On the Subjectivity of Liaison Interpreters in Business Sector

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  【Abstract】Nowadays,commercial interactions,exchanges,and corporation occur more and more frequently in almost every business sector between China and other countries.As a result,business interpreting carries an increasing significance day after day,especially between English and Chinese.When it comes to the role of liaison interpreters,specifically in business sector,the importance of their subjectivity hasn’t been widely realized.So it is quite meaningful to propose and implement the active role of liaison interpreters and to apply their subjectivity to real commercial situations.
  【Key words】liaison interpreter; business; subjectivity; person application
  Research Background and Recent Studies
  Originally,the interpreting was not clearly classified,therefore the role of interpreters was not considered respectively or distinctively,either.Not until the end of last century did the special role of liaison interpreters(in alternating interpreting)receive wide concern.In 1970s,a culture turn of translation study brought a brand-new way of viewing translation.Like Daniel Gile,in his “Effort Models”(Gile 1995,1997),integrated the following three major aspects involved in interpreting:L - the Listening and analysis Effort,P - the Production Effort,and M - the short-term Memory Effort.Particularly,by entering the 21st century,many scholars and interpreters began to figure out the real standing for liaison interpreters,which shifted researchers’ eyes from the language transformation of linguistic level to the contextual delivery of meaning and other practical achievements.In 2003,Zha Mingjian and Tian Yu argued the subjectivity as the translators’ subjective initiative that manifested in the translation activity.Two years later,Lv Binghua stated that if we regarded interpretation as a kind of practical activity with objectivity,we must acknowledge that interpreters have subjectivity(2003:22).Yet in terms of dealing methods of practical business situations for liaison interpreters,few studies about person choice or its proper application have been considered and fulfilled.
  Subjectivity of Liaison Interpreters
  As for liaison interpreters,apart from basic skills or standards applied by all interpreters,they must be particularly aware of their subjectivity.After all,a qualified liaison interpreter is far more than a mere processor of language or an invisible bridge between two speakers.In fact,he or she is an active participator,a visible third party,and a favorable coordinator under various business circumstances.In this way,liaison interpreters might have a completely different system of person choices from other interpreters,involving much more application of third person.For one thing,taking a business negotiation interpreting as an instance,in that situation a liaison interpreter is supposed to facilitate the negotiation,for what matters most is the agreement reached or contract signed at last for business’s sake.Although whether a deal can be made is not the interpreter’s responsibility,he or she still plays an irreplaceable role.Hence,the loss for a real bargain due to poor performance without subjective flexibility of an interpreter is unacceptable.For another,in trade and business sector,a liaison interpreter would always confront escorting interpreting tasks.In numerous cases,if an interpreter always applies the first person during his or her interpreting,the concerned parties would more likely to get confused since they often have no idea of “invisible bridge role of interpreter”.Not to mention if an interpreter always uses first person and second person in the process,two parties in the activities would misunderstand each other rather more frequently.Therefore,it’s sensible for liaison interpreters to realize their active role in the process and accomplish the task better by applying the third person and the second person in their speeches.All in all,the subjectivity is exceptionally essential to liaison interpreters no matter owing to their active involvement in business or due to the treatment from their targets people.
  From all being discussed above,the following conclusion may be safely drawn:a liaison interpreter in business sector should always put his or her subjectivity to priority and apply relevant methods to adjust himself or herself to certain circumstances,like shift of person application from the first person to the third person when one party’s discourse is being delivered to the other party.
  [1]Berman,A.2009.Towards a Translation Criticism: John·Donne[M].Kent:Kent State University Press.
  [2]Daniel Gile.Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training[M].Amsterdam.Philadelphia:John Benjamins Publishing Company.1995:107-112.
【摘要】在当前教育改革背景下,中国英语教学主体发生了较大的变化,学生由学习的“接受方”变成了学习的主体,本文以非英语专业大学生的英语自主学习情况为研究基础,对其英语自主学习的影响因素进行了研究。  【关键词】非英语专业本科生 自主学习 影响因素  中国目前虽在教育模式方面提倡素质教育,但由于受应试教育模式影响,很多学校还多是采用了照本宣科的教学模式,教师是课堂的组织者,在课堂中占主体地位,通过大量
【摘要】在语文教学中,教师不断进行教学反思,能提升自身素质及专业化水平。教师的成长离不开自身的经验与反思。由于语文学习不同于理科科目的学习,教材的序列性和逻辑性、系统性不强,所以更需要教师提高自身的水平来促进教学方式的改进和教学效率的提高,在具体的教学中进行很好的引导,整理出清晰的思路,教授具体的学习方法等。多多思考和改进才能多多提高,使教学富有趣味性,吸引学生积极投入到教学中来。  【关键词】小
[摘要] 目的 探讨炎症因子在新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy,HIE)大鼠脑组织中的表达及意义。 方法 36只新生SD大鼠,随机分为对照组、缺血缺氧0 h、6 h、1 d、3 d、7 d组,每组6只。观察各组大鼠脑组织中 TNF-α、CXCL10、CXCL12、 IL-1α、IL-1β、IL-1R mRNA表达差异。 结果 TNF-α在HIE发
兴趣是一种潜在的素质,它能激发学生对学习活动产生心理上的爱好和追求倾向,它是克服困难、推动学习活动的内在动力。反之,学生若失去了学习兴趣,学习就不再是一件快乐的事情,而是一个沉重的包袱,学习效果可想而知。因此,在英语教学中,必须不断创造能使学生产生浓厚兴趣的条件、环境和氛围,以达到事半功倍的效果。  一、创造良好的学习氛围以培养学习英语的兴趣  Learning English ,应该建立一种融洽
郭老师开聊:既然写作文就是另一种形式的讲故事,我觉得在你讲故事(写作文)的时候,你的头脑中一定会闪现出许多人物与事件,你一定会产生这样那样的想法。这就是我们常常说的——“浮想联翩”!请你读读下面的文章,看这些小伙伴们是怎样“浮想联翩”的。    胡老师来之前,我得知他是全国小学数学奥林匹克优秀教练员,心里不免产生疑问:他很严厉吗?他名副其实吗?(是你也会这样想吗?)可当我第一次见到他,就感到他确实
大地有耳朵吗?  有。  我相信有,是因为母亲说它有。  母亲绘声绘色地说:“人间每天都有许多有趣的事情发生,大地好奇,便把长长的耳朵伸出地面来听。”  天上的云有眼睛吗?  有。  我相信有,是因为母亲说它有。  母亲煞有介事地说:“善良的云,有一双明察秋毫的眼睛。它在天上飘来飘去,一看到人间发生不平的事、不乐的事,便扑簌簌地掉泪,我们把这泪唤为雨。”  海洋有嘴巴吗?  有。
一、引言  《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》对语言知识是这样描述的:高中学生应该学习和掌握的英语语言基础知识包括语音、词汇、语法、功能、和话题等五个方面的内容。知识是语言能力的有机组成部分,是发展语言技能的重要基础。英国语言学家Wilkins(1972)指出:Without grammar,very little can be conveyed,but without vocabulary,not
那是一片永不满足的土地,  我看到闪闪发光的原野,  曾经走过的高速公路充满欢乐  却永不再来。  ——A.E.豪斯曼:《记忆中的青山》  三件事情不期而至:恐惧、爱情和嫉妒。  ——盖尔人谚语  序言  他们还是孩子,只有16岁。靠着酒精壮胆,在安息日逐渐逼近的脚步催促下,他们在黑暗中摸索着寻找爱情,结果却只发现了死神。  不同寻常的是,那时只有一丝微风。温暖的微风,如同吹到皮肤上的气息,深情而