策划前言2016年6月3日,青岛西海岸新区获批两周年。跳出西海岸看西海岸,这里聚焦的已不再只是青岛和山东的目光,愈发吸引着全国的关注。这是一个充满活力的新区,风生水起。获批两年来,新区经济总量快速晋级国家级新区前三强,超过省内6个地级市;自主推进了35项重大改革,争取国家、省政策试点27项;新增市场主体1 1万户;引进了1000多个产业项目……
Planning Introduction June 3, 2016, Qingdao West Coast New Area approved the second anniversary. Jumping out of the west coast to see the west coast, where the focus is no longer just the eyes of Qingdao and Shandong, more and more attractive to the nation’s attention. This is a vibrant new district, full of vigor and vitality. In the two years since its approval, the total economic output of the New Zone has rapidly reached the top three of the state-level new areas and surpassed the 6 prefecture-level cities in the province. 35 major reforms were autonomously promoted and 27 national and provincial pilot projects were piloted. New market players 1 1 Million households; the introduction of more than 1,000 industrial projects ......