The Application of Body Language in English Teaching in Primary School

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  Abstract:Body language, an important part of non-verbal communication, plays a significant role in the interaction between teachers and students. Body language helps in motivating students’ interests and improving the teaching effect. Therefore, English teachers should pay more attention to the application of body language in English teaching and make good use of body language in classroom teaching. This article mainly discusses the application and effect of body language in primary school, in order to reach the ideal teaching effect.
  Key words:Primary School English Teaching; Body Language; Application; Teaching Effect
  The application of using body language in English teaching is one of the most effective ways to learn English. Body language includes teacher’s facial expression, postures, gestures and body movement. The application of teacher’s body language in English teaching can create more humor atmosphere in classroom and stimulate students’ learning interest.
  But there are many problems in English teaching in primary school. For example, teachers and parents pay more attention to the students’ exams and scores. In English classroom teaching, teachers try their best to help students get high marks, so teachers have to focus on vocabulary, grammar and so on. In order to achieve the good effect among the students, they should use body language in English class. Usually the vivid, concrete and novelty things are easier to arouse their interests and attention. Teachers just impart knowledge to students, rather than according to students’ need to adjust their teaching approach.
  Body language is a kind of nonverbal communication, where thoughts, intentions, or feelings are expressed by physical behaviors, such as facial expression, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space. Body language, which is often called kinetics, includes not only gestures and posture, but also facial expression and eye contacts. According to American scholar Julius Law: “Body language is the whole body or part of the body's reflective or reflective action, which is used to communicate with the outside world” (J.Fast, 1988, p.346). Samovar, Porter and Stefani in their work Communication between Cultures stated that nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment (2000, p.425). According to Knapp’s Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction, to most people, the phrase nonverbal communication refers to communication effected by means other than words. “Body language is the gesture, posture, facial expression and the expression of eyes and spatial location relationship between communicators and recipients” (Geng, 1988, p.123).   There is no general agreement in classification of body language and different linguists describe body language in a different way. Among these classifications, the first one is from Knapp (1997: 7-11), who concludes that body language focuses on three primary units as follows: a) the communication environment (physical and spatial); b) the communicator's physical characteristics; c) Body movement and position. The study of nonverbal communication as well as body language in China dates back to 1980s. Hu Wenzhong believes that body language has the definition in both broad and narrow senses. From all these ways of classification, we can know that body language mainly includes the movement of every part of a human body, instead of the limits to the body movement (Hu, 1999, p.259). Yang Ping (1994) developed the contents of nonverbal communication into three issues: proxemics, which studies man’s use and perception of his social and personal space; kinesics, the principal part of nonverbal communication, which studies the meaning conveyed through movements of any parts of the body; paralanguage, which deals with how things are talked about. Samovar classifies body language into appearance, body movement, facial expression, eye management, touching, sub-language, and so on. At the same time, the classification made by Knapp is that body language includes gesture, body movement, extremities movement, hand movement, facial expression, eye management, posture, and so on.
  As a good English teacher, he should use body language with love and improve teacher’s body language communication skills. Teachers can try out their body language with the cooperation of students throughout each class time, to testify the assistant roles of body language in their regulating the class, promoting teacher-student relationship, as well as improving students’ cognitive learning. As students, they should improve their awareness of body language and building up a foundation for understanding body language through readings and lectures.
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摘要:随着信息技术与科学技术的发展,现代教育教学逐渐变革。多媒体教学已经成为教学的主题,发挥其试听作用,在教学中发挥越来越重要的作用,多媒体以其独特的优势,促进教学更好的进行下去。多媒体不仅仅是教学手段,还是演示手段与交流手段,改变教学效果,变革教学内容。鉴于此,本文将分析多媒体在小学教育教学中的应用。  关键词:多媒体;小学教育教学  科学技术的发展,各个领域都受到信息化与现代化的影响,小学教育
摘要:创新是国家和社会科技进步的源泉,创新意识十分重要。近年来,我国教育领域不断改革,教学创新也成了教育领域的重要工作之一。本文主要结合小学数学的教学创新情况,阐释了小学数学教学创新的原则,并对相应的策略进行了探讨。  关键词:小学数学;数学教学;教学创新  小学教育是基础,它对学生们之后的学习和深造有着十分重要的影响。数学课程是学生在小学阶段一门重要的学科,通过对数学课程的学习,不仅可以锻炼他们
摘要:分层教学是近年来兴起的一种新的教学方法,主要是根据学生的学习情况和知识掌握程度以及认知水平等有针对性的对学生进行分层,并有层次的制定学习的目标、内容以及教学方式等,从而让每个学生都能掌握到知识,继而提高学习成绩。  关键词:小学;五年级;英语;分层教学  随着素质教育的不断深入,人们的教育理念也逐渐从应试教育中重视成绩转向了重视学生的全面发展,然而学生之间仍然会存在一定的差异性,尤其是小学阶
摘要:小学语文教学科目是学生小学阶段最为重要的教学科目之一,良好的小学语文教学应当是全面的,因此现今的小学语文教师们应当要小学语文教学中的作文教学。然而当前的小学语文作文教学的教学质量是相当的低下的。基于此,小学教学管理部门和小学语文教师们应当投入精力落实好语文作文教学方法的升级工作。就此本文结合实际,试论小学语文作文教学方法的创新。  关键词:小学;语文;作文教学;创新  0.引言  语文可以说
摘要:数学课堂教学,要紧密联系学生的生活实际,从学生的生活经验和已有知识出发,创设生动有趣的情境,激发学习数学的兴趣。本文从问题情境、动手操作、课堂展示等四个方面阐述了构建高效数学课堂的一些做法。  关键词:情境;操作;展示;应用;探索  《新课标》指出:数学课堂教学,要紧密联系学生的生活实际,从学生的生活经验和已有知识出发,创设生动有趣的情境,引导学生开展观察、操作等活动,使学生通过数学活动,掌
摘要:多媒体等现代化的信息技术与教学课程的结合已然成为当今教育模式必然的发展趋势。其中,有着短小精简、教学目标明确等的特点,为教师授课与学生的课程学习开辟了新的思路,有效的改善了学生自主学习遇到的问题。因此,文章就小学数学教学中微课的应用进行了初步探讨。  关键词:微课;小学数学;教学  一、微課的概述  微课教学,是指教师通过主流媒体技术围绕教授的知识点进行精心的设计,最后以视频的形式展示给学生
摘要:幼儿园户外探索活动是现代幼儿教育中的重要组成部分,以环境心理学相关理论为依据,以幼儿身心健康发展为中心,户外活动有着室内活动无法替代的作用,它对于幼儿的身体,心理成长的影响都至关重要。因此,我们要培养幼儿对户外探索活动的兴趣,要因地制宜地创设丰富的户外活动环境,开展形式多样、富有野趣的活动,吸引幼儿主动参与。本文将结合教学实践,对幼儿园户外探索课堂活动有效性进行探讨。  关键词:幼儿园;户外
摘要:本文从小学生英语单词的认读能力在英语学习的重要地位着手,提出目前小学生在英文认读中存在的问题,深入分析如何通过“读者剧场”,就如何加强小学英语的认读教学提出一些有效的策略,旨在培养学生的认读意识,掌握一定的认读技巧,从而提高他们的认读能力,为他们的进一步英语学习打下良好的基础。  关键词:小学英语;识词能力;读者剧场  一、什么是英语单词的认读能力  所谓英语认读能力,是指学生能准确和迅速的