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  【Abstract】This thesis, through the representatives’ movie production of American Dream the Great Gatsby and the typical Chinese Dream movie American Dreams in China, analyzed the differences and similarities between the two great concepts.
  【Key words】American Dream; Chinese Dream; the differences and similarities between American Dreams and Chinese Dream
  【作者簡介】严芊蕙(1996.3- ),女,汉族,广东深圳人,广东财经大学华商学院在读本科生,研究方向:英语。
  To understand the importance of American Dream and Chinese Dream, analysis of the similarities and differences are of great significance. The two concepts share resemblance in historical background and starting point and differ in cultural background, value, connotation and approach.
  The Similarities in Starting Point
  According to Deng Niangang, (1997) Professor of the Bei Jing University of Finance and Commerce, Chinese Dream emphasizes on hard work and changes of the current status. Only when the Chinese Nation unites together, and works hard to fight a way out can we make a difference and realize Chinese Dream. President Xi Jingping defined Chinese Dream as the greatest dream of the Chinese Nation throughout the ages, the great rejuvenation of China. The term “rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation”, in other words, means a different future, a different path, a different goal from before, a future that can let the nation as a whole live a content life, a path that can lead Chinese people to walk out of the distress and suffering left from the intrusion of foreign countries in the 1900s, a goal that can unite the Chinese Nation all together and help China to rejuvenate and realize a peaceful rise in the global community. All in all, the starting point of Chinese Dream is to change.
  In American Dreams in China, the director vividly showed the audience the realization of the three protagonists’ Chinese Dream. The reason why Cheng Dongqing, Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang wanted to go to America in the first place and start a English study institution of their own is that they want to change, they want to change a different way of life, they want to change the underprivileged Chinese students to go to America. Even though Cheng Dongqing was denied to enter America for further study by the American Embassy several times, Meng Xiaojun encountered numerous hardships when he was in America and Wang Yang experienced painful breakup with his American girl friend, they did not give up on themselves, they did not give up on their Chinese Dream, they continued to fight for changes. They knew that, only when they pour their hard work can they achieve something. It is the determination of changes that helped them to realize their dream, which holds a mirror of the starting point of the Chinese Dream.   Ever since the introduction of American Dream, the American people firmly believe that with hard work, perseverance and their belief, they can change their life, they can enjoy prosperity; they can live contently in a peaceful environment without discrimination. After the American Civil War, the American society suffered from great racial discrimination, the whole country was divided, and people lived in constant fear and turmoil. The Americans, in order to change the situation, to live with peace, prosperity and equality, worked hard, and strove to make great achievements. Therefore, the American Dream emphasized on making changes at the very beginning.
  In the movie the Great Gatsby, the protagonist Jay was a poor child who grew up in the middle of nowhere with his abusive and alcoholic father. Because he did not want to get stuck in this pathetic environment where he could achieve nothing, he decided to leave his small village to find a way out. He later joined the army and found the love of his life, Daisy, who belonged to the upper class society. Knowing that he was just nothing compared to Daisy, he struggled to make a difference to let him match the status of Daisy. Even though Jay won his way to the upper class society by illegal means, we can see that it is due to the fact that he wanted to make changes of himself that drove him to conduct illegal business. All in all, his starting point was to change, which matched the emphasis of American Dream.
  The Differences in Connotation
  Chinese Dream is defined by President Xi Jingping as the greatest dream of the Chinese nation as a whole throughout the years. It aims at the rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation. It is the path towards the rejuvenation of our nation, and the path towards a brand new future in which China can no longer be the subject of the foreign invasion and World Wars. President Xi clearly stated that when he defined Chinese Dream: “The rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation, Which is the Chinese Dream, will be realized.”
  The connotation of Chinese Dream can be described in two “century goals.” By the time when the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China reach their 100th anniversary respectively in 2021 and 2049, China will gradually make its peaceful rise in the global community and the rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation as a whole. According to the report of the 18th People’s Congress, the manifestation of the realization of Chinese Dream in reality can be summarized as follows:   National prosperity and strength
  The rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation
  The well-being of the People
  In conclusion, based on the connotation of Chinese Dream above, it is evident that Chinese Dream’s concerns are on the people and the whole nation. It puts emphasis on the national well-being instead of individual’s success.
  In American Dreams in China, the manifestation of the connotation of Chinese Dream can be found nearly everywhere. The story happened after the horrific Cultural Revolution, and people were still living in a stirred environment where the trauma of the Second World War was still haunting the Chinese people. At that time, everyone, including the three protagonists, wanted to contribute their bits to help the nation. They knew that in China where the traditional value was still prevalent, going aboard or sending Chinese students aboard were the optimal options to make a change of the country.
  The connotation of American Dream can be further analyzed into two categories. In the broad sense, American Dream refers to a kind of national belief, such as democracy, liberation, justice, equality, etc. Such belief is evident in the United States Declaration of Independence: “hold these truths which is self-evident, that is life and equality; God has given them inalienable power: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
  The United States Constitution has made the connotation of American Dream more specific which can be summarized into the following three parts.
  All men are equal;
  Freedom and Fairness:
  Everyone has the pursuit of happiness and opportunity.
