An Analysis of Deviation in Oliver Twist

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  Abstract: Charles Dickens is one of the most greatest critical writers in the world. As his representative masterpiece, Oliver Twist presents his unique language skills. This paper will give more details from the perspective of deviation.
  Key words: deviation; Oliver Twist; irony;
  As one of the most influential novelists in the world, Dickens reveals and describes the living condition and miserable suffering of the poor in his work, Oliver Twist. It tells the story of the orphan who encounters lots of hardship and suffers inhuman treatments, but never loses his good virtue and morality. As a great masterpiece, it not only has particular and unexpected plots, but also employs individualized art language. This study will present Charles Dickens’ style for the use of stylistic features in Oliver Twist.
  Deviation occurs when we have a set of rules or expectations which are broken in some way. In plain words, writers do not observe the grammar all the time and want to use their unique personal language in literary creation to convey some implications. This paper will give an analysis of deviation in Oliver Twist by exploring its deepen meanings. We will discuss it from the following three aspects.
  2.Grammatical deviation
  Grammatical deviation means that writers deliberately violate the normal grammar. In Oliver Twist, grammatical deviation usually includes the misuse of double negation with an aim to present the social status of the figures.
  “Oh, why didn’t he rob some rich old gentleman... without no honor nor glory!”
  This sentence is from Charley Bates, one of the thieves led by the old Jew. He is so uneducated that he can not realize his use of double negation. Generally, the double negation is used to express a positive meaning. However, this sentence only shows lower-class people’s illiteracy. Thus, instead of expressing a positive meaning, his speech just emphasizes its negative meaning. It has no honor at all.
  3.Graphological deviation
  Graphological deviation can occur in any sub-area of graphology, such as punctuation and spelling. The author disregards the rules of writing and writes the text by himself to convey another meaning. Here is an example about the use of punctuation. “...three pound ten! --three pound ten, Oliver! --seventy shillin’s --one hundred and forty sixpences! --and all for a naughty orphan which nobody can’t love.”
  This is said by Mr. Bumble. It happens when the trade, that Gamfield will take Oliver away and at the same time the board will give him three pound ten, is dealt. Dash is usually used to express the change of topics or the continuation of sounds, or the explanation of the former claim. The use of dash can also draw readers’ attention. In this sentence, the author uses dash four times. Thus, readers have to pause four times and think of the emphasis of money when reading this sentence. It gives readers an impression that Oliver is so lucky, because the board is willing to spend so much money for such a naughty boy. It seems that the board is so merciful. However, in fact, the board aims to get rid of Oliver who has asked for more gruel. The board just regards Oliver as a burden.   Thus, the graphological deviation in this work, especially the use of punctuation, can fully present characters’ personalities and attract readers.
  4.Semantic deviation
  Semantic deviation refers to deep structure deviation. In this work, Charles Dickens uses many figures of speech, especially irony. Irony is a literary technique that presents one meaning literally and actually convey the different implications through the use of humor. In this work, Dickens uses a lot of ironies to express his real meaning.
  “ ‘don’t cry into your gruel... for there was quite enough water in it already.”
  This takes place when Oliver is going to be taken away. Because the gruel already has enough water, it is a very foolish action to add more water to it. This sentence is very humorous. The author uses irony to tell readers how thin the gruel is. Even the tears can let the gruel become more watery. From this, we can know what kind of food the children usually have. Irony endues the miserable experience of Oliver with humor, which enables readers to laugh and at the same time feel pity and sad for the little Oliver.
  5. Conclusion
  These deviations vividly presents the life experience of the little boy, including his sufferings and happiness. It deepens readers’ understanding of such a society in Dickens’ days. Besides, among these deviations, Dickens pays more attention to irony. It enables the work to be more humorous and attractive.
  【1】Lian Yunjie, Wan Ping. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Stylistics [M]. Shenyang: Liaoning University Press, 2011: 78.
  【2】Dickens C. Oliver Twist [M] 上海世界圖书出版公司,2008.
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