Flash, word, powerpoint, ps combination to the advantage of teaching courseware

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  Abstract:The current,multiFlash,word,ppt,ps teaching has become an essential of modem means of education.and Flashsoftware.multimedia courseware is the most representative one of the tools.TI1iS article iS by analysis and comparison of Flash andPowerPoint software in the production of the different characteristics of courseware that produced in PowerPoint to insert flashanimation iS the front—line teachers are the most commonly used method of courseware production.Finally,several flash software andother applications in the teaching mode.
  Keywords:Flash software;Classroom teaching methods;word,ppt
  1.the introduction:
  now the development of the mass popularization of computer and multimedia technology, use of multimedia in class has gradually become a trend. Thus making courseware will become present a basic skills of the teachers, the schools have a positive, targeted to carry out some of the multimedia courseware of school-based training. Now is the most widely used form of multimedia courseware PPT (made of Microsoft office PowerPoint slides), due to its editor, play, all kinds of operation is easy to learn. With computer technology becoming more mature, Flash, word, powerpoint, photoshop combination to the importance of teaching also got more and more education workers. Use Flash courseware teaching, is a new teaching mode of classroom teaching, is a kind of new method of computer assisted instruction. In actual teaching, timely, appropriate, appropriate application of Flash making courseware can be vivid to spread knowledge, cultivating ability, active classroom atmosphere.
  2.PPT is as a Flash, word, PPT, the carrier of ps
  PPT courseware as a guide, pointing to the audience wanted to go, so complete directory should have at least: the title, the navigation bar and exit button, and the completion of these things can use Flash, word, powerpoint, photoshop software to achieve such. This page is the most important thing is to have a rich content, but try to be concise, unified, best has a certain style. Whole is tonal more peaceful, content is very rich also, have a navigation bar, leaming JiaoJing diagram and etc., and more concise, let a person look at a glance. Some teachers of PPT courseware is a directory, but look from the content is relatively too simple, sometimes even the theme of PPT courseware. Should have a quit button in the catalogue, make the whole PPT courseware interface can exit through the directory at any time to finish, not to play all the way to the final exit. Effect and to complete the be clear at a glance, we must make full use of the flash animation, ps image processing ability, word text editing software, etc.   3.Flash, and effective integration of PowerPoint
  PowerPoint is a courseware teachers are familiar with the software. If will Flash into PowerPoint, let the two strengths of excellent software together to create a breathtaking effect. Will better improve the quality of classroom teaching. Fused Flash PowerPointrtl have a few kinds of methods, also introduced a method of F. 1. Run PowerPoint. Switch to insert the Flash dynamic toilet slides. 2. Click the insert menu. In the pop-up drop-down menu, click the “object”. At this point the insert object dialog will appear. Select “by the file creation”, click “browse”. Found in the “browse” dialog box appears to insert Nash and choose animation, Flash animation path will appear in the “insert” text box in the dialog box. Return to PowerPoim finally click “ok”. 3. At this moment. Have appeared on the slide a Flash icon, the icon size and location. Can be changed according to need. Right click on the icon and on the shortcut menu, click “Settings”. In “Settings” dialog. 4. Activate the object way to “click”, or “mouse”. To system default “click” as an example, select the “click” label towel “object”. Then click “ok”, to complete the activation animation Settings, return I hope JPowerPoint. 5. Show the slide, when the mouse click on the icon Flash animation, a box. Click “yes”. The system will call Flash program to the animation. Flash and PowerPoint teaching mouth r in real time to a combination of text, images, graphics, images, sound, animation, and other information, not only has the form of static information, and have the properties of dynamic information. It can change micro, abstract to concrete, complex to simple, traditional education cannot finish the teaching task, highlight the students’ autonomous learning, guide students from passive listening to the recipient, into active participation in learning individuals. FIash and PowerPoint is a teacher’s demonstration tools, and the students’ cognitive T, teachers can turn abstract, microcosmic side show students. Teachers use of Flash and PowerPoint effectively integrate, and subject to reasonable use of them, fully tap the existing teaching resources, based on the limited material, make the student
  To make full use of all your senses to learn knowledge in the classroom, receive information,
  4.ps with FIash
  simulation model. Simulation mode refers to the use of Flash animation imitating natural law or the law of social phenomena. It can under the condition of the limited situation, let a person, as it were, to help vivid to spread knowledge, cultivating students’ ability. Simulation model is divided into simulation, simulation training and teaching demonstration.   the game mode. Flash game is different from general software, it is to use the computer to produce a with competitive learning environment, the scientific nature, interesting and education together, stimulate students’ interest, entertaining, this software is mainly used to exercise the students’ response speed, decision-making ability and control ability.
  5. the summary
  In the teaching, will Flash, PowerPoint and word, ps, four software combination can very good to show the teaching content, through photoshop pictures, using Flash animation demo, with word notes and complete the lesson plan, the final use PowerPoint to present in front of the students.
