Comrades: The Collaborative Seminar on Financial Research of the Seven Sides of Southwest China (Region) Opened Today. Attend this meeting, there are more than 80 representatives and friends from five provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in Southwest China and the financial sector in cities under separate planning. Here, please allow me, on behalf of the Guangxi Branch of the People's Bank of China, the Guangxi Institute of Finance to extend my warm welcome to the delegates and friends from afar! Comrades, the seven-party financial research collaboration of the last five provinces in Southwest China, Thanks to the efforts of the host Tibet People's Bank of Tibet and the Tibet Institute of Finance, they have been very successful and have achieved fruitful results. They have played a significant role in promoting the economic and financial development of the seven sides in the five southwestern provinces (regions) A good start to this collaboration will provide valuable experience. Here, let me express my heart-felt thanks to the Tibet People's Bank of China and the Tibet Institute of Finance on behalf of the Guangxi Branch of the People's Bank of China, the Guangxi Institute of Finance and the participants.