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  柳淳泽女士曾多次到访中国,深入民间了解中国传统文化昆曲的发展,到幼儿园了解“儿童伤害干预项目”的实施成果等。2010年11月,伴随着初冬的寒冷,柳淳泽女士来到位于北京鼓楼西大街的“北京红丹丹教育文化交流中心”,与盲人及志愿者们进行了面对面的互动交流。参观期间她聆听了该中心的盲人朋友为她表演的中国歌曲《送你一支玫瑰花》和韩国金曲《I Believe》,接着参观了该中心举办的一系列志愿者活动,还应邀为一位盲人女播音员用英文朗读《假如给我三天光明》选文。“红丹丹”是一个在中国艰难生存的民间组织,受关注的程度不够高,发展途中遇到过许多困难。柳淳泽女士充分肯定了该中心的相关工作,并跟大家分享了她对志愿者精神的看法和展望。她说志愿服务精神是一种不可替代的力量,在推动社会发展的过程中扮演着重要角色。唯有通过发扬志愿服务精神,才能实现真正的社会和谐与“千年发展目标”。
  On the ceremony to appoint Ban Ki-Moon as the United Nations Secretary General in 2006, Ban Soon-Taek was addressed in traditional Korean costumes, which attracted foreign media's attention. Although she just stood silently behind her husband with occasional smiles, she was so charming as to attract countless reporters’ camera lens. Her first public appearance in the world also received unanimous favorable comments from the media. Everyone believed that Mrs. Secretary General’s dress-up brought the styles of ROK and a bonus for Ban Ki-Moon's overall personal image.   A good wife
  Referring to the well-known titles of Ban Soon-Taek, the highest one is the wife of United Nations Secretary General. They have been married for nearly fifty years. In fact, their predestined marriage began in high school. In 1962, BanKi-Moon studied in high school in his hometown. Because he was excellent in English, he was chosen as the representative of ROK’s high school students to participate in the program for foreign students to visit the United States. Since they did not know what to give to foreign friends as gifts, the girls of a high schools thought of small gifts with local characteristics made in handicraft class and then they sent a representative to give the gifts to Ban Ki-Moon before his departure. The representative was just Ban Soon-Taek, the President of the Student Union of the high school.
  The gifts were very popular in America. After he came back, Ban Ki-Moon specially visited Ban Soon-Taek to express his thanks. One year later, they both were admitted into a famous school in Seoul. In the alien land, they became closer. Soon they confirmed their relationship and it lasted nine years. In the second year after Ban Ki-Moon passed the exam of foreign affairs, Ban Ki-Moon and Ban Soon-Taek got married.
  Ban Soon-Taek was born in a traditional Korean family. Her mother often told her before her marriage that if a woman’s husband went back home before sunset, it had only two possibilities, namely unemployed or sick. Therefore, if the husband came home late, the wife should not be nagging. Ban Soon-Taek was deeply influenced by her mother’s words. She supported her husband’s work and took good care of her family with no complaint. Ban Soon-Taek neither complained about her husband’s work nor brought any trouble to him. Some diplomatist told the reporter that many people working in embassies thought that the wife of an ambassador was harder to get along with, but it never happened to Ban Ki-Moon. Ban Soon-Taek’s good friends said that Ban Ki-Moon’s rapidly going up in the political circles should contribute to Ban Soon-Taek for eighty percent. Ban Ki-Moon has expressed his gratitude to his wife in different cases.
  The philanthropist running hither and thither
  Because of her husband’s work, the low-pitched Ban Soon-Taek had to learn to adapt to the life of showing her face in public. Differently from other “First Ladies”, she was not keen on the fashion or the front pages of magazines or websites. Instead, she would like to help vulnerable groups and be devoted to philanthropy. Even when the media was around her, she would not pretend her behavior. Ban Soon-Taek almost had no box news. All the information about her was related with peace, love and charity.   Although she is not young, Ban Soon-Taek persists in running between different countries throughout the years to make contribution to peace in the world. In significant charity events in recent years, we could see her working busily. She also made time to visit the folk and help people in need. Since she was born poor, she has special feeling about people in the bottom of society and often visits small-scale charity organizations which do not receive enough attention.
  In 2008, Ban Soon-Taek went to the wandering children aiding center in Bisauni in Karthmandu, Nepal to see the children. One child in teens asked her how to become a person like UN Secretary General. She told the children that she and her husband were born in a village and due to left-behind education facility, they had to study under trees. Because her husband worked very hard and had a strong resolution, eventually he realized his dream. She also encouraged the children never to lose hopes. If they strived hard toward the higher purpose step by step, they would have a bright future.
  Ban Soon-Taek has visited China for many times. She learnt deeply about the development of Kunqu opera of the Chinese traditional culture and the implementation results of the “Children’s Harm Interference Project”. In November, 2010, a cold winter, Ban Soon-Taek came to “Beijing Hongdandan Education Cultural Exchange Center” in Western Gulou Street in Beijing to have face-to-face communication with the blind and volunteers. She heard a Chinese song “Giving you a Rose” and a Korean song “I Believe” sung by the blind. Then she visited a series of volunteer activities held by the center. She was also invited to read the selection of “Three Days to See” in English for the blind female announcer. Hongdandan is a civil organization with not enough attention in China. It met much difficulty in its development. Madam Ban Soon-Taek confirmed the relevant work in the center and shared her opinions and vision about volunteer spirits. She said that volunteer spirit was a kind of irreplaceable power and played a significant role in promoting the development of the society. Only by carrying forward volunteer spirit can we realize the “Millennium Development Goals” of social harmony.
