Memory, Identity, Sense of Belonging

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  【Abstract】The paper offers a study of Jewishness in America based on two short stories written by preeminent Jewish writers Philip Roth and Saul Bellow respectively. By pointing out the confusions and paradoxes existing in the Jewish identity in America, it drives at the conclusion that Jewish identity and the memory of the Holocaust past will never be written off by the inexorable passage of time.
  【Key words】Jewish identity; Philip Roth; Saul Bellow
  One theme that fascinates many Jewish writers is the assimilation and identity of Jews living in America. Here the word “identity” is adopted to encompass mainly three aspects, namely, cultural identity, social identity as well as personal identity. These Diaspora Jews living in America have somehow assimilated themselves into mainstream American culture in various ways and at different levels. Daniel J. Elazar has classified seven types of Jews living in America nowadays by drawing seven concentric circles that radiate outward from a core of committed Jews toward a vague sense of Jewishness on the fringes.
  At the core are the “integral” Jews, for whom Jewishness is a central factor in their lives and a full-time concern. …Surrounding the core is a second group of U.S. Jews, the “participants,” who regularly engage in Jewish life and who view expressions of their Jewishness as important but not full-time activities. …The third circle is made up of “associated” Jews, who are affiliated with Jewish institutions or organizations in some concrete way but are not very active in them. …The fourth circle, “contributors and consumers,” consists of Jews who make periodic donations to Jewish causes and occasionally use the services of Jewish institutions, but who are at best minimally associated with the Jewish community. …The fifth circle includes what Elazar calls the “peripherals,” who are recognizably Jewish in some way but are completely uninvolved in Jewish life. They have no interest in participating in Jewish experiences and rarely make donations to Jewish causes. …The sixth circle, the “repudiators,” are Jews who actively deny their Jewishness. Some are extremely hostile to all things Jewish, while others simply react with hostility to their Jewish origins. …Finally, there is a group Elazar labels “quasi-Jews.” They are neither fully inside or entirely outside the Jewish community. They may have intermarried but have some connection to a personal Jewish label.
  —“Jewish Cultural Identity in the United States”   Right at the bottom is “integral Jew”, who practices Hasidic observations and regard their Jewish link as their essential identity. The man wearing a black frock coat in Eli, the Fanatic is an orthodoxy Jew; Eli, the lawyer, after experiencing an epiphany when he dons the black garment, also becomes an ultra-orthodox Jew. Harry Fonstein, the Holocaust survivor in Bellarosa Connection, is also a case in point. While Billy Rose, the Hollywood impresario, belongs to the third category of Jews whose role is one of “contributor and donor”. Together with the “associated Jews”, represented by Ted Heller and Linda Berg and other Jewish clients of Eli’s in the community, who, even though were galvanized by the Holocaust in Europe and united against anti-Semitism, many of them felt an underlying imperative to discard what had outwardly marked them as Jews. They intervened with Tzuref’s Talmud-teaching school and they felt ill at ease with the black garment Holocaust survivor. These two groups of people occupy almost 40-50% of Jews in America, the largest group when Saul Bellow wrote this novella. Meanwhile, the “integral” Jews only amount to 5% of the total number. Jewish identity is now facing a severe challenge from the encroachment of American culture and to a great extent, it is on the verge of extinction in America as more and more Jewish parents are inclined not to disclose to their American-born children of the inhuman sufferings and hideous and mind-numbing memories. Eli, the Fanatic and The Bellarosa Connection both deal with the Holocaust survivors and their conflict with the dissolution, dislocation and displacement when they confront a disparagingly apathy attitude in America, the ostracism, the injustice and the stigma of being different. As Fonstein is eager to meet and express heartfelt gratitude to his savior, Billy Rose is as eager to avoid any further relations with him. The epiphany Eli experienced after he don the black garment is in his wife and towns people’s eyes a nervous breakdown. Eli, now a changed man fully aware of his identity as a Jew is suffering the ostracism and alienation that the Holocaust survivors suffer. Eli, the real hero and wise man in the community is labeled as a fanatic by his own people. The story sheds light to an extremely harrowing reality that the suffering of the Jews continues, this time not from Hitler, but from other Jews, his or her brothers and sisters. This conflict of identity and lost of sense of belonging has very much to do with their different memories. The memories that the other Jews choose to get rid of in Eli, the Fanatic is matter-of-factly the only thing the Holocaust survivors have. In The Bellarosa Connection, memory stands at a pivotal position across the story. The narrator is the founder of a Mnemosyne institute whose sole concern is to train people from all walks of life their mnemonic competence and the novella revolves around memory, remembering and forgetting.   