认定对方为 GE 的员工,因为
Corporate Sketches: 1. GE’s history goes back to Thomas Edison, who founded Edison Electric Company in 1878. 2. GE is the only company that has remained on the index since the creation of the Dow Jones Industrial Index in 1896. 3. GE operates in more than 100 countries and employs 340,000 people. 4. There are two companies in the world that are rich in CEOs, one is McKinsey Consulting and the other is GE. When you come to GE, you will feel that this is indeed a big company. Although there is no luxurious furnishings here, only the employees have a gentle and sincere smile. Wang Xiaozhong, GE’s Communications and Public Relations Manager, said that GE employees meet in China and even around the world. Even if they do not mention the company name, they may be identified as GE employees if they have had an exchange.