Sports events’ effect on International Trade

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  Abstract:This paper proposes a direction of researching relatively smaller sports events’ influence on international trade. First, use the gravity model to get the relationship between trade volume and holding the sports event. Then, by identifying each international sports event’s total online and offline audiences, the sports events can be categorized into different scale level. Finally, run a regression between each scale and their influence on trade volume, a result can be drawn.
  Key Word: Sports Events;Scale;International Trade;Gravity Model
  1.1Background of the study
  There are numerous kinds of sports events, either large or relatively small, being held around the world. Many countries compete fiercely for the right to host the most prominent and influential sports events. However, the cost of hosting the Olympics is also astonishing. It is reported that China invested about 43 billion US dollars during the Olympic Games. A substantial part of this money is planned to upgrade the city’s transportation system. Recovering such a sizeable investment seems unrealistic. Economists usually question about whether hosting these types of mega sporting events can be profitable. But when discussing whether a country should host a mega sporting event, many factors other than short-term economic benefit should be taken into consideration, such as politics. Hosting mega sports events may allow countries to show a clear sign that they intend to intensify their participation on the world stage, and the benefits of doing that may be tangible. Helping countries join world economy is one way of showing mega sports events promote international trade. Many scholars also argue that mega sporting events may serve as costly strategies through which countries can credibly signal their intent to pursue more open trade policies.”
  1.2Problem Statements
  Mega sports events’ benefits and long-term influences on countries are studied by plenty of scholars and the results always come out positive. But do non-mega sports events have the same impact? My focus is about sports events which are relatively not that mega or large scale, and their effects on international trade.
  1.3Significance of study
  Indeed, mega sports events are influential and beneficial to countries, but to host one, many obstacles and difficulties must be faced. First, it is difficult to get the right to host since there are many strong candidates. Second, hosting a mega sports event is exceedingly costly, since new stadiums should be built, and infrastructures such as transporting system need to be upgraded. Accordingly, hosting a mega sports event may not be realistic and affordable for some small country. Relatively small scale sports events have their own advantages, such as low cost, and hosting them doesn’t need highly comprehensive preparation. Plus, for countries that have ambition to host mega sports events in the future, to gain experience by hosting a smaller one would be a nice choice. But there is no clear conclusion about the impact of non-mega sports events.   2.Literature Review
  Theresearches about this topic mainly aim at two directions. First, the short-term economic benefits from hosting the mega sports Games, which is the direct economic return of a sporting event. “The economic impact on the state of Georgia of hosting the 1996 summer Olympic games” by Humphreys, J. M., and M. K. Plummer in 1997 measures the overall cost and income of the Games. The result turns out that the whole revenue was 5.1 billion dollar. The significance of this sort of researches is offering references for countries which intend to bid for a sporting event, to help the countries making plans and budget.
  The second direction is studying the indirect effect of sports events on trade.Helping countries join world economy or trade organizations is one way of showing mega sports events promote international trade. Many proponents argue that hosting Olympic Games will promote a nation's exports. “Do Mega Sporting Events Promote International Trade?” By Andrew K. Rose and Mark M. Spiegel, 2011, used a standard “gravity” model of trade to predict that trade volumes between two countries will be a function of their distance and several other explanatory variables.
  The results indicated strong evidence of a large positive effect (some 30 percent higher) of the Olympics on both exports and overall trade. The permanent “Olympic trade effect” on exports is large and positive.” Their answer to this puzzle is that “mega sporting events such as the Olympics may serve as costly strategies through which countries can credibly signal their intent to pursue more open trade policies.” That is “Sporting events as a signal”, to show the world that this country is willing to embrace the world. Such a costly signal is an exhibition of nation’s strong power and ambition.
  3.Research Methodology
  My original model is still based on the standard “gravity” model, and my innovation is that when selecting sample, I “level” or “categorize” the sports events first.
  The sports events selected must have such features: it needs election to host it; it cannot be a routine competition, such as French Open, whose time and place are fixed; it should be an international competition involving multiple countries; it’s scale cannot be too small.
  Use “Total number of attendance” plus “Total number of online watching people” as standards to level the sports events’ scale since they can represent the even’s influence.   The next step is determining other variables involved.
  where i denotes the exporting country, j denotes the importer, t denotes time, ln(.) denotes the natural logarithm operator, X_ijt denotes real FOB exports from i to j, measured in millions of dollars, D is the distance between i and j, Pop is population,GDPpc is annual real GDP per capita, Cont is a binary variable which is unity if i and j share a land border, CU is a binary dummy variable which is unity if i and j use the same currency at time t and zero otherwise, Lang is a binary variable which is unity if i and j have a common language, RTA is a binary variable which is unity if i and j have a regional trade agreement at t, Border is a binary variable which is unity if i and j share a land border, Island is the number of island countries in the pair (0/1/2), Area is the log of the product of the areas of the countries, ComCol is a binary variable which is unity if i and j were both colonized by the same country, Colony is a binary variable which is unity if I colonizes j at time t (vice versa), EverCol is a binary variable which is unity if i ever colonized j (or vice versa), SameCtry is a binary variable which is unity if i is part of the same country at time t (or vice versa), is a vector of nuisance coefficients, and ε_ijt represents the omitted other influences on bilateral exports.” Event is a binary variable which is unity if i hosted a sports event at or before time t, and zero otherwise. Other variables’ meanings are the same as the model in the literature above.
  Run the regression of each scale level, note the value of each γ. Then run the regression of γ on scale, see the coefficient of γi and its significance.
  The data is available since the trade volume between two countries and data of each country’s population, GDP, distance to other countries are easy to gather on countries’ national statistics websites. “Total number of attendance” are released by the reports after the game. Capturing “Total number of online watching people” needs me to first check which TV stations bought the broadcast rights of this competition, then search the ratings on each stations’ website.
