【Abstract】The public speech plays a very important role in social life.The paper intends to analyze the farewell speech of Harvard’s 28th president from the perspective of Halliday’s two Meta-functions,in order to reveal their functional characteristics,and to find out the possible linguistic changes used to perform functions.By analyzing functional features of the Harvard’s 28th president’s discourse,we could find out the relationship between the choices of language modes and the meaning intended to express.
【Key words】discourse analysis; Systemic Functional Grammar; farewell speech
1. Introduction
Discourse-based analysis came on the research agenda in the late 1970s, and the first person who uses the term‘discourse’is Zellig Harris, in his article named“discourse analysis”published in magazine language in 1952. People show their different status, point of view, feeling, and attitude in language use because of their different social status, class status or economic status, different roles, and various situations. Discourse analysis is one of the most effective means to explore this phenomenon. Numerous studies have attempted to specify the meaning and function of discourse analysis, and it is almost impossible to have an agreed definition to DA and other fundamental issues of terminology.
2. The analysis of the speech
2.1 Analysis from the Perspective of Ideational Function
According to the table above, all the six processes are involved in the speech of
【Key words】discourse analysis; Systemic Functional Grammar; farewell speech
1. Introduction
Discourse-based analysis came on the research agenda in the late 1970s, and the first person who uses the term‘discourse’is Zellig Harris, in his article named“discourse analysis”published in magazine language in 1952. People show their different status, point of view, feeling, and attitude in language use because of their different social status, class status or economic status, different roles, and various situations. Discourse analysis is one of the most effective means to explore this phenomenon. Numerous studies have attempted to specify the meaning and function of discourse analysis, and it is almost impossible to have an agreed definition to DA and other fundamental issues of terminology.
2. The analysis of the speech
2.1 Analysis from the Perspective of Ideational Function
According to the table above, all the six processes are involved in the speech of