我场在1980年进行了不同方法的深栽造林,其中以截根深栽的效果最好。1984年秋季我场采用这种方法营造杨树丰产林945亩。这样大面积的深栽造林,目前我省是少见的。现将有关情况初报如下,以供参考。一、造林地条件造林地处于朔县东南部山麓,年平均温度6.9℃,无霜期110天。年降水量400毫米。土壤为第四纪黄土母质发育起来的淡粟钙土,机械组成为粉沙土,质地疏松,pH 值9.0,含盐量为0.683%,地表有机质含量为0.5%。地下水位1.7米。二、造林方法造林地为1983年的采伐迹地,伐后全面整地,深翻20厘米,1984年秋季造林。苗木为4年根3年干的群众杨,苗高4米以上,
My field carried out in 1980, different methods of deep planting, among them the best effect of cutting deep roots planted. In the autumn of 1984, I used this method to create 945 mu of poplar forest. Such a large area of afforestation, at present, our province is rare. The first report of the situation is as follows for reference. First, afforestation conditions Afforestation is located in the southeast foothills Shuo County, the average annual temperature of 6.9 ℃, frost-free period of 110 days. Annual rainfall of 400 mm. The soil is a paleotracheal soil developed from quaternary loess parent material. The mechanical composition is silt sand with loose texture, pH value of 9.0, salinity of 0.683% and organic matter content of 0.5% on the surface. Groundwater level 1.7 meters. Second, the afforestation method Afforestation land for the 1983 deforestation, after cutting a full site preparation, deep turning 20 cm, the autumn of 1984 afforestation. Seedlings for 4 years 3 years dry masses Yang, seedling height 4 meters above,