  4.Estimated Result & Innovation
  From my point of view, I estimate that scale levels and their coefficients γ have a steady positive relationship, that is, the bigger the scale level, the larger their coefficients γ.
  Of course, there are other motivations for hosting sports events which we have not addressed such as the merit of public support. And the volume of trade can be affected by some macroeconomic factors, but the result of the model will still be robust and promising. I estimate that even the non-mega sports events still promote international trade, as long as the country host international sports events, then this behavior shows the country’s willingness of opening, and the volume of trade will possibly expand.
  My study will specify each scale level’s sports events’ effects on trade volume. This is an innovation since no one has ever done deep research like this before. Countries may use my study’s conclusion as a reference from one aspect: trade volume and decide whether to compete for the right to host a relatively non-mega sports event.
  A brief introduction to the author:
  Luo Wenhao (1998-),University of International Business and Economics Grade 2015 Economics (honor) 1501 class ,The research direction is economics, international trade。
摘 要:目前,区域经济一体化和经济全球化是世界经济的两大主要发展趋势,由于经济的迅速发展,各个国家的联系也逐渐变得紧密。因为各个国家的地理位置相近,所以贸易往来也逐渐变得频繁,从而促进了区域经济一体化的发展。在这个基础上形成了北美自由贸易区、中国——东盟自由贸易区、欧盟等地区性的经济组织。为了方便开展国际贸易,我国顺应时势提出了“一带一路”的战略构想。本文通过“一带一路”战略的概述、我国对外贸易的
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摘 要:日前,国务院常务会审议通过“十三五”促进中部地区崛起和国家信息化、国家科技重大专项重点规划,推动区域协调发展、经济结构升级的重大战略。从推动区域协调发展的视角出发,在地区产业结构不断优化调整的基础上,是否有必要提高人才结构对产业结构调整的适应性和促进作用。这不仅有利于促进产业结构与人才结构的良性互动发展,还有助于推动地区产业结构向合理化、高级化方向迈进。无论是对地区现有资源和各种生产要素的
摘 要:近几年,世界经济发展较不稳定,处于一个大调整的阶段。为了能强化经济的可持续发展,我国进入了经济新常态。在新常态的时代背景下,招商引资的发展也收到了较大影响。本文基于经济新常态的时代背景,以胶州作为案例,分析经济新常态给招商引资发展带来的机遇和挑战,并对相应的问题提出解决的对策。  关键词:经济新常态;招商引资;挑战;机遇;对策;胶州  招商引资对区域经济发展有着重大影响。它主要是以政府为主
摘 要:随着我国新常态时代的到来,人民生活质量的飞速提升,且为旅游行业的发展做出了较大贡献。作为旅游行业的重要组成部分,乡村旅游质量不仅关系着群众的旅游体验,而且对于我国旅游行业的整体发展也具有重要影响。同时,加入文化创意后的乡村旅游能够为游客提供更加优质的旅游体验。基于此,本文将新常态下的乡村旅游融合文化创意产业的发展研究作为研究内容,通过对乡村旅游以及文化创意产业进行简单概述,进而对新常态下的
摘 要:随着全球化社会经济增长的放缓和财政收入的增速降低,促进了我国地方政府的债务压力也进一步加大,而地方政府债务对于促进地方经济增长具有重要的作用,因此在这一基础上分析地方政府债务和地方经济增长之间的关系对于稳定地方政府的经济具有积极作用。同时,当前地方财政的风险隐患也日益突出,正确认识地方债务对经济增长的影响,能够完善地区政府的债务管理,规范地方政府债务管理制度的建立,从而促进地方经济的稳定性
摘 要:近些年以来,对城市新区进行开发已经成为国内外各个大型城市对自身的城市空间以及城市的产业结构进行整合和调整并积极的寻找新的经济增长点一种非常重要的方式。  关键词:城市新区;经济发展;动力及路径  对城市新区进行开发一定要站在非常理性的角度,绝对不能盲从同时要根据自身城市经济发展的真实状况对城市新区进行合理的规划、正确的布局,充分挖掘出各种能够促进城市新区经济发展的功力,同时寻找出一条适合城
摘 要:当前,我国经济逐步走向全球化和一体化,我国经济区域一体化的格局已经逐步形成。本文就区域经济一体化视角下的地方政府合作机制进行分析,以供参考。  关键词:政府合作模式;经济一体化;程度;法人主体  一、加强区域经济一体化视角下的地方政府合作机制的必要性  在我国广大地区,区域行政区和区域经济是不相同的,很多区域经济区会产生跨越几个省市的情况,可以制定相应的法律和规则,在专属经济区之内,依照市
摘 要:2017年山东省莒县被确定为扶持村级集体经济发展省级试点县,围绕乡村振兴战略,周密部署,精心安排,确定了夏庄镇和阎庄镇作为试点乡镇。工作中坚持立足村情实际,以市场为导向,因村施策,找准集体经济发展的项目源和增长点,积极探索资源有效利用、提供服务、物业管理、混合经营等多种集体经济实现形式。通过创新工作思路,扎实高效推进试点工作,解决了村集体增收乏力,无经济来源的问题,切实为全县村级集体经济发
摘 要:财务管理是医院财务管理的重要内容,对医院整体运营和资金利用,都具有非常重要的影响。新医院会计制度的实施,对医院财务管理提出了新的要求,在此背景下,全成本核算在医院中得到了普遍性的应用实践,成为了医院财务综合管理中不可缺少的内容。本文主要分析了医院实施全成本核算的意义,探讨了全成本核算在医院财务管理中的应用对策,以供参考。  关键词:全成本核算;医院财务;财务管理;应用对策  医院财务管理在