Aberrant expression of CD56 by circulating Sézary syndrome malignant T lymphocytes

来源 :World Journal of Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:candycandy726
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Sézary syndrome(SS) is an aggressive variant of cutaneous T cell lymphoma characterized by the presence of malignant T cells in the skin, peripheral blood and lymph nodes. The tumoral population typically displays a CD3+ CD4+ CD45RO+ memory T cell phenotype. We report a case of SS with an aberrant CD56+ immunophenotype. This patient presented with a generalized erythroderma and palpable small axillary lymph nodes.SS(stage IVA) was diagnosed on histological criteria and by the detection of a major T cell clone in skin and blood, an elevated CD4/CD8 T cell ratio and Sézary cells count > 1000/mm3. Beside the Sézary cell marker KIR3DL2, immunostainings revealed that two third of the malignant cells expressed CD56 but no other natural killer(NK) cell marker such as CD16, CD160 or NKp46. This atypical expression was not linked to an activation-dependent process and remained stable during the time course of the disease. No loss of the panT-cell markers CD2, CD3 or CD4 was detected while a complete down-modulation of CD26 was observed. Despite several lines of treatment, no durable amelioration was observed and patient died after 10 mo of follow-up. Because this CD4+ CD56+ SS case is the only one reported so far, the functional significance of CD56 expression remained difficult to assess in terms of aggressiveness and prognosis.
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