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  ▲ 创建国家粮食安全体系,保障各个阶层的居民享用高质量的、安全的国产粮食,不受气候条件的限制;
  ▲ 均衡农业与其他行业发展的差距;
  ▲ 克服农业产品与工业产品的价格差距,给农业生产者和农业生产区提供平等的获利条件;
  ▲ 通过创建可持续发展的农村区域建设,巩固农村区域管理机构与基础,解决村镇社会问题;
  ▲ 保障本国农产品在国际市场的竞争力,使得农业经济可持续化发展;
  ▲ 加快农业生产劳动现代化进程,提高农业生产的效率。
  By Smoliakov A.A (Doctor of Laws and Associate Professor of Department of
  Public Law of Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation)
  Translated into Chinese by Zhang Yi Translated into English by Zhang Liya
  National policies and regulations, especially in a market economy, play a key role in the development of Russia`s agriculture.
  During period of the reorganization of state-owned farms and collective farms from 1992 to 1994, Russia personalized 1.15 billion hectares of farmland and allocated it to its citizens. But statistics show that there were only 18 million hectares left in 2011. The journey of agricultural reform is tedious and hard due to a lack of accurate and comprehensive market-oriented policies and programs in the process of the reorganization of state-owned farms and collective farms and land Privatization. In the context of globalization, national strategies for agricultural development can guarantee food safety.   According to Abramov I.E., the following principles should be included in the rational mode of modern agricultural polices:
  A national food safety system should be established to ensure citizens from all spectrums can enjoy high-quality and safe domestic foods free from limits of climatic conditions.
  Gaps between agricultural industry and other industries should be narrowed.
  Price gaps between agricultural products and industrial products should be adjusted to provide equal opportunities for both agricultural producers and agricultural production areas to gain profits.
  The foundation of agricultural management institutions should be consolidated through the construction of rural areas which develop sustainably to solve social problems in towns and villages.
  The competitiveness of domestic agricultural products in the international market should be protected to enable agriculture to develop sustainably.
  The modernization of agricultural production should be accelerated to improve the productive efficiency of agriculture.
  Dubovik O.L. also pointed that in accordance with principles of environmental protection and eco-legislation in the third clause of federal Environmental Protection Law, the most important is: abiding by law in a sound environment; using scientific measures to obtain favorable conditions for human activities and sustainable development on the basis of ecological, economic, social, and national overall programming and safeguarding the reproduction and reasonable utilization of natural reserves to create a sound and safe environment including protecting fertility of farmland and eradicating negative effects of dangerous chemicals and biologics. The Government of Russian Federation and departments on all levels should be responsible for eco-safety within areas under their jurisdiction, charging on natural resources utilization, fining on damages to the environment and the international cooperation of Russia in environmental protection.
  Analysis about the above principles indicates that not all of them can be included in eco-laws. Dubovik made it clear that some principles belong to the specific area of eco-laws, some others can be adapted to all conditions, and still some others cannot be regarded as eco-law principles. Legal regulatory mechanisms of eco-laws in eco-safety utilization are as follows:
  1. Comprehensive measures to resolve environmental issues based on eco-laws: laws of environment`s influence on living creatures; principles of eco-legislation; law of the Minimum; law of tolerance.   The law of environment`s influence on living creatures was put forward by a Russian scholar Rul'e K.F. "Results of the development (change) of any (biological) object are determined by their internal and environment characteristics."
  The ecological law of living creatures was put forward by Kurazhkovsky Y.N. “Any kind of creatures consume elements it needs from the environment and discharge products due to their own activities, which will change the environment and worsen the environment for survival.”
  The Law of the Minimum was elaborated by German chemists Liebig says: “Biological persistence depends on the minimum materials it needs”. The amount of harvest depends on the minimum elements a plant absorbs from soil.
