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  Teaching goals 教学目标
  1.Get students to learn useful new words and expressions in this part.
  2.Let students learn about the difference between inventions and discoveries.
  3.Have students read the passage and know about how the problem was solved.
  1.Develop students' reading ability and practise skimming and scanning skills.
  2.Enable students to talk about the stages in the inventing process.
  1.Let students learn about the girl's efforts to improve the solution.
  2.Develop students' sense of cooperative learning.
  Teaching important points:教学重点
  1.Let students learn about the difference between inventions and discoveries.
  2.Get students to read the passage and know about how the girl caught the snakes and released them back into the wild.
  3.Have students practise different reading skills.
  Teaching difficult points 教学难点
  1.Develop students' reading ability.
  2. Enable students to talk about the stages in inventing process.
  Teaching procedure & ways 教学过程与方式
  Step Ⅰ: Lead -in
  Before the lesson, the teacher can arouse the students' interests by a free talk about Edison and his electric bulb.
  1.Who invented the electric bulb?
  2.Can an electric bulb give light without electricity?
  3.Did Edison invent electricity?
  4.Can electricity be invented?
  5.Is electricity an invention or a discovery?
  Step Ⅱ: Warming -up
  1.Give more examples to help students know what a discovery is and what an invention is.
  A discovery is something that had existed before it was known to us.
  An invention is something that was first created or designed.
  2.Ask students to look at the pictures on P19 and discuss in pairs which pictures show inventions and which show discoveries.
  Step Ⅲ: Pre-reading
  Let students put the following stages that every inventor must go through in a suitable order. Don't correct their answer until they read the text.
  ① Applying for a patent ②Finding a problem ③Doing research ④ Testing solution ⑤Thinking of a creative solution ⑥Deciding on the invention
  Step Ⅳ: Reading
  Let students listen to the tape and then answer the following question. What's the main idea of the text( How the girl invent a way of catching snakes).
  2.Scanning.   Get students to scan the passage and ask whether the girl went through the same stages as every inventor. While reading the text fill in the chart with the help of the following questions.
  ①What was the mother upset about?
  ②What did the mother ask her daughter to do?
  ③Did she find any products to help her? Why?
  ④What did she do then.
  ⑤What were the three possible approaches? Which one did she choose.
  ⑥When did she take action?
  ⑦Do you think her method was useful.
  ⑧How did she adjust her plan? And did she succeed this time?
  ⑨How did she improve her plan to catch the snakes.
  ⑩What did she decide to do with her invention.
  B11What are the steps of getting a patent.
  ParagraphStagesDetailed information
  1Finding a problemSnakes came near my mother's house now and then and she wanted me to get rid of them without hurting them.
  2Doing researchI set about researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them
  3Thinking of a solutionThree possible approaches:①removing the snakes' habitat②attracting the snakes into a trap using male or female perfume or food.③Cooling the snakes so that they would sleepy and could be easily caught.I decided to use the third one
  4,5,6Testing the solution Three attempts:
  ①Putting the frozen bowl over the habitat early in the morning.
  ②Putting the frozen bowl over the habitat in the evening.
  ③Putting the frozen bowl over the habitat in the evening and carrying a small net.
  The third attempt succeeded.
  7Deciding on the inventionI decided to send my invention to the patent office. A truly novel and useful invention.
  8Applying for a patent①The patent office make a search to find out that your product is really different from everyone else's.
  ②Patent examines will exam whether your claim is valid or not.
  ③Your application for a patent will be published in 18 months.
  Step Ⅴ:Post-reading
  1.Retell the stages in the girl's inventing process.
  2.Discuss the following question:
  (1)Why did cooling make the snakes less active?
  (2)Why do you think she failed the first time?
  (3)Do you think whether we can use this approach to catch mice?
  ①Snakes are cold-blooded animals. They get warmth from the sun.
  When the sun goes down at night, they cool down and become less active. So extra cooling to the snakes could make them even less active.   ②She put the frozen bowl before the sun was hot. Two hours later, the sun would become hot. The snakes could get more warmth from the sun and became active again.
  ③Mice are warm-blooded animals. Their temperature remains unchanged all the time. So we can't catch mice in this way.
  Step Ⅵ:Consolidation
  Ask students to complete the following without looking at the text book, using the words and phases from the reading passage.
  When I (1) my mother on the phone she was very upset, because some snakes came near her house (2). I thought it was a chance for me to (3) myself by inventing something (4) that would get rid of the snakes. I (5) researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them. Finally I decided on three possible (6). My first two attempts both failed, so I had to improve my design again. To my great delight, this time I succeeded. All was in (7) and at last I collected the (8) snakes and (9) released them all back into the wild. Pressed by my friends and relations, I decided to (10) the opportunity to get recognition for my successful idea by sending my invention to the patent office.
  答案:1.called up 2. now and then 3. distinguish 4.merciful 5.set about 6.approaches 7.expectation 8.passive 9.merrily 10.seize
  Step Ⅶ: Homework
  1.Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.
