Thinking on Change of Chinese Traditional Culture based on Globalization

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  【中图分类号】G63.26 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】
  Part 1 Introduction
  The core content of Chinese traditional culture includes the following aspects: Confucianism, agricultural culture, Hundred Schools of Thought, Chinese chess, book, handwriting, Chinese map, twelve Chinese zodiac signs, traditional literature, festival, drama and so on. The core content of Chinese traditional culture includes the following aspects: Confucianism, agricultural culture, Hundred Schools of Thought, Chinese chess, book, handwriting, Chinese map, twelve Chinese zodiac signs, traditional literature, festival, drama and so on. Its content is referred to as cultural entity cultural consciousness in the form of material, institution and spirit existing in different generations. For instance, national costume, life customs, classical poems concepts of loyalty and filial piety are taken as cultural heritage. Based on globalization, we should notice changes of Chinese traditional culture and makes good use of inherit it. The Chinese traditional culture is referred to as culture forming, integrating and developing in the long history development, the multi-culture is based on the main culture (Huaxia nationality), which possesses stable formation. It includes thought and opinions, thinking ways, value tendency, moral, life styles, etiquette institution, custom habits, religion and faith, literature art, education and science and technology. There are many levels aspects in traditional culture. It should be pointed out that the traditional culture should be inherited from one generation to one generation; the different culture possessed by one generation should be transfered and communicated to different generation. Based on globaitization, we should take good care of traditional culture, take concrete measures to preserve and develop it, making it follow the trend of world cultural development. Preserving and developing traditional culture is one historical movement procedure, the time variation in the culture evolution is emphasized. Based on the cultural globalization, we Chinese should make full use of everything to preserve and develop traditional culture. As it preserving and developing traditional culture can protect our root of culture, which should be realized in the cultural inheritance.
  Part 2: importance and status
  Traditional culture is the product of long-term historical development by Chinese nationality, which plays a crucial role in the society progress and historical development for China.   1. Chinese traditional culture is the basic part in the Huaxia nationality, the whole culture of Huaxia nationality is constructed based on Chinese traditional culture. Seen from other countries' experience, the globalization greatly changes their traditional culture. The developed countries seek to play a crucial role on the developing countries' culture. Thus, we should make great effort to enhance and develop our traditional culture. there should be traditional culture, foreign culture and emerging culture, however, even in the era of globalization, the characteristics of traditional culture must not be decided by foreign culture and emerging culture. The foreign culture and emerging culture enrich the nationality culture, which makes the nationality culture adapt to the demand of society development, integrate new active cultural factors, greatly pushed nationality culture forward. Therefore, faced to global development, the most essential strategy to preserve and development traditional culture is taking concrete measures to acclimatizing the traditional culture to global tendency, which also determines the characteristics of Chinese nationality culture.
  2. Wide society coverage of Chinese traditional culture makes it possess wide identification, thus it plays an irreplaceable role in a Chinese's growth and development. As one of a few ancient civilized countries with long history over 5000 years, Chinese traditional culture take deep root in the soil of Chinese nationality, is accepted and identified by most Chinese. Therefore, based on such cultural environment, one Chinese’s growth and development must be education, edified and influenced; however, the foreign and emerging culture can't achieve it. In the history, even for people who betray their traditional culture, the early time of their growth are influenced, edified and educated by traditional culture.
