Life starts from book

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  The initial native place of an intellectual is books.As we obtain knowledge from them, we have the desire to make an inquiry of the future and probe into the reality and as though we held a telescope and microscope, which leads to the sprouting of seeds for scholars to read.Sometimes we feel carefree and joyous while we are silent at times, but more often it is with profound respect and humility.Moreover, there is one thing that we can’t deny that through reading we are reminded how small we are and how reverent we should be for civilization.
  There are too many people who are willing to spend a couple of thousands on a meal but reluctant to take dozens of blocks for a book.Now the books about the classics fare poorly in bookstores.It can be seen that Chinese people’s interest in reading books about humanities has languishes recently.Instead, without the awareness of fostering people’s souls, their pursuit of knowledge tends to be utilitarian and the entertainment is regarded as a culture.As we know, Mo Yan won the Nobel prize for literature without bringing literature fever to China.Conversely, his works began to sale slowly after a week’s hot sale.
  A survey on the national reading index reveals that Chinese people read 4.3 books per person each year, compared with 10 in Korea, 20 in Russia and 60 in Israel.Thus, it is said that 5 Jews have changed the world - Mose thought everything was the torah while Jesus claimed that it was suffering.For Marx, it was capital, and Floyd argued that it meant sex.And it was believed relative by Einstein.The fact is, the cultural power makes Israel a great country in the world.However, what the Great China with 1 billion 350 million people and 5000 years of civilization contributes to humanity and science is nowhere near enough.Rethinking will find a way that we are accustomed to using politics instead of culture, ignoring the tradition of humanism and cultivating the masses’ reading habits less consciously.Thus, we need to improve ourselves as soon as possible in order to make our hearts positive, noble, intelligent, elegant, and warm, keeping up with the pace of world civilization.That means reading is the most important approach to achieve it.Only by doing this can the sages and prophets of mankind talk to the soul of everyone.
  As the former Premier Wen Jiabao said, “those saying no to books will have no future and so does a nation.” With his sincere heart, the significance of reading is mentioned in the height of national future, which is right on the nail.Therefore, I think the so-called “man’s nature at birth is good" means that each new life is the innocent hollow man”.   Throughout history, among Confucius’s students, we can also see the importance of books.
  Of Confucius’s students, Zi Gong is the richest one who is a businessman with great achievements, but he shows lackluster performance in scholarship.Conversely, Yan Hui, another follower of Confucius, lives in poverty but focuses on improving his knowledge.
  Pursuing wealth or knowledge leads to two distinct ways.As we all know, we can’t catch a fish in the river and hunt paws in the mountain at the same time.And only one thing can be chosen once.Thus, intellectuals should study hard, resisting the temptations of the outside world, enduring loneliness and being willing to suffer poverty.
  Confucius said, “ It’s unusual for someone to fail to start his official career after finishing three years of learning”.
  Confucius always praises his student who aims for being a scholar not a rich trader as a great asset.Similar words have been used by Marx, “the entrance of science leads to hell”.In order to study capital, Marx is prepared to keep impoverished for the rest of his life.Due to Capital is of inestimable value for human beings.Therefore, Marx said to his wife during that hardship “ the noble people would shed their tears when they faced our ashes after our death”.
  From the chapter XI of The Analects, “Ji Kangzi asks Confucius, “who among your followers dotes on learning most·” Confucius replies, “ a student named Yan Hui(also called Yan Yuan)had the greatest passion for learning.Unfortunately he died young, and now nobody alive is so passionate for learning as he was”.
  Yan Yuan has passed away.Confucius says,“ Alas! The heaven has resolved to deprive me of my life! The heaven has resolved to deprive me of my life”!
  Yan Yuan died, and Confucius cried very sorrowfully.The man who followed Confucius said, “you have been overly sorrowful!” Confucius said, “is it too sad· I am not overly sad for this person, and who is it· ”
  For Confucius, many people can become successful businessmen,so he thinks nothing of being a businessman.Yet scholars are altogether different because a true scholar can be met not sought.And the best embodiment is Yan Yuan whose early demise is the biggest blow to Confucius.
  Despite Zi Gong’s fabulous wealth, he is definitely not ranked more highly than Yan Yuan under Confucius.
  At present, with the obvious tendency of utilitarian orientation, some university teachers are required to get the money from the project during their assessing to professors, which leads to this phenomenon that professors do not neither attend classes nor seek knowledge.Instead, they exploit the connection to get well-paid projects.
  By Confucius’s standards, the university should be a place for further study where Yan Yuan could be assessed as professor while Zi Gong is not eligible.The professor must be evaluated the academic level by the papers published by themselves, and the dissertations are the best embodiment of their academic achievements.Such as Chen Jingrun, a late mathematician and the Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan, are all topping academics.Both of them are the most distinguished professors, though the pity is that they have no chance to comment.
