现代技术在教学中的应用无疑是教学改革中的一个热点 .笔者最近曾数次参与课件制作评比工作 ,观摩了不少运用多媒体辅助课堂教学的公开课 ,有两点体会 :一方面充分运用现代技术辅助课堂教学 ,不仅能增大课堂容量 ,优化教学结构 ,而且能增强学生的学习兴趣 ,激发学生探究精神 .
The application of modern technology in teaching is undoubtedly a hot spot in teaching reform. Recently, the author has participated in the courseware appraisal several times, and has watched many open classes using multimedia-assisted classroom teaching. There are two experiences: on one hand, the full use of modern Technology-assisted classroom teaching can not only increase classroom capacity, optimize teaching structure, but also enhance students’ interest in learning and inspire students’ exploration spirit.