Bond Properties and Experimental Methods of Textile Reinforced Concrete

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donglu1116
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Textile reinforced concrete(TRC,for short)allows the low size production and offers a high effectiveness of the reinforcement by using continuous roving instead of short-chopped fibers.However, whether textiles can cooperate with concrete very well depends on the bond between them.In this paper,the bonding mechanism that the stress was transferred from fine concrete to textile was analyzed,and the influences of the initial bond length of textile,the surface treatment of textile,the strength and workability of concrete as well as the level of prestressing force on bond behavior were investigated on the basis of pull-out tests.The results reveal that with initial bond length increasing,the maximum pull force increases,and increasing concrete strength and improving workability of concrete matrix,epoxy resin impregnating and sand covering of textile as well as prestressing textile can obviously increase the bond strength between the textile and concrete. Textile reinforced concrete (TRC, for short) allows the low size production and offers a high effectiveness of the reinforcement by using continuous roving instead of short-chopped fibers.However, whether textiles can cooperate with concrete very well depends on the bond between them. In this paper, the bonding mechanism that the stress was transferred from fine concrete to textile was analyzed, and the influences of the initial bond length of textile, the surface treatment of textile, the strength and workability of concrete as well as the level of prestressing force on bond behavior were investigated on the basis of pull-out tests. The results reveal that with initial bond length increasing, the maximum pull force increases, and increasing concrete strength and improving workability of concrete matrix, epoxy resin impregnating and sand covering of textile as well as prestressing textile can obviously increase the bond strength between the textile and concrete.
课堂节录:  一、创设情境,复习引新  师:小朋友一般都喜欢小动物,(出示小猴子)这是谁呀?  生:小猴子。  师:小猴子和我们一起学数学,它先给我们带来了几个口算题。卡片出示,学生口算后从上到下有序排列。  10+1= 10+3= 10+5= 10+7= 10+8=  10+6= 10+4= 10+2= 10+9=  师:你为什么算得这么快?  师生对话得出“10加几得十几”。  二、操作探究,
物破自有时[宋]彭承韩魏公①知北都,有中外亲②献玉盏一只,云耕者入坏冢而得,表里无纤瑕可指,真绝宝也。公以百金答③之,尤为宝玩。乃开醇④召漕使⑤显官, Something broke
有这么一道习题:如图,把正方形ABCD的对角线AC分成6段,以每段为对角线做正方形,设这6个小正方形的周长和为P,正方形ABCD的周长L,则P与L的关系如何? There is such a problem
学生数学语言的表达能力也会直接影响到学生的数学思维能力和探究能力。对于小学生来说,语言表达能力也决定着他们的理解能力和读题意识,最终影响到他们的数学学习能力。 Th