As a writer who has been living in Paris since 1993, thereis no question in my mind that the French capital is.the writer’s quintessential city. It also happens to bethe city of literary pilgrimages--
Shannon and Christine have three goals for their trip to Dublin, the capital city of Ireland: see ancient bog bodies, drink Guinness beer and find a job.1 Which would they achieve? W e arrived in Dub
早些年有人戏称“人山人海”的英文是people mountain people sea,对于这样的中式英语,听者多半笑笑,没人当真。后来网上传闻英文词典已将其收录,而且言之凿凿,网民无不拍手叫好,甚至发挥各自的想象力,添油加醋热议了一番。 接下来又陆续出现了类似的中式英语,一样是把中文的说法逐字翻成英文,且亦有传闻称其已被英文词典收录,如give you some color to see se
In such uncertain and uneasy times, and with so much injustice, hate and intolerance threatening the world, don’t we have more serious things to focus on than the escapades of that feline girl-figure