  The law of tolerance was put forward by American scholar Sheldford in 1913, which states that the presence and success of an organism depend upon the extent to which a complex of conditions is satisfied. The range from the minimum to maximum is referred to as tolerant range of living things.
  2. Farmland zoning to assess land resources and agricultural production forecast index.
  3. Water area zoning to assess aquatic resources (fish resources).
  4. Sufficient power of management and monitoring should be granted to eco-safety. The enforcement of this principle is a very important move forward. Over the past several years, experts and scholars in Russia have called for the establishment of special authority to supervise eco-safety. Under the principles of Polluters Pay, Russia Ecological Law stipulates that activities including pollutant discharging should be punished economically. The international law has also stipulated that one should pay for the damage he causes to the environment.
  1. The principle of preventing farmland from technological pollution is included in modern eco-legislation;
  2. A most important principle in natural utilization is the utilization of natural resources is by no means free of charge;
  3. Officials on all levels should be responsible for activities detrimental to the environment;
  4. Cooperation between Russian eco-regulation and international laws and regulations of environmental protection.
眼前的李汪引兰女士,娇小的身体里似乎蕴藏着使用不完的精力。她的身上散发出一种自然而然的智者气质。    “女孩子要自强”    李汪引兰1939年9月26日出生在上海法租界,在战争的动荡中度过了她的童年。1949年她随家人来到台湾,1950年考上了台北名校——台北第一女子中学,受教于著名女教育家、原江苏省立松江女中校长江学珠。1960年,李汪引兰在台湾大学法律系毕业后,远渡美国开始了她在美国近半个
2007年11月5日,2007年中央国家机关中青年干部赴美国斯坦福大学培训总结会在北京外国专家大厦举行。总结会上,投影仪上的PPT一页一页翻过,统计图表、计量模型道出了这次培训的丰硕成果,英文版的课题研究报告更显示了学员们过硬的英语水平……这就是此次培训的总结报告。报告的演讲人正是培训班的班长、中央直属机关团工委副书记吴佳松。    总结会后,记者在吴佳松的办公室采访了他,听他讲述了这次在斯坦福大
中国进出口银行风险管理部副总经理郭雁军,是中央国家机关中青年干部赴美培训第三期的学员之一,2006年1月到5月,在位于美国北卡罗来那州德海姆市的杜克大学桑福学院接受了公共政策和公共管理的专业培训。  他用“幸运”来形容此次培训经历:“能够参加这次培训,我个人觉得是很幸运的。虽然我在政府经济部门工作过较长的时间,但是全面系统深入地学习公共政策和公共管理理论还是第一次,特别是在国外学习,用英语授课,对
在2006年潘基文被任命为联合国秘书长的仪式上,身着韩国传统服装的柳淳泽吸引了各国媒体的眼光。虽然她只是静静地站在丈夫身后,不动声色,偶尔抿嘴浅笑,但也足以“秒杀”记者的无数菲林,也得到了媒体的一致好评。大家认为,温婉娴静的秘书长夫人不但为仪式带来了韩国风情,更为潘基文的整体个人形象加分不少。  联合国秘书长的贤内助  提及柳淳泽女士最被人熟知的头衔,莫过于联合国秘书长的夫人。二人结婚近五十年,更
The intensive use of pesticides and insecticides, mainly in agriculture, has resulted in dispersal and persistence of pollutants and residuals not only in our food but in the environment too. It has p
“我的梦想就是愿中国人民幸福安康,同时希望全世界的女士和先生都能穿上鲁泰的衬衫。来到中国,我感到自己肩上的责任,只要自己还有力气,我就会战斗到最后。”  铿锵有力的话语,精神抖擞的面貌,一位来到中国工作了13年的日籍纺织专家,一位年届古稀的老人,通过翻译,表达了他对中国、对工作的热爱之情。他的名字——藤原英利,紧紧地与世界最大的高档色织布生产企业——鲁泰纺织股份有限公司(以下简称“鲁泰”)联系在一