  Therefore, based on the statements made in the United States Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, it is evident that the concepts of democracy and equality are highly emphasized in American Dream so that we can say that broadly speaking, the connotation of American Dream is democracy and equality.
  However, in a narrow sense, the American Dream can be described as a belief in the freedom that allows all citizens and residents of the United States of America to achieve their goals in life through hard work. Today, in America it generally refers to the idea that one’s prosperity depends upon one’s own abilities and hard work, not on a rigid class structure, though the meaning of the phrase has changed over America’s history. For some, it is the opportunity to achieve more prosperity than they could in their countries of origin; for others, it is the opportunity for their children to grow up with an education and career opportunities; for others, it is the opportunity to be an individual without the constraints imposed by class, caste, race, or ethnicity.   In the Great Gatsby, it is not hard to find the connotation of Jay Gatsby’s American Dream, that is: everyone, regardless of the social class, can have the opportunity to be successful, to make achievement, to make a difference. Jay Gatsby was a no one until he became one of the wealthiest persons in American. Irrespective of the way he gained fortune, he was living a life which he called highly successful, for he had climbed up the social ladder and won the heart of the love of his life, even though it was just a moment compared to his permanent death and notorious reputation afterwards.
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【摘要】单词教学是小学英语教学的先导性工作,其教学效果直接决定了学生英语学习的效果。情境教学是新课程教学改革趣味教学法中最为常见的一种,基于建构理论引导下的它能将教学内容与学生兴趣紧密结合,通过设立相应教学情境,满足学生直观化的认知思维,增强学习的趣味性,提高其单词记忆效果。  【关键词】建构理论;小学英语;单词教学;情境设计  英语学习长期以来是基础教育中的难点,英语知识点的琐碎、抽象,作为外来
【摘要】空乘英语教学是大学英语教学中比较有针对性的专业教学。其教学目的性较强,是为了让空乘人员英语水平达到一定的层次。而在目前的大学教学中,空乘英語教学的方法和手段等都差异性较大,其教学的质量也褒贬不一。为此,研究和分析空乘英语教学的思路方法是非常有必要的。而模块化教学可以让教学更加有针对性,能突出教学的真正目的,非常适合空乘英语教学。故,将模块化教学应用到空乘英语教学中是非常有效的。  【关键词
前言  认知结构理论下的课堂教学把学生当作课堂的主体,激发学生学习的主动性,培养其学习思维能力,提高学习效率。而本文旨在研究认知结构理论能否为大学英语课堂教学反思提供新的视角。  一、认知结构的观点综述  认知结构是认知活动的产物,是一种认识上的功能结构。人的认知结构不是先天就有的,而是源于人类后天对客观世界的认识。关于认知结构的含义,不同的心理学家有不同的解释。皮亚杰把认知结构理解为一个动态的转
【摘要】随着经济全球化的大发展,商务英语在各国贸易之间的应用也越来越频繁。作为沟通各国经济谈判的一个重要环节,商务英语的能力应用水平对于各国之间的贸易交流与谈判具有一定的影响,因此其在世界经济贸易中具有不可忽视的作用。本文主要介绍了商务英语在国际贸易中的应用,旨在帮助提升我国商务英语的应用水平,从而促进各国之间国际贸易与谈判的顺利进行。  【关键词】国际贸易;商务英语;实践应用  【作者简介】邓静
【摘要】近几年来,为了提升学生英语口语表达能力,各大高职院校纷纷推出英语口语技能大赛,通过这一检验教学成果、展示学生风采的平台,英语口语技能大赛逐渐被教师和学生所重视。本文通过英语口语技能大赛的参赛情况、目前高职英语教学模式的现状以及存在的问题进行分析与思考,提出了如何推动高职英语口语教学模式的改革。  【关键词】英语技能大赛;高职英语;口语教学  【作者简介】姜勤伟(1961- ),女,汉族,辽
【摘要】思辨能力,也叫作“批判性思考能力”(Critical Thinking Skills)。自我国教育部2001年指定的《普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》中提出“英语学科的教学目标不再局限于语言知识的教授,而应该以学生为主体,培养学生的主动思维和创新精神”以来,对学生思辨能力的培养就已经提上了日程。2017年发布的高考英语考试大纲中也提到试题要体现创新精神,而具备创新精神的前提和基础是具有
【摘要】新课程标准》中明确指出:教师在教学过程中要让学生成为课堂的主体,充分发挥学生的主动性和自觉性,让学生自主的参与到英语教学当中。本文主要探讨了在高中英语教学中怎样发挥学生的主体作用,希望对广大高中英语教师有所启发。  【关键词】高中英语教学;学生;主体作用  由于受到长期应试教育理念的影响,很多高中英语教师在教学中以“灌输”式的教学为主,学生只能被动的接受,这样不仅不能让学生牢固的掌握英语知
【摘要】随着社会经济的不断发展我国也越来越重视学生的教育事业。英语作为一种全世界统一的语言,越来越受到世界各国人民的高度重视,对此我国政府也对国内的英语教育事业给予了高度的重视。  【关键词】高中英语;课堂教学;问题  【作者简介】王雨琼,西安市曲江第一中学。  引言  伴随着新一轮的英语改革,英语教材的内容和大纲也发生了很大的改变,这就需要教师的教学思想也要发生相应的改变,这就导致了一系列问题的