  3. The traditional culture of China includes factors promoting society progress and cultural development. Generally speaking, this plays a active role for development of the whole society. In the background of globalization, the cultural inheritance has tolerance to some extent. More or less, the human society is making progress always, the traditional culture changes and develops continuously. Moreover, this kind of change is enriched continuously, acclimatizing itself to the demand of the society. The culture possessed by any nationality does not remain stable, keeping the same all the while. Therefore, the traditional culture is the product of the cultural integration and development, but not product of the culture stopping.   Part 3 Status quo
  The Confucianism culture in the traditional culture is not strong, seen from its current state, the Chinese traditional culture represented by traditional culture has been in the state of survival crisis, which symbolizes its broken state. As far as its development tendency currently, the general state is becoming deteriorating continuously. The things washed away by the Huanghe River is the survival blood of Chinese nationality, however, the current times popularity washes the spirit and blood of the nationality spirit. That what way China will take was total political issue has been obtaining its cultural meaning heavily and desolate ever since than ever before. The following causes accounts for such facts: globalization brings about Western cultural hegemony; there are cultural impulsion at level of thought and action held by Chinese nearly one century. Other non-Western nationalities are not as naive or innocent as we Chinese, who deems they should construct the new by eliminating the old. Therefore, if we want to save the Chinese traditional culture, we should do as following: firstly, we should enhance the true protection, including establishment cultural preservation zone and advocating reading classics. We should take concrete methods to protect our traditional language and life styles, which is intended to keep the Chinese traditional culture. Secondly, everything available in the Chinese traditional culture should be integrated in the smart appearance, the presented in front of the world. Although its content is old, it can be interpreted in modern language and form. As we know, they are very complex, then we should make further research on them and make out new thinking and understanding, as far as it can be used to solute many difficult problems. We should make them communicate with post modern fashion, maybe it can produce certain new cultural state, which is likely to improve the contemporary environment of Chinese traditional culture. If we don't do so, the Chinese traditional culture will become the mummy in the pyramid.
  Part 4 Solutions
  Firstly, if we want to take the right road of revive the traditional culture, whose status will be positioned correctly. The traditional culture can be renewed and revived only; new form of traditional culture will be obtained in the shock and communication between Chinese traditional culture and Western culture. The traditional culture will step out of being self-reclusive state, communicate with the world equally and it should be enriched boundlessly. In the 21th century, we should make great effort to revive the Chinese traditional culture. As is known that loss of traditional culture in 21th century, which puts more burden on us. The cultural force in the contemporary times and in the future has poor knowledge storage. It is obvious that we should be faced to mission of revive the Chinese traditional culture. We should find out China's culture image once again in front of the whole world. However, we should be aware of that we are in the global times, we should bear the mission of revive the traditional culture. it means we should take meaningful factors in the global development, integrated them into the charming forms and appearance. Thus, with the global background, we should be equipped with modern consciousness to find out the Revival of traditional culture, and explore fountain of the Chinese traditional culture. In one word, we must keep the cultural origin but not transplant the foreign culture simply. The renewal and modernization of traditional culture can be realized through itself, which will lead to modernization of cultural essence. Foreign culture should communicate with local culture equally and complete each other. The advantage of foreign culture should be taken into the local culture, which depends on one strong local culture. Based on globalization of cultural shock, we should make great effort to realize the revival of traditional culture, thus find our cultural citizenship.   Shocked by cultural globalization wide, Chinese traditional culture can't abdicate to foreign cultural but absorb it. At present we are in the same earth village, however, we should take our traditional culture as the base, to digest the foreign culture and adapt to each other and should coordinate them properly. In such case, the traditional culture should be put the core status. If we abandon our traditional culture, we will lose the absorption ability on foreign culture at the same time. Thus, we will become the cultural colonialism governed by foreign culture. Even we still possess the sovereignty, the cultural identification still will lose the independence, thus become the foreign culture's dependency. The cultural tradition is taken as the spiritual parents of one nationality; the blood relationship can't be severed. It may not be appear in certain form. However, which is sure to exist in the genetic gene surely. The culture is produced in the interaction between one nationality and its natural environment. In the process of interacting with humanity environment, people's survival history is condensed; this kind of invisible power can't be destroyed.
  Therefore, in the realm of cultural globalization, the science and technology should be globed as much as possible. However, in the field of culture and value concepts, the nationality charactertics should be kept as many as possible, for fear of being integrated into the same thing. If there is no cultural differences among various cultures in the future society, people should fear that they fall into the trap of globalization of the cultural empiricism. It is doubtless that the nationality charactertics is fading away, however, the globalization is advocated, it may make us shorten the distance between China and developed countries. Promote development of science and technology and economy. However, in the realm of culture, there is crisis of cultural superficial characteristics and value identification, thus, under dual press of economy and culture, dual dilemma of rewriting collective memory and loss of nationality is thus product.
