A Study on Compliments and Responses in Sino—U.S. Business Negotiation

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  【Abstract】:With the development of Chinese economy, international trade is increasing rapidly. International business negotiation is crucial to success. In human verbal communication, using compliments becomes more frequently. Among the elements of successful business negotiation skills, compliments is playing a important role. A lot of compliments’ responses strategies can be used in business negotiations, which let the relationship between two sides much more closer and create a harmonious atmosphere of business negotiation. Therefore, compliments formed a unique mode of communication.
  China and U.S. have their own nation’s unique culture value patterns, therefore, expressions of compliments and responses in the two countries exist vast differences. In previous studies, domestic and foreign scholars have focused on comparative analysis of English and Chinese languages. This paper has analyzed the English and Chinese compliments, responses and other aspects, which discuss the influence in compliments made by difference cultures value and behavior standard. This paper emphasizing on compliments and responses which based on the meaning of business negotiation culture. With the help of original experts analysis, we know compliments can play a crucial role during business negotiations.
  Differences between Compliments Business Negotiations and Daily Life
  In dairy life, compliments is polite tool, its use is also affected by the norms of courtesy. Both the English and Chinese compliments are good for maintaining or enhancing the hearer’s positive face, which belongs to the positive politeness,  because of the differences between Chinese and Western culture, some polite face is actively in western society, but in the Chinese culture, it may constitute a negative face, and vice versa. Using daily compliments also reflects this phenomenon. For example, compliments can be used to express appreciation to others like clothing, jewelry, appearance so as to maintain the friendship. In daily communication, especially the cross-cultural communication in spite of any statements are likely to be interpreted as having some act illocutionary force, however, when one has the illocutionary force statement translated into a foreign language, the sentence may be  varied. Compliments is actually a multipotent social speech acts, namely the interaction of different environments in daily life can complete a variety of functions. It can also be used for communicating with the human, encouraging people, saying the blessing to start a conversation, and expressing thanks to others. All in all, compliments is an important way of greeting in society.   Ah ,you look so beautiful today !
  Compliment someone is to achieve the purpose of encouraging. This often occurs in the boss to subordinates, faculty to students, or parents to children.
  Good job!
  In real life, people will inevitably have to point out other people’s shortcomings or mistakes, this is the criticism in fact , But the criticism should be pay more attention. Fulminate criticism can easily backfire, and the criticism is easy to make the listener feel a heartfelt admiration.
  Well done!
  In school, the teachers must encourage students instead of criticizing them, criticizing students is not a clever way to let students have better attitudes, on the contrary, praising then not only can build their confidence, but also can let them fell be concerned.
  In business negotiations, due to different cultural background , language spoken in the negotiations is especially important. Compared with the dairy compliments, compliments in business negotiation is more formally, when in use, also need to be more careful. Because business negotiations concerning the interests of both sides, negotiation is in a harmonious environment, both parties to discuss cooperation matters, the occasion is very formal, so the compliment must be perfectly logical and reasonable, and the most important is to make sure that the other party is very pleasure to accept it.
  Social Value of Compliments’responses in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiations
  International business negotiation refers to the business activities in different countries and regions of the parties, in order to meet their needs, we can reach unanimous behavior and process by communication and consultation The negotiations subject belongs to two or more than two countries or regions, the negotiators represents different countries or regions of interest. At the same time, it also owns cross culture, from different countries or regions of the negotiators have different cultural background, the parties of the values, ways of thinking, behavior, mode of communication, language and customs of the different factors, these negotiations will have a direct impact on whether international business negotiation is successful or not.
  The Convergence of Sino-U.S. Business Culture
  The business culture is a aspect of culture, it is not only can add value, but also can promote the development of commercial civilization and social civilization. Chinese and American business will mutual promote because of commercial and cultural integration.
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