In cognitive psychology, memory serves as an indispensable tool for the forming of identity. The disparities of mentality between different people have a lot to do with their various memories. Two kinds of memories contribute to the formation of one’s self-identity and those who share the same memories have a proclivity to identity with each other as belonging to the same niche. There are episodic memory and semantic memory, which combining together form declarative memory. Episodic memory is the memory of autobiographical events like “The SS officers talked to a huge German shepherd as if it were human and I as if I am the dog and said ‘Menschen, bitss dem Hundt’ (People, bite that dog.)”. Semantic memory refers to the memory of meanings, understandings, and other concept-based knowledge unrelated to specific experiences like “The Nazis murdered six million Jews during the 1940s or Christopher Columbus found the “New World” in 1492”. Events that recorded into episodic memory may trigger episodic learning, i.e. a change in behavior that occurs as a result of an event. For example, a fear of dogs that follows being bitten by a dog is episodic learning. Since semantic memory includes generalized knowledge that does not involve memory of a specific event, the concept is not as penetrating as the episodic memory and will not trigger episodic learning only if that memory is brought into reality frequently and vividly enough. What genocide means to Shoah survivors is by all means different from that for assimilating Jews who have no direct experience of the inhumanities. People like Eli’s clients and Billy Rose have no idea of how far bigoted prejudice and extreme ambition can carry human beings to act savagely toward another race. The memory is all that these survivors have got after they have been deprived of their parents, relatives, and dignity as human beings, freedom and what not. They are eager to share this memory with other people, Jews and Gentiles alike, not for sympathy or compassion, but a warning and precaution that it never happens again. They have seen how deep human being can sink and how animalistic human being can be like. There is no gainsaying that they still harbor hope in the bright side of human nature; they believe there are more good people than bad ones and by the free will inherent in all of us, we could shun evil and take up our personal responsibilities to fight against intolerance and bigotry.
  The Jewish community is intolerant of the same Jews who happen to live in Europe when the darkest time of humanity occurs. They equate “different” with “inferior” and “threatening”. They refuse to identify with their own people and want to have nothing to do with the suffering of their less fortunate fellow Jews. After engaging with memories of manifold sorts for so many years, the narrator of The Bellarosa Connection considers about forgetting about remembering. Perhaps it is because the memories are so horrible to keep and the detrimental effects on their posterity far outweigh its benefits. It seems that the end of The Bellarosa Connection is abrupt and that nothing is concluded. This indeterminacy and confusion is the predicament American Jews are confronting with. They are facing a severe challenge not only the anti-Semitism from gentiles, but more often than not, from its own people. American Jewishness has come to a juncture; it is on the verge of extinction as the “melting pot” is encroaching every inch of their culture. It can also retain this uniqueness because there are still people out there, like Eli and Fonstein and Sorella, who will die trying to protect this culture and memory from elimination. It is extremely hard to do so in a foreign land like America where assimilation is happening everyday. The narrator’s sudden aphasia about remembering the name of a river in the novella reflects even the most competent mnemonic expert has to grapple with the lost of memory as well as perspective and identity. There are Jews in America who are as lost as those murdered in Europe. Both stories are optimistic in tone about the future of American Jewishness and both try to convey the message that we should keep the memories about the past to prevent inhuman things happening again. Apathy and silence will not be the right attitude; more and more Jews need to be aware of their identities and speak up their voices to protect the quality of our humanity.
  [1]Elane Norych Geller.The Holocaust and Its Lessons:A Survivor’s Story.
