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  Under the burning sun, an old man sat by the bank staring at the buoy1 on the river. From dawn to dusk he still got nothing in his hands. However, the old man was happy at ease. I felt so puzzled about it.
   The old man said with a smile, “I’m the fish and the fish is me, I’m fishing and I’m also being fished; Like playing chess, the fish and I have such an equal endurance that I have a wonderful time.” At this point, an urchin2 threw a stone into the water. A circle of ripples wafted over. The old man said, “The wind rises.”
   Life is a chess game while beauty is devotion.
  摘译自 Enjoy English

Christian Herter was governor of Massachusetts. One day, after a busy morning (and without lunch) he ar-rived at a church barbecue. It was late afternoon and Herter was famished.  As Herter moved down
A couple, whom we shall call John and Mary, had a nice home and two lovely children, a boy and a girl. John had a good job and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and would be
I remember reading a statement by a psychiatrist1 who said that if you ever feel depressed, the best thing to do is to do something for someone else. Why? Because it gets you focused outward, not inwa
我一生大多数时间都是做旅行推销商,所以孤独成了一种职业病。但有一年,我的小女儿珍宁送给了我一副想家的解药。  那是一只玩具企鹅,它有一双乌溜溜的眼睛,打着红色蝴蝶结,长着一双橘黄色的脚———大约有五英寸高。它的左腿上粘着一个小牌子,上面手绘着:“我爱我爸!”我马上在我的梳妆台上给企鹅提供了一席之地。  下一次旅行时,我就将企鹅放进了手提箱。当夜我给家里打电话时,珍宁忐忑不安地说企鹅不见了。“宝贝儿
A little boy selling magazines for school walked up to a house that people rarely visited. The house was very old and run down and the owner hardly ever came out. When he did come out he would not say
It was an unseasonably hot day. Everybody, it seemed, was looking for some kind of comfort, so an ice cream store was a natural place to stop.   A little girl, holding her money tightly, entered the s
初春,新婚的艾米莉随丈夫搬到一个小镇定居。新家各方面条件都不错,惟独荒废多年的花园让艾米莉不甚满意。重新打理可不是件容易的事,她决定请一位花匠,于是就在报纸上登出了招聘广告。  第二天,来了一高一矮两个应聘者。两人都彬彬有礼,说起话来也都蛮在行。正犹豫着,艾米莉突然看到邻居太太在前廊上打手势,示意她雇那个矮个子花匠。艾米莉心想,邻居太太在这里住了很久,一定知道哪个花匠好,于是就照她的意思办了。矮花
我的伊迪丝姨妈是个寡妇,做秘书工作。50岁那年,医生发现她得了一种在当时认为是非常严重的心脏病。  伊迪丝姨妈没有轻易认输,她开始在图书馆钻研医学报告,并在一本杂志上看到一篇介绍得克萨斯州休斯敦市著名心脏外科医生迈克尔·德巴基博士的文章。他曾经挽救过某个患同样疾病的人的生命。文章说德巴基博士的收费很高,伊迪丝姨妈绝对付不起这笔钱。可是他能不能给她介绍一个她付得起费的医生呢?  于是,伊迪丝姨妈给他
曾经有人问一个非常成功的商人:“你是怎样在有生之年取得这样的成就的呢?”   他回答:“我做梦。我放飞自己的思想,想像自己想要的东西。然后我就上床,思考自己的梦想。那个晚上,我就可以梦到自己的梦想。当第二天早上醒来,我就看到了通向梦想的路。每次别人都说,‘你做不到的,这不可能’,而我总是坚持实现自己梦想的路。”正如美国第28任总统伍德罗·威尔逊所说:“我们因为梦想而变得伟大。所有伟人都是梦想家。”