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采用三组不同成分的Q420角钢做常温拉伸试验、低温冲击试验,其中两组成分试验作为一组成分的对比。由三种不同成分的拉伸试验结果与金相组织可知:一组成分的含钒量增加,晶粒细化,从而强度增大。其中一组成分角钢又分为四种不同终轧温度,通过实验研究终轧温度对角钢低温韧度的影响。结果表明:随着终轧温度的降低,角钢的冲击韧度逐渐降低;在860℃终轧温度低温冲击韧度达到最大,而986℃终轧温度的最小;用电子扫描显微镜对四种不同终轧温度角钢在-40℃低温冲击试验的断口进行分析,从SEM断口形貌照片中可知:终轧温度为857和873℃角钢-40℃低温下发生韧性断裂;终轧温度为924和986℃角钢发生脆性断裂,与低温冲击试验结果相符合。 Three sets of Q420 angle steel with different compositions were used to make room temperature tensile test and low temperature impact test, in which the two component tests were compared as a set of components. Tensile test results from three different ingredients and microstructure shows that: a group of ingredients containing vanadium increased grain refinement, which increases strength. One of the components of angle steel is divided into four different finishing temperature, through the experimental study of the effect of finishing temperature on low temperature toughness of angle steel. The results show that the impact toughness of angle steel decreases with the decrease of finishing temperature. The impact toughness reaches the maximum at 860 ℃ and the finish temperature of 986 ℃. The results of the SEM micrographs showed that the angle of finish rolling occurred at 857 ℃ and 873 ℃, and the ductile fracture occurred at the low temperature of -40 ℃. The finishing temperature was 924 ℃ and 986 ℃ Brittle brittle fracture angle, and low temperature impact test results are consistent.
考察了催化剂Al 2O3·Na2O·xH2O/NaOH/Al(OH)3催化木质素水蒸气气化制氢及其影响因素.结果表明,木质素气化的产氢速率随Na 2O/C比值的升高而升高;木质素在较低的温度下气化
采用Gleeble-1500热模拟试验机对38MnVS6非调质钢在温度为950~1200℃、应变速率为0.01~5 s-1进行热压缩试验,获得不同变形条件下的流动应力曲线.根据经典应力-位错关系和动态再
以准φ30 mm×3 mm的20CrMnTi圆饼状试样为研究对象,采用有限元法对试样的高压扭转成形过程进行数值模拟,分析成形过程中应变的分布和变化趋势。通过压扭设备和模具对试样施
医院的核心竞争力是人力资源的竞争力,人力资源的竞争力是通过提高人力资本的价值,来促进医院社会效益和经济效益的提高,要想提高人力资本的价值,就必须充分调动员 The core