  [2]Samuel M.Edelman.“To Pass or Not to Pass,That Is the Question:Jewish Cultural Identity in the United States”.
Recently, I have read the book 100 Pieces of Advice for Teachers written by Vasyl Sukhomlynsky, Soviet Union’s educationalist. The advice “about acquiring knowledge” gave me some ideas about the relat
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【摘要】作为一名英语教师,笔者尝试了从单词的构词法上来帮助学生去单词记忆,让学生知道单词是怎么来的。其实英语单词和汉字一样有它的构词规律,汉字有偏旁部首,英语也有类似的词根、词缀。引导学生去探索或研究英语单词的构词规律,不仅提升学生记忆单词的技巧及猜测单词的能力,还能增强英语词汇教学效果。  【关键词】英语单词;构词法  【作者简介】卜红莉,安徽省阜阳市第五中学 。  一、问题的发现  在英语教学
【摘要】交流能力的获得是语言教学的最终目的,交际测试能够改变传统测试缺乏真实语境参与等因素所带来的弊端,已被我国学者所认可。本文以交际测试理论为指导提出了分等级英语能力测评模式的观点,并分别从几个方面论述了评价的内容和模式。  【关键词】交际测试;高职英语;测评模式  【作者简介】范丁齐,吉林交通职业技术学院。  【基金项目】全国职业院校学生外语能力测评研究课题《以交际测试理论为指导的职业院校学生
【摘要】一本好的英语绘本对学生的英语学习有着重要意义,其不仅可以通过绘本让学生学习丰富有趣的知识,还能够达到启发学生心灵、激发创造力及增加学生词汇量的作用。基于此,本文将结合自身实践,从三方面来开展绘本教学活动,为学生开启愉快而又美妙的图文声色之旅。  【关键词】绘本;小学生;英语阅读  【作者简介】徐丽,江苏省新沂市新安小学。  笔者作为一名小学四年级英语教师,经过多年教学实践发现,英语绘本不仅
【摘要】传统的英语教学模式已经不符合社会发展需求,教学效果一般,教学稍显落后,学生对英语学习的需求不再是简单的句子、词汇与语法,而是需要提升学生的实践能力,提升学生的英语运用能力,因此,革新教学方式,转变教学模式,利用新的技术尤为重要,将信息技术与大学英语学习方式巧妙结合,可以为英语教学增添优势,提高英语教学质量。  【关键词】信息技术 大学英语 学习方式  前言  随着现代技术的快速发展,将信息
【摘要】英语课堂上,根据教材内容及初中生学习进度,营造有效的教学情境,使得学生在情景化的环境学习,提高学生学习兴趣,促进初中英语教学水平大幅度提升。本文首先分析初中英语课堂中运用情景法的基本原则,然后分析情景法在初中英语课堂上的运用方法,以此来指导英语教学,激发学生的学习兴趣。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂教学;情景法运用  【作者简介】许颖,江西省赣州市赣县区阳埠中学。  前言  初中英语课堂上,
【摘要】在苏轼的文学成就中首屈一指的便是他的词作。对苏轼词作翻译的研究方兴未艾,本文试以许渊冲《定风波》英译文为例探讨功能对等理论对于翻译苏词的指导意义,以便寻求翻译苏词的佳径妙法。  【关键词】功能对等理论;苏轼词;《定风波》;英译  【作者简介】于锦涛(1996—),男,汉族,山东淄博人,天津外国语大学本科在读,2015级商务英语专业,研究方向:英语国际商务。  苏轼是宋代文学最高成就的代表,
【摘要】词汇量的掌握熟练度考验着学生的英语学习水平,英语著名语言学家曾坦言,如果没有语法,我们的表达能力就会受限,而没有词汇的话,任何事物我们将无从表达。可见词汇在英语课程中的重要性,作为英语教师,该如何帮助学生获取更多英语词汇量呢?  【关键词】英语词汇;小学英语教学;智慧策略  【作者简介】张紫薇,苏州工业园区外国语学校。  一、词汇教学中的问题  1.教师不重视。教师常常会认为只要自己讲解清