Role of Helicobacter pylori in gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Affiant_Donkey
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Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue(MALT)lymphoma is an indolent extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma,originating in acquired MALT that is induced in mucosal barriers as part of a normal adaptive immune response to a chronic immunoinflammatory stimulus,most notably chronic infection by Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori).This antigenic stimulation initially leads to lymphoid hyperplasia;the acquisition of additional genetic aberrations culminates in the activation of intracellular survival pathways,with disease progression due to proliferation and resistance to apoptosis,and the emergence of a malignant clone.There are descriptions of MALT lymphomas affecting practically every organ and system,with a marked geographic variability partially attributable to the epidemiology of the underlying risk factors;nevertheless,the digestive system(and predominantly the stomach)is the most frequently involved location,reflecting the gastrointestinal tract’s unique characteristics of contact with foreign antigens,high mucosal permeability,large extension and intrinsic lymphoid system.While early-stage gastric MALT lymphoma can frequently regress after the therapeutic reversal of the chronic immune stimulus through antibiotic eradication of H.pylori infection,the presence of immortalizing genetic abnormalities,of advanced disease or of eradication-refractoriness requires a more aggressive approach which is,presently,not consensual.The fact that MALT lymphomas are rare neoplasms,with a worldwide incidence of 1-1.5 cases per105population,per year,limits the ease of accrual of representative series of patients for robust clinical trials that could sustain informed evidence-based therapeutic decisions to optimize the quality of patient care. Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma is an indolent extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, originating in acquired MALT that is induced in mucosal barriers as part of a normal adaptive immune response to a chronic immunoinflammatory stimulus, most notably chronic infection by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This antigenic stimulation initially leads to lymphoid hyperplasia; the acquisition of additional genetic aberrations culminates in the activation of intracellular survival pathways, with disease progression due to proliferation and resistance to apoptosis, and the emergence of a malignant clone. There are descriptions of MALT lymphomas affecting practically every organ and system, with a marked geographic variability partially attributable to the epidemiology of the underlying risk factors; nevertheless, the digestive system (and predominantly the stomach) is the most frequently involved locations, reflecting the gastrointestinal tract’s unique characteristics of contact with fore ign antigens, high mucosal permeability, large extension and intrinsic lymphoid system. Early early-stage gastric MALT lymphoma can frequently regress after the therapeutic reversal of the chronic immune stimulus through antibiotic eradication of H. pylori infection, the presence of immortalizing genetic abnormalities, of advanced disease or of eradication-refractoriness requires a more aggressive approach which is, presently, not consensual.The fact that MALT lymphomas are rare neoplasms, with a worldwide incidence of 1-1.5 cases per105population, per year, limits the ease of accrual of representative series of patients for robust clinical trials that could sustain informed evidence-based therapeutic decisions to optimize the quality of patient care.
摘 要:班主任是一个班级的核心,是学校委派具体负责管理一个班级日常事务的教师,与其他教师相比,班主任承担的责任更大,任务更多。班主任是班级的领导者和决策者,是与学生相处时间最多,与学生接触最多的教师,班主任的行为、思想、工作等,会对学生产生重要的影响。因此,作为一名优秀的班主任,需要有目标、有计划地开展班级工作。  关键词:班主任;核心;教学工作  班主任同时肩负着教书和育人两种职责,是班级的组织
当前,独生子女的增多,家长对孩子的溺爱和放任造成孩子许多不良习惯,同时,在城市日新月异发展的时代,外来民工子女大量涌入我校,这些外来民工子女与城市子女在家庭、社会教育中存在多方面的差异。他们良好行为习惯养成教育的研究更是现今我校教育面临急待解决的问题。  基于此,为了摸清当前我班学生行为习惯的现状和存在的问题,使教育更具有针对性,我进行了本次调查。  一、劳动习惯差  调查中发现,每天早晨起床能自
摘 要:提高教学质量,推进高效课堂, 班主任工作成了重中之重. 班主任必须协调好各科之间的时间分配,让师生在正常的轨道上教学、学习,形成良好的学习机制。准时编写家庭联系网按时和家长沟通。用科学的观念正确引导,关心尊重学生,使学生在老师和家长的正确引导下健康成长。  关键词:高效课堂;班主任工作;协调  面对升学的压力,面对学生生源的竞争,面对各种“严禁”,老师要吃饭,学校要生存,无形之中,提高教学
摘 要:班主任工作能否适应素质教育,直接关系到学生素质的形成、发展以及学校办学效果。我们要充分认识班主任工作在素质教育中的作用。本文就素质教育条件下的班主任工作,如何充分尊重学生的主体地位,发挥学生的主观能动性,促进学生全面发展,提出了自己的一些粗浅认识。  关键词:素质教育;班主任;综合素质  目前我国教育正处在由传统教育向素质教育转变的时期。全面推进素质教育,是我国教育事业的一场深刻变革,涉及
摘 要:我认为所谓班级文化,亦即班级内部形成的共同认可的价值观,世界观、处事作风和行为准则的总和。每个人都是独一无二的,所以世界上也没有两个完全相同的班级。由独具个性的学生组成的集体,当然也应形成个性鲜明的班级文化。  关键词:班级文化;个性;阶段性;并存  我们班的个性化班级文化在筹备阶段我主要贯穿两个理念:  一、独一无二 量身定做  个性化的班级文化既然是为我们这个班集体量身打造的,是独一无
摘 要:班主任是一个班级的核心,是班级工作的组织者和管理者,为学生的学习和生活提供保障,在班级的运营中有着非常重要的和不可替代的作用。随着素质教育的推行,教育事业出现了新的局面,班主任工作当然也要不断适应变化发展着的环境和学生提出的新要求、新需要。因此,如何做好班级管理工作,就成了每个班主任必须思考的问题。  关键词:班主任;班级管理;心得体会  “班主任不好当”,这是每个做过班主任工作的教师的感
摘 要:中职生在学习基础、学习习惯、行为思想、综合素质,心理状态等方面与普高学生有着较为明显的区别,因此给中职班级管理带来难题,本文从深入了解学生,认真履行班主任工作职责,运用行之有效的管理工作方法等多个方面入手探讨中职班级管理。  关键词:中职;班级管理;策略;探讨  一、正确分析中职学生的特点  1.生源决定学生普遍特点  目前随着国家的改革开放、经济技术发展的变化,中职学校的生源已由城镇非农
摘 要:著名教育家叶圣陶说:“教育就是培养习惯。”一位诺贝尔奖获得者说:“我的成功归功于幼儿园,因为幼儿园让我养成了良好的习惯。”可见,健康人生的基础是良好的生活行为习惯的培养。因此,重视幼儿行为习惯的培养,是现有阶段的重点,也是对幼儿教育提出的一种要求。必须持之以恒,坚持不懈地努力,一定能把幼儿培养成健康活泼、善于探究、勇敢自信、有初步责任感的新世纪儿童。  关键词:表率;不良习惯;规范  良好