理性的狡猾或机巧 ,是黑格尔在阐述人类理性的巨大作用及其作用机理时所用的一个术语。他认为理性的巨大威力来源于它的间接性。结合科学和哲学发展的历史来看 ,可以说 ,人类认识从感性到理性以及理性认识抽象性层次的提高 ,都是从直接到间接以及间接性程度不断提高的过程 ,同时也是人类理性 ,特别是科学技术知识的影响力和支配力不断增大的过程。现代哲学的新转向并没有完全否定上述见解 ,黑格尔关于理性的狡猾的论点在现时代仍然具有不容忽视和十分重要的意义
Rational cunning or ingenuity is a term Hegel used in explaining the great role of human reason and its mechanism of action. He believes that the great power of reason comes from its indirectness. Judging from the history of the development of science and philosophy, it can be said that the enhancement of human cognition from perceptual to rational and the level of abstract understanding of rational understanding are the processes of increasing levels of directness, indirectness and indirectness as well as human rationality, especially The influence of scientific and technological knowledge and the process of increasing dominance. The new turn of modern philosophy does not completely negate these views. Hegel’s rational and cunning argument still holds great importance and significance in the modern era