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【摘 要】近年来,随着高职教育的迅猛发展,高职院校的数量、办学规模和学生的数量都有很大幅度的提升,高职院校的辅导员队伍也也随之发展壮大。但是一些高職院校是由原来的中专、技校和职业学校转制或合并而来,所以很多高职院校的辅导员存在素质参差不齐、辅导员结构不合理、职业化与专业化发展遭遇瓶颈等诸多问题,如何解决以上问题进而加强辅导员的队伍建设、组建成一支高素质、结构合理、专业化的辅导员队伍成为了当前辅导员
【摘 要】在新课程教育理念的倡导下,初中数学课堂教学中的发散性逻辑思维和扩散性数学认知能力的提升,在现代数学教育理念中,已经形成了及符合现代信息技术教育的发展,也适应了现代科技时代社会的发展,鉴于初中数学教育课堂中存在着教师教学目标不明确,讲课时间过长,思路模式传统化,数学语言边沿化等突出问题,结合我自己多年来的数学教学经验和个人体会来展开对初中教育课堂中的讨论。  【关键词】初中数学 课堂 探索
阅读教学是初中语文课堂教学的基本课型。阅读过程是阅读个体的感悟和体验建构的过程,是一种再创造,它带有强烈的个性特征。由于人们的立场观点、思想感情、生活经验、文化修养、艺术趣味不同,对作品的理解和鉴赏也不同,存在着主观的差异;其面对文本所使用的方法和表现出的兴趣与深度等也都因人而异,其鉴赏过程和结果也是千差万别的。上好阅读课,我认为要抓好以下几点:  一、坚持民主,发挥教师的课堂引领作用  要想让学
【摘 要】随着云计算这个新的信息技术的出现与逐步使用,网络进入以资源为中心转变为以服务为中心的云时代,而作为军队教育体系结构中的重要组成部分现代远程教育依靠网络为基础,必将迎来新的挑战。云计算为军队现代远程教育资源的共建共享带来了新的思路,为以服务为核心的现代远程教育提供了更大的帮助。  【关键词】现代远程教育 云计算 资源建设  从信息资源共享的历程来看,信息技术的发展一直影响和制约着信息资源共
【摘 要】随着信息技术的发展,现代教育技术与教育领域的结合越来越密切,它突破了教育受时间和空间的限制,使得教学模式和学习的方式都发生了巨大的变化。本文主要探讨了现代教育环境下学生学习方式转变的表现,以及在促使学生学习方式转变过程中应起到的作用。  【关键词】教育技术 学习方式  随着现代教育技术的发展,拓宽了人们接受教育的途径,使学习不再受时间和空间的限制,按照需求学习,因地因时学习、以及因材施教
【摘 要】文章通过阐述为提高中职生的识图与绘图能力,采取直观性教学法、精讲多练分层辅导法、总结归纳法、分层辅导法、案例教学法、多媒体教学法等教学方法的尝试,进行了有效教学方法的探索。  【关键词】浅谈 中职学校 机械制图 有效 教学方法  中职学校《机械制图》是一门专业基础课,它和专业的相关课程以及生产实习有紧密的联系,是培训技术工人基本技能不可缺少的一门重要课程。因为《机械制图》在教学计划中起着
【摘 要】计算机与互联网的广泛使用标志着信息化时代的到来,也意味着图书馆创新的必然性。在新的时代背景下,高校内的图书馆要想进行读者服务的创新,不仅要坚守以人为本、个性化服务与效益性的工作原则,更要从工作人员和管理机制两个方面入手,引入市场竞争机制,提高工作人员水平,从而使得图书馆的服务更加精细与人性化,赢得信息化时代下的全新挑战。  【关键词】图书馆 读者服务 创新  图书馆是人类知识储存的场所,
【摘 要】随着越来越多的农民工外出打工,农民工留守子女的教育问题受到越来越多的关注,本文从探究留守子女这一在义务教育阶段弱势群体的生活学习环境出发,进而研究留守子女教育困境的成因,探讨如何改善留守子女接受义务教育的环境,使他们健康成长。  【关键词】农民工 留守儿童 教育公平 和谐社会  农民工是指所有外出进行与非农业有关的就业的农民群体。这一群体在农闲时离开土地,穿梭往来于城市和家乡之间,处于农
【摘 要】随着网络科技的发展,很多高校日益重视网络平台下的高校大学生思想政治教育方法。下面,笔者就当前网络平台下高校大学生思想政治教育的重要性进行探究,并针对当前网络平台下高校大学生的思想政治教育方法进行具体说明。  【关键词】网络平台 大学生 思想政治教育 重要性  当代社会逐步进入网络时代。思想敏锐、接受新鲜事物能力强的大学生是使用互联网络的生力军,网络已经成为大学生求知、社交、娱乐的重要途径
【摘 要】独立学院已成为当今中国高等院校的主力军吗,承担着大量的培养高校学子的任务。而学院培养人才的模式与目的不同,学生入校基础薄弱,学习能力有限,教师普遍年轻化等客观现象均使得其在大学英语教学方面有一定的特殊性和差异性。本文将就此现象展开论述。  【关键词】独立学院 大学英语 改革  一、引言  独立学院是中国高等学校办学模式的新生代,从1999年至今,只有15年左右的历史。在这短短十几年的发展