  On the other hand, in the process of cultural globalization, we can't desert the traditional culture and accept the foreign culture fully. However, it doesn't mean that we must stick to traditional culture all the time. The inheritance and innovation of traditional culture are two aspects in one thing. If there is no tradition, no innovation can be talked. However no innovation will lead tradition into death. We should not be humble in front of foreign culture, we also should not ignore and contempt Western culture with self-deceiving Boxer Uprising thought. All these wrong thoughts may distort the national mentality, which is not helpful for inheritance and innovation of Chinese traditional culture. Chinese traditional culture possesses incomparablely long history for any other nationality in the world. There are various classics, abundant invention and creation, plenty of outstanding people as well as art masterpiece. The key to the problem is that the outstanding achievements we are proud of were produced and created in the ancient times (before 1840), but not in modern times, which works as the crucial factor. That we greatly propaganda all achievements completed in ancient times is the wrong statue of the history. It distorts the society difference among different society forms. It means language paradox, the language expression is one thing, and the referred object is another affair.   China has lagged behind the Western in many aspects since the year of 1840. It requires we absorb the advanced science and technology part of foreign culture with tolerant attitude. We should absorb and innovate from the traditional culture and take the Revival Road of traditional culture. Secondly, the cultural workforce should be equipped with sound knowledge of traditional culture in the process of Revival Road towards traditional culture. The key to Culture Revival lies in cultural workforce, enhancement of whose quality determines the modernization of one nationality. We should cultivate talents generation after generation taking root in the traditional culture through national education, which should be equipped with sound culture deposit and open mind as well as modern thinking ways. Only in this way can we bring the ancient culture to the world, and bring about the Revival of traditional culture. We also must cultivate they possessing enough modern consciousness and scope, should absorb new knowledge and technology in foreign culture continuously. The purpose we do so is to make our cultural tradition prosperous. In one word, in the background of cultural globalization, Chinese traditional culture is shocked greatly, as well as challenged to a large extent. We should be aware of well that we must put the traditional culture in the right position, not desert the traditional culture, not blindly accept the foreign culture. However, we should not reject foreign culture totally, but stick to traditional culture with right attitude. We should communicate with foreign culture equally by taking root in traditional culture at the same time. We should have open mind and long-run insight to absorb and digest the new results in foreign culture, and get to the Revival Road of Chinese traditional culture.
  Part 5.Conclusion
  Chinese civilization is extensive and profound, long-standing and well-established, develops a school of its own. We should push the Revival and rebirth of Chinese traditional culture forward; enhance the cultural soft power of the whole nation. We should learn more about Chinese traditional culture and abstract its essence and desert its bad part, acclimatizing it to demand of modern society and civilization. We should keep its nationality characteristics; display its characteristics of the times. We should take the excellent Chinese cultural tradition as the basis; take the healthy and useful foreign culture as the supplement. The excellent traditional culture should possess Chinese characteristics, style and manner. Based on prosperity and strength of development, we should enhance the charm and vigor of Chinese traditional culture continuously, we should influence the whole world with brand-new visual field and basis. at last, China should make great efforts with other countries in the world, stepping out of the quagmire of global ecological, society and humanity crisis, making the world obtain its harmony and peacefulness.
摘要:创造自己的高效课堂,离不开教师有效的教学行为,生动、有趣的教学情境,机智巧妙的引导点拨艺术,亲身经历的探究过程,活而不难,易中求深的练习,是构建高效课堂的杠杆。在新课程改革的背景下,教师的教学行为是否有效,直接关系到一节课的得失与成败,也直接影响着新课程改革的成效。因此,用心打造自己的教学行为,我们的课堂才能精彩纷呈、魅力无穷,对新课程改革也会起到推动作用。  关键字:教师;有效教学;行为 
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