  2.Read the reading passage again and try to retell the text.
  Unit 1 Inventors and inventions
  The problem of the snakes
  ParagraphStagesDetailed information
  1Finding a problemcame near; get rid of; without harming
  2Doing researchset about re-searching the habit
  3Thinking of a solutionThree possible approaches:①removing②attracting ③Cooling
  4,5,6Testing the solutionThree attempts: Putting a frozen bowl①in the morning.②in the evening.③in the evening ;carrying
  7Deciding on the inventionsend ; to the patent office. A truly novel and useful invention.
  8Applying for a patent①make a search ; different ②examine; claim; valid ③application;be published; 18 months.
【摘要】在高中数学课堂教学中促进学生自主学习要做到以下几点:一、建立新型师生关系,让学生愿学;二、培养浓厚学习兴趣,让学生乐学;三、强化小组合作互动,让学生勤学;四、指导学生自主学习,让学生会学;五、培养自主学习习惯,让学生善学;自主学习是适应现代教育改革的需要,使学生真正做到“愿学”“ 乐学”“ 勤学”“ 会学”和“ 善学”。  【关键词】高中数学教学;自主学习能力;培养  如何在高中数学课堂教
【摘要】教学反思不仅是个人的思想需要,而且是一种高尚的精神活动,是精神产品的再生产。反思是一种手段。反思后则奋进。存在问题就整改,发现问题则深思,找到经验就升华。  【关键词】新课程;初中数学;反思  如此说来,教学反思的真谛就在于教师要敢于怀疑自己,敢于和善于突破、超越自我,不断地向高层次迈进。教学反思是教师自身自觉地把自己的教学实践作为认识对象进行反观自照,属于“个人奋斗”。你可能在灯光下静夜
【摘要】本文从什么是自我教育,为什么要进行自我教育以及如何进行自我教育三个方面论述了自我教育的重要性。行为形成习惯,习惯成就性格,性格决定命运,让自我教育成为一种习惯性行为,从而培养良好的世界观、人生观和价值观,修正并弥补性格上的缺点,培养良好的思维模式和并在为人处世的方法方式上形成积极向上、乐观豁达的心态,帮助个人在成长过程中不断的完善和成熟,使其获得自我成长上的成功。  【关键词】自我教育;个
小学语文的施教对象是儿童,施教内容是儿童的语文,小学语文教师要有“儿童的情怀”,清楚儿童语文学习的真正需求,能用儿童喜闻乐见的方式,凭借儿童热爱的语言文字,帮助儿童获得自身成长所必需的语文素养。对于小学语文教师来说,只有“用儿童的眼光看世界”,才能看到儿童眼中的世界,才能走进儿童心中的世界。  1.小学语文教学现状反思  1.1“儿童本位”意识缺席  对于当前的语文教学,教师多是从知识出发设计教学
【摘要】高中数学学习“学困生”由于学习意志、情感、思维障碍、考试等方面的影响,表现出了学习障碍,需要我们为他们提供和谐的课堂氛围、给他们展现自我的机会,提高他们的学习兴趣。文章在分析高中数学“学困生”常见的心理问题的基础上,提出了相应的对策。  【关键词】学困生;心理问题;数学学习  高中数学学习难度加大,学生“两极”分化现象越来越严重,面对基础知识参差不齐的学生,数学教学中不可避免地产生一些非智
【摘要】汉字复杂、纷繁是客观存在的。在人类文字发展的历史长河中,与世界上其他文字对比,汉字独树一帜,具有独特的魅力。古巴比伦的楔形文字,古埃及的象形文字,古印度的哈拉本文字,虽然我们今天从博物馆和遗址中能够欣赏到这些古老文字的残片遗迹,但它们都是已经死去了文字。而汉字作为人类四大古代文明中唯一延续下来、不曾中断的文字,至今仍在继续使用,这一现象本身即足以说明汉字的独特性与生命力。  【关键词】汉字
【摘要】师爱,是爱中最无私的爱;没有这种爱,就没有教育。这种爱的力量是伟大的。为什么这么说呢?因为爱可以使学生学习目的明确,提高兴趣;因为爱可以使学生认真作业,提升质量;因为爱可以使学生按时休息,精神饱满;因为爱可以使学生战胜困难,笑对人生。  【关键词】师爱;力量;伟大;施爱  前苏联大文豪高尔基曾说:“没有爱就没有教育”。如今同意这种观点的教师不少,但持有反对意见的教师也有,究竟师爱对教育教学
【摘要】初中思想品德教学中,有较多内容涉及到如何有效的解决农村中学生的心理问题,如何利用这些已有的教学资源既完成思想品德课的德育教学目标,又渗透心理健康教育,值得探讨。  【关键词】农村;心理健康;教育  我所在学校是一所典型却又特殊的农村初级中学。说“典型”是因为我校的学生全部都是农村户口;说“特殊”是因为我校地处中越边境线上,与县城距离并不远,可就是这个特殊区域的学生既不同于农村学生的淳朴憨厚