9月3日,国土资源部党组印发了《关于国土资源系统开展“两整治一改革”专项行动的通知》,决定从现在开始到明年年底在全系统开展此项行动。《中国土地》杂志特开设“两整治一改革”栏目,专门介绍各地开展专项活动的典型经验。来稿请写明:“两整治一改革”字样,请将电子版发至:[email protected]。欢迎各地作者踊跃来稿,编辑部将择优选用。
On September 3, the party group of the Ministry of Land and Resources issued the Notice on Carrying out Two Remedies, One Reform and a Special Action on Carrying out Land and Resources System, and decided to carry out this action system-wide from now till the end of next year. “China Land” magazine special set up “two reform a reform” section, devoted to carry out typical activities around the typical experience. Please indicate the manuscript: “Two remediation of a reform ” words, please send the electronic version to: [email protected]. All authors are welcome to submit contributions, the editorial department will choose the best.