又是一个似曾相识的周末,又是一个欲说还休的阴雨天。我突然感到一种对于友情的深切的渴望,我的星散于海角天涯的友人们呵,你们现在都在哪里?你们此刻在做什么?你们也同样想起了我吗? 朋友实在是一个非常笼统和含混的词。多指熟悉到了一定程度的熟人,但我却不这样看。我心目中的朋友,既非泛泛之交的熟人,也不是寄希望于今后有求于对方的务实性的交往,而是一种特殊的情愫:不见面时会彼此惦记或牵挂,见了面能
It is a once-a-decade weekend. It is also a rainy day to be retired. I suddenly felt a deep desire for friendship. My stars scattered in the Friends of the Horizons. Where are you all right now? What are you doing at the moment? Are you also thinking of me? Friends are really very general and Vague word. Many fingers are familiar with a certain degree of acquaintances, but I don’t think so. My friends in my mind are neither universal acquaintances, nor are they hope to seek pragmatic exchanges with each other in the future, but are a special kind of feelings: when they do not meet each other, they will remember or care about each other and meet each other. can