  Firmly safeguards the legal rights of women and children
  Madam Ban Soon-Taek told the reporter who interviewed her that the birthday on her certificate papers was four months later than the actual one. Since ROK was in war, it was of great difficulty for the children to survive. Her father waited for more than 100 days to confirm that his daughter could survive and then he went to transact the relevant papers. Her experiences in childhood made her know the difficulty of the living of women and children and fight for the legal rights o them.   After Ban Ki-Moon was appointed as the UN Secretary General, Ban Soon-Taek participated in the parade of International Women’s Day almost every year. The most impressed one was the New York parade in 2013.On that day, large snowflakes were falling. In spite of the bad weather, Ban Ki-Moon and Ban Soon-Taek took to the street in New York to lead women delegations from different countries to have the parade and remind the public to eliminate violent behaviors toward the women. Seeing this, the chairperson of UN Women told Madame Ban Soon-Taekthat they couldn’t walk because of the big snow, but Ban Soon-Taek insisted on participating in the whole parade. She said, “My husband is committed to leading the United Nations to end violence against women. We have seen so much change in our life. We have seen great progress. I know that we can make every country and every community safe for women and girls. With all of you and with all of our sisters and brothers around the world, we can end this terrible violence. Let us create a better future.”When she visited Africa and South Asia with Ban Ki-Moon, she saw many challenges in this aspect, which made her join the activities to safeguard the rights of women without hesitation.
  Children are also what Ban Soon-Taek pays great attention to. She hopes that the liberation of women’s rights can promote the safeguarding of children’s rights. She said that when she accompanied her husband to go around the world, her role was more of a mother or a grandmother; therefore she was especially sensitive to the topic of children. In 2012, she met with some leaders from Istanbul and discussed about the various problems of children in developing countries. Madam Ban Soon-Taek also said that with more and more young people’s participation and joint efforts, United Nations Children’s Fund would be always committed to providing equal opportunities for children all over the world and endowing them same rights so that this group can grow up healthily and full of hope under the sunshine.
During our childhood, we were familiar with songs where soil was described as our mother to show our appreciation for what it brings to us. And there’re also Chinese poems with the same story told by
在浩淼的南太平洋上,零星散落着许多名扬世界的岛国。在这里,不仅有美丽的沙滩、荡漾的碧波、暖暖的微风,还有繁荣的渔业。其中,在风景迤逦的斐济岛上,阿利费蒂·塔瓦基至今还记得,祖父只用2个小时就能捕捞到足够养活他11个孩子的鱼量。  然而,这已是很久以前的事情了。在过去的几年中,塔瓦基亲眼目睹了捕鱼的艰难:为了捕捞到足够的鱼养活家人,祖父花在捕鱼上的时间越来越长。最后,75岁高龄的祖父不幸地死在了他的
国家粮食局调控司综合处处长秦玉云,是我们此次特别策划采访的人员中最年轻的一个。2005年,秦玉云以所在系统英语考试第一名的成绩成为“中央国家机关中青年领导干部赴美培训”的一员。    诺贝尔经济学奖的摇篮    秦玉云赴美培训的芝加哥大学创建于1891年,是美国著名学府之一,近几年全美大学综合排名中一直在前10名之内,以治学严谨而著称。芝大最为骄傲的是:迄今为止,有78位诺贝尔奖获得者是芝大的教授
眼前的李汪引兰女士,娇小的身体里似乎蕴藏着使用不完的精力。她的身上散发出一种自然而然的智者气质。    “女孩子要自强”    李汪引兰1939年9月26日出生在上海法租界,在战争的动荡中度过了她的童年。1949年她随家人来到台湾,1950年考上了台北名校——台北第一女子中学,受教于著名女教育家、原江苏省立松江女中校长江学珠。1960年,李汪引兰在台湾大学法律系毕业后,远渡美国开始了她在美国近半个
2007年11月5日,2007年中央国家机关中青年干部赴美国斯坦福大学培训总结会在北京外国专家大厦举行。总结会上,投影仪上的PPT一页一页翻过,统计图表、计量模型道出了这次培训的丰硕成果,英文版的课题研究报告更显示了学员们过硬的英语水平……这就是此次培训的总结报告。报告的演讲人正是培训班的班长、中央直属机关团工委副书记吴佳松。    总结会后,记者在吴佳松的办公室采访了他,听他讲述了这次在斯坦福大
中国进出口银行风险管理部副总经理郭雁军,是中央国家机关中青年干部赴美培训第三期的学员之一,2006年1月到5月,在位于美国北卡罗来那州德海姆市的杜克大学桑福学院接受了公共政策和公共管理的专业培训。  他用“幸运”来形容此次培训经历:“能够参加这次培训,我个人觉得是很幸运的。虽然我在政府经济部门工作过较长的时间,但是全面系统深入地学习公共政策和公共管理理论还是第一次,特别是在国外学习,用英语授课,对