The Strategies of Disneyland and Its Wide Spreading in the Context of Globalization

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  【Abstract】:Walt Disney company is the world's second largest media entertainment enterprise. This thesis mainly discuss the successful strategies of Disneyland from the globalization perspective.
  【Keywords】: Walt Disney company;globalization;localization
  Chapter 1 Disney culture
  1.1 Innovation
  Disney pays great attention to the innovation, thus the theme park project is not always the same. According to the concept of the "three-thirds system", the Disneyland would eliminate one third of the hardware facilities every year, launch one third of the new project to update and supplement the entertainment facilities timely. In this way, it could keep the long time novelty to attract more repeat customers. So, Disney has a famous slogan, "Disney built forever".
  1.2 Detail
  Disneyland also pays great attention to details. There must be a trash can every 25 feet in the amusement park. Amusement facilities are painted with the high grade paint, and all required gold-plated silver place are real materials. Walter even hire people to inspect in the park twice a month, ensuring that all colors used in the park are in harmony. In Disneyland, the presence of any dream scenario depends on not only the designers, but also careful execution.
  1.3 Customer first
  "Customer first and give pleasure to the tourists", is the market positioning of Disneyland, as well as the business philosophy. The performers in the parade would be positive to interact with tourists to meet the requirements of the tourists as much as possible. The stuff will also talk to tourists, especially children, asking them what facilities they are not satisfied with. In other words, It is this enthusiasm and meticulous service that show humanistic care of the Disney company.
  Chapter 2 Globalization
  Globalization is a theoretical concept developed by Robertson. Globalization is a portmanteau of the words ‘globalization’ and ‘localization’ and refers to the interaction of the global and the local, a cooperation of the global and the local, and the conflation of both universalizing and particularizing tendencies.
  What globalization stresses is that transplanting a theme, product, or service elsewhere has a higher probability to succeed when it is catered to the local region in which it is introduced.
  2.1 The great success:Japan Disneyland
  In 1983, the first international Disney theme park opened, Tokyo Disneyland in Japan. After the success in American, their spread toward Asia is a successful attempt. After opening in 1983, Tokyo Disney created a Disney wave, people there crowed in to the park. Disney culture became a kind of fashion in Japan during that time. Without any doubt, Tokyo Disneyland is really successful. For the Tokyo Disneyland was built with a franchising mode, which means this foreign theme park could be managed more local.There are lots of changes this Disneyland made to adapt to different culture environments.   2.2 The failure:Paris Disneyland
  Disney executives in 1986 turned their attention to France and, more specifically, to Paris, the self-proclaimed capital of European high culture and style. Paris was chosen because of demographics and subsidies. About 17 million Europeans live less than a two-hour drive from Paris. Another 310 million can fly there in the same time or less. Also, the French government was so eager to attract Disney that it offered the company more than $1 billion in various incentives, all in the expectation that the project would create 30,000 French jobs. However, Paris Disneyland turned out to be a failure. The Case of Euro Disneyland can represent a lack of cultural focus and awareness of concept which was a globalization of the Disney Corporation.
  Chapter3 Strategies
  In today's world, globalization becomes the mainstream, how Disney culture developed in the context of global communication. In addition to eliminate the cultural barriers, implement localization strategy also helps to the continuation of Disney magic.
  The first is to respect the differences between different cultures. Disneyland spread in the United States, Europe, and the other continents, the employees are local who have different skin color and language, their culture and thinking pattern are different as well. For managers, therefore, must recognize and respect these cultural differences, rather than showing superiority over the other cultures.
  Implement localization strategy in Disneyland is a another way for the foreign culture communication. In order to highlight the Chinese characteristics, Hong Kong Disneyland first appeared the Chinese-style buildings. The 2008 Spring Festival, mickey and Minnie also changed into the traditional Chinese cloth and warmly welcome every visitors.
  Understanding globalization theory is a particularly pressing concern. The globalization of Disney exemplifies that the world is not being into a homogenized sphere because, across the globe, there are sites of resistance,regardless of the momentum of this revered representative of popular culture.Shanghai Disneyland was opened in June this year, it should learn lessons from Japan and Paris.
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【摘要】:《浮世画家》反映战后日本社会的方方面面,通过文本解读及叙述手法的分析,反映战后日本社会刻意遗忘和扭曲历史事实以强化其战争受害者同时弱化其战争加害者身份的现象。石黑一雄意通过小说鞭挞日本政府刻意掩盖历史、回避其战争责任的行径,呼吁其正视史实,由果寻因寻求创伤根源并改过自新,引以为戒。更是打破了部分读者对日本在战争中是“受害者”还是“加害者”定位上的犹疑状态。  【关键词】:浮世画家;二战;
【摘要】:为了实现全面建成小康社会的伟大目标,2014年中央民族工作会议指出:发展是解决民族地区各种问题的总钥匙,团结、稳定、和谐的民族关系是促进民族地区发展的基石。而构建民族相互嵌入式社会环境是营造团结、稳定、和谐的民族关系的有效途径。本文,笔者首先对民族相互嵌入式社会环境的概念进行了界析;接着,对构建民族相互嵌入式社会环境的路径作了四个方面的分析。  【关键词】:小康社会;嵌入式;建构路径  
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【摘要】:股权众筹,从三年前的火爆不减、平台开拓疯狂蔓延到如今的衰败萧条、数百家倒闭、巨头离场,行业面临重新洗牌。互联网股权众筹行业自走进国内视野以来,经历了野蛮生长阶段到破败萧条的谷底。这既与相关鼓励支持政策没有及时出台有关,更与股权众筹平台自身存在的商业模式困惑和股权投资特点瓶颈有关,应引起监管层、众筹平台、专家学者等各方的普遍关注。  【关键词】:股权众筹;发展前景;风险;措施;建议  一.
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【摘要】:服务设计越来越频繁地出现在人们的视线内,做设计要讲方法,服务设计学科目前已经有了基础性原则和流程框架,以此为根基,服务设计的方法模型还有不断衍生拓展的空间。本文分析了一例新的服务设计流程框架,以及它同原有的基础性流程框架之间的承接关系,从而揭示了服务设计方法模型的发展趋势。  【关键词】:服务设计;方法模型;发展趋势  0.引言  人类社会的消费形态已逐渐从以有形产品为主步入以无形服务为
【摘要】:在那个信仰平凡即伟大的时代,一群正值芳华的军队文工团青春少年,经历着成长中的爱情萌发与充斥变数的人生命运。而其中那个命运从未善待过深受苦难的女孩何小嫚,又该如何在时代的漩涡中谱写自己平凡而又漫长,传奇而又坎坷的一生。  【关键词】:《芳华》;刘峰;何小嫚  古有曹老带我们领略红楼遗梦,今有严歌苓为我们讲述另一代在红楼里发生过的青春往事。《芳华》讲述了上世纪七十到八十年代充满理想和激情的军