古今中外无数地名掌故,就像人类社会发展的“活化石”,记录着世界各地的自然景观、经济发展、民族迁徙、宗教信仰以及民间传说等,也记录着历史上的重大政治变革和国际关系的演变。运用有关地名资料讲解国际关系是一种新的尝试。 一、利用地名资料的丰富内容 第一,不少地名资料反映了资本主义国家对外侵略的历史。如“哥伦布大发现”以后,整个美洲沦为西欧各国的殖民地,许多地名渗透着航海、掠夺和宗教的气息。南美洲有哥伦比亚国,美国以哥伦布命名的市、县就有十几个;带有宗教色彩仅以“圣”字开头的地名就有圣约瑟、圣保罗、圣地亚哥、圣路易斯等几十处。俄罗斯远东地区太平洋沿岸城市符拉迪沃斯托克的中国传统名称是海参威,原属中国。1860年《中俄北京条约》签订后被帝俄侵占改为现在的名称,它在俄语中是“控制东方”的意思。 第二,有些地名资料反映了第三世界国家争取和维护民族独立的斗争。第二次世界大战结束后,许多第三世界国家摆脱殖民主义的统治,获得民族独立,开始去除地名的殖民主义色彩。例如,非洲国家津巴布韦,取名于该国东南部著名古代石建筑群,称大津巴布韦。
Numerous names of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign lands are just like the “living fossils” of human social development. They record natural landscapes, economic development, ethnic migration, religious beliefs, and folklore around the world. They also record major political changes in history and international relations. Evolution. It is a new attempt to explain international relations by using relevant geographical names. First, the use of place name data rich content First, many place name data reflect the capitalist countries’ history of foreign aggression. After Columbus discovered it, the entire America was a colony of Western European countries. Many place names infiltrated the atmosphere of navigation, plunder, and religion. There are Colombian countries in South America, and there are more than a dozen cities and counties named after Columbus in the United States. There are dozens of places such as St. Joseph, São Paulo, Santiago, and St. Louis where the religion begins with only the word “holy”. The traditional Chinese name of Vladivostok, the Pacific coastal city of Russia, is Vladivostok, originally of China. After the signing of the “Sino-Russian Beijing Treaty” in 1860, it was replaced by the current name of the Russian Empire. It means “controlling the East” in Russian. Second, some place-name data reflect the struggle of the third world countries for the struggle for and safeguarding national independence. After the end of the Second World War, many third world countries emerged from the colonial domination, gained national independence, and began to remove the colonialism of place names. For example, the African country Zimbabwe was named after the famous ancient stone buildings in the southeastern part of the country, which is called Big Zimbabwe.