Explore the Central Asia market:ever more enthusiastic

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  Nowadays, as the deepening of China’s trade relationship with the Central Asia region, more and more companies are willing to explore the local market. There have been some enthusiastic exhibition companies connecting the China and Central Asia market with their expertise since long ago. Urumqi Rubber Tree Trade Events Co., Ltd is one of these companies.
  The Central Asia market mainly consists of five countries, namely Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan. Back in 2013, while visiting Kazakhstan, Chinese President Xi Jinping first proposed to rebuild the modern Silk Road, which has been echoed by many countries in the region, including the abovementioned five countries. Since then, the bilateral trade has been increasing at a remarkable speed.

  Most of the countries in Central Asia abound in mineral resources, and the pillar industries are agriculture and stockbreeding. The light industries are under-developed, and there have long been demands for construction materials. The exhibitions in Central Asia reflect local demands, covering sectors including construction materials, machinery, natural gas, food and food processing machineries. For Chinese companies with wide variety of products, the local market is well worth exploring.
  Most of the exhibitors with Urumqi Rubber Tree Trade Events Co., Ltd come from provinces including Xinjiang, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Hebei and Shanxi. Repetitive exhibiting rate of the companies reaches an average of 60%, which also signifies the opportunities of local market. Nowadays, the trade momentum between China and Central Asia is rising rapidly. In order to better serve companies from the two sides, based on its business connections and client database, Urumqi Rubber Tree Trade Events Co., Ltd have now shifted from pure agent service to hosting exhibitions of their own and to organizing business negotiation forums for government agencies. With a few success cases in hand, it is expected that the company will reach an even higher goal.
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3月4-15日,作为中外会展杂志社的品牌项目之一,第十三届中外会展欧洲考察团成功举办。考察团由新展国际传媒总裁、《中外会展》杂志运营总监赵伟先生带队,来自国内各省会展机构共10名代表参团,游历德国、荷兰、比利时、法国、英国等欧洲五国,参观了全球最大的零售业展览会EuroShop 2017,得到荷兰海牙会展管理部门的热情接待和高度重视,并与英国两大知名会展主办方等进行了深度交流,考察团成员收获满满。
Pakistan has an enduring, multidimensional and deep-rooted brotherly relationship with China. The political and cultural ties are now further strengthened with enhanced focus on economic cooperation. 
肯尼亚建筑市场强势增长  据行业分析,随着政府房地产开发商和私营房地产开发商努力满足不断增长的人口衍生的住宿需求,肯尼亚住宅建设领域正呈现强势增长,尤其是中等收入人口住房和廉租房、建材领域、交通设施翻新领域。对此,土耳其展览主办方Ladin Fairs公司和Atlas Expo公司与阿联酋展览主办方Prime Connect Exhibition公司将联合举办肯尼亚建材周。展会将于2015年8月2
展会主办方想要借助展会开发国外市场,有两种常用的做法:收购当地现有展会,或是自己筹办新展。在大多数情况下,法兰克福展览公司和纽伦堡展览公司采取的是收购展览会的做法。在收购展会之前,需要考虑诸多因素。  目前,法兰克福展览公司在收购国际展会方面的意愿强烈。该公司国际并购部总监Jorg Seyffart表示,“如果在当地已有相应的品牌行业展会,那么收购这个现有的展会是值得考虑的方案之一。收购有助于我们