摘 要: 体育教学是中职教育体系中必不可少的组成部分,是符合学生身心发展的必修课程。传统的中职体育教学理念相对滞后,忽视了体育教育的重要性,导致中职学生未受到良好的体育教育,不利于中职学生身体素质的提高,阻碍学生身心的健康发展。为促进中职体育教学改革,提高教学质量,本文首先阐述了中职体育教学的现状,接着探究了中职体育教学改革的创新与实践的有效措施,以供参考。  关键词: 中职体育;创新与实践;中职
摘 要: 呼吸的方法和形式正确以促进古典舞蹈发挥最为淋漓尽致,体现古典舞蹈的内在意义。本文对古典舞蹈进行了深入分析,阐述了呼吸对古典舞蹈基训的重要性和意义,并提出了相关建议,推动了呼吸在教学中的运用。  关键词: 古典舞、呼吸  呼吸是一切事物的根源,呼吸使生命继续下去,呼吸的重要性可以被看到。在古典舞蹈基础训练中,尤其注意呼吸技巧,只有掌握经典舞蹈练习的呼吸技巧才能完美。因此,在古典舞的基础训练
摘 要: 19世纪英国发挥首创精神,成为世界上第一个完成第一次工业革命的国家,科学技术、政治制度、文化教育等方面“遍地开花”,大放异彩,向世界展示了“水晶宫”般的大英帝国。本文将以19世纪英国鼎盛时期的发展为线索,浅谈笔者对17—19世纪英国在大国发展中脱颖而出的启示。  关键词: 英国;鼎盛;启示  一、英国17—19世纪鼎盛时期的发展  (一)政治制度的发展  英国在欧洲西北角,位于北海之中,
摘 要: 探究传统和现代之间的关联是如今所有艺术门类普遍关注的一项议题,艺术设计同样如此。在推动艺术设计全面发展的过程中,除了要注意与时俱进,主动加入时代元素之外,还需要担当起继承传统文化的重要责任。特别是在我国融入世界步伐不断加快,艺术设计在西方文化与价值观影响的双重压力之下,我们更是要探究怎样挖掘和继承传统文化中的设计要素,通过吸纳传统文化营养来完善现代艺术设计,真正担当起继承和发扬传统文化的
舞蹈感觉是建立在动觉的基础之上,在舞者身体各部位动作高度协调统一的基础上,融入了舞者个人的情感赋予舞蹈动作以生命里,诠释了对主观世界产生的感觉。由此可见,舞蹈感觉是舞者对外部环境及自身精神境界达到高度协调统一的感觉,是一种反映身心和谐的高级的理性的具体认识。舞蹈感觉的形成和发展不可避免的受到各种因素的影响。  一、遗传因素决定舞蹈动作的快慢  就舞蹈动作的技能形成与发展来说,它的快慢程度是由遗传因
摘 要: 这篇文章的目的是延续地域文化的追求,地域传统文化与时代发展的结合,学习借鉴传统民居文化尊重天地、以人为本的思想;也是探索传统思维和现代思维,传统技术和现代技术,传统审美和现代审美相结合的过程;从而使山地民居回到我们现代建筑创作之中,得知建筑地域探索的道路永无止境。  关键词: 文化;环境;继承;创新  1、贵州村寨的类型与形态  1.1、横跨山脊顺山就势而为的村寨  山势是山脉的形态趋势
摘 要: 湖南湘西是以苗族和土家族为主的少数民族聚居地,而湘西苗族服饰是其文化体系中的重要组成部分,从服饰中可以看出民族历史和文化底蕴,是宝贵的民间财富,而湘西苗族服饰上的图案也被历史学者称为“穿在身上的史诗图腾”,本文从当代湘西苗族服饰入手,通过分析服饰的特点与内容,探讨苗族服饰在当代工笔画中是如何体现的。工笔人物画在中国传统绘画中有着悠久的历史和不可抹没的成就,而湘西苗族题材工笔画以其独特的民
摘 要: 湘西凤凰古城的吊脚楼是一种颇具民族特色的传统民居建筑。它的建筑形态凝聚着当地人民长期积累下来的特有的民族文化、生活习俗及美学情感。它完全依照“天人合一”的生态理念而存在,又完美的诠释了“因地制宜”的生态环境观。然而随着社会的发展,对当地吊脚楼建筑的保护现状在一些方面却显得不尽人意,保护和发展吊脚楼建筑更显得尤为重要,针对湘西凤凰古城沱河岸边吊脚楼建筑的生存现状,通过对吊脚楼建筑传承与发展
扬琴的演奏是依靠手臂各部位肌肉关节的联合运动产生弹击力量,作用住下击琴,使琴弦振动发音,并通过琴码传递,引起面板和琴腔空气振动,产生音响共鸣。这种联合运动正确与否,对演奏的优劣起着决定性作用。演奏时,是在手臂配合下,以腕指关节为活动中心,采用拇、食、中三指持竹法,依靠手腕伸屈,转动和手指捻动,上托相结合来完成。在演奏过程中就需要演奏者对力度均衡的控制,根据不同的曲风来表现乐曲的刚劲与柔美。  一、
摘 要: 情感表现是声乐艺术演唱成功的重要因素,情感表达能够激发演唱者的动力,能够让演唱者能够了解声乐音乐的内涵,在进行演唱时投入感情,激发演唱热情。只有投入更多的情感,使演唱生动,具有较强的感染力。将高超的演唱技巧融合在深刻的艺术表现中,才能将作品的精神、情感完美的传递出来。  关键词: 情感特征,声乐艺术  声乐艺术的情感,是歌唱家在自己心里唤起曾经体验的情感,并使这种情感通过歌声表达出来,同