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  LONDON - Down in the mall, between the fast-food joint and the bagel(百吉饼) shop, a group of young people huddles(拥挤) in a flurry of baggy combat pants(短裤), skateboards(溜冰板), and slang. They size up a woman teetering(步履蹒跚的) past wearing DKNY, carrying Time magazine in one hand and a latte in the other. She brushes past a guy in a Yankees' baseball cap who is talking on his Motorola cell phone about the Martin Scorsese film he saw last night.
  伦敦——沿着购物街向下,一群年轻人,穿着松松垮垮的短裤,脚踩溜冰板,满嘴粗话,拥挤在一起,慌张地穿行在连锁快餐店之间。他们会评价一位路过的妇女,她身穿DKNY的衣服,一手拿着时代杂志,一手挎一个小包,蹒跚地走着。一个家伙与她擦身而过,他头戴美国篮球队的帽子,边走边在他的MOTO手机上与朋友狂侃昨夜刚看的Martin Scorsese导演的电影。
  It's a standard American scene - only this isn't America, it's Britain. US culture is so pervasive, the scene could be played out in any one of dozens of cities.Budapest or Berlin,Even Manila or Moscow.
  As the unrivaled(无敌的、至高无上的) global superpower, America exports its culture on an unprecedented scale. From music to media, film to fast food, language to literature and sport, the American idea is spreading inexorably(无情地、冷酷地), not unlike the influence of empires that preceded it.
  The difference is that today's technology flings(投、掷) culture to every corner of the globe with blinding(令人眩目的)speed. If it took two millenniums for Plato's "Republic" to reach North America, the latest hit from Justin Timberlake can be found in Greek (and Japanese) stores within days. Sometimes, US ideals get transmitted - such as individual rights, freedom of speech, and respect for women - and local cultures are enriched. At other times, materialism or worse becomes the message and local traditions get crushed.
  不同之处在于,今天的科学技术以令人眩目的速度将文化推向地球的各个角落。若说柏拉图的“理想国”经过了两千年才到达美洲,那么贾斯汀的新专辑在数天之内就能出现在希腊或日本的音像店里 。有时,美国一些如个人权利、言论自由、尊重妇女等思潮的传播,丰富了各地的文化;而有时,物质主义或者更糟的思潮,却给各地的传统文化带来了危害。
   "The US has become the most powerful, significant world force in terms of cultural imperialism and expansion," says Ian Ralston, American studies director at Liverpool John Moores University. "The areas that particularly spring to mind are Hollywood, popular music, and even literature."
  “在文化扩张方面,美国已成为世界上势力最强大,影响最广的国家。” Ian Ralston这样说。他是利物浦约翰墨尔大学的美国研究会理事。他还说,“提到文化扩张,人们就会想到好莱坞,流行音乐,甚至美国文学。”
  But what some call "McDomination" has created a backlash(后座、后冲)in certain cultures. And it's not clear whether fast food, Disney, or rock androll will change the world the way Homer or Shakespeare has.
今年流行什么?超女和梦想中国啊!的确, 超女和梦想中国成了一种潮流(①trend),成为了每个人茶余饭后津津乐道的娱乐话题(topic),这说明平民化歌手将进一步改变以往人们对娱乐界的态度(②attitude),专业不专业开始变得不再重要,人们想要看到的就是从身边走出来的平凡人,这样的艺人有点“邻家有女初长成,凤凰传说”的感觉,带给大众的感受很真切。“谁说下一站天后不会是身边的平凡人?”。无论是“
慧慧:F1带给人们的永远是一种掺杂着激动与怅惘的复杂情感。   Nathan: ——that kind of Memory and desire。   慧慧:那么相比之下,我们接下来要来接触的这个项目就要轻松而且单纯的多了。   Nathan:You can call it a competitive activity, but I think it’s more like a …休闲或者是独处方
Fast food(快餐)是近些年来迅速兴起的一种服务业,它的发展也给语言带来了新发展。  最初,Fast food主要有两种:“热狗”(hot dog)和“汉堡包”(hamburger),热狗就是在小长条面包中间夹上红色的“小泥肠”(frankfurter),汉堡包是在蘸芝麻的小圆面包中间夹上压扁的煎牛肉丸子,当然有时还添上生菜叶儿、乳酪或其它调味品,如芥末等。据说以碎牛肉末煎成肉饼这一做法来自
[准备篇]   混搭,顾名思义,就是把各种不同的元素混合搭配在一起。但要怎样才是混得有型,搭得好看呢?混搭只需三计!    [Standby]   Matching, just as its name implies, means blending various elements together.Then, how to make it stylish and gorgeous? Only t
1. It’s a Smoke Free Area.  直译:它是个自由吸烟区。  意译:它是个无烟区。  2. Shakespeare put his hometown on the map.  直译:莎士比亚把他的家乡放在了地图上。  意译:莎士比亚使他的家乡声名远扬。  3. John would not come out of his shell and talk to others at
This is not a new game,but a never color-fadedgame.The player drives acarasa cycle racer, enjoying different places“at the full speed”. Time for each competition and the length are different from othe
The trend started with the popular yellow band, which is inscribed with "livestrong" and was set up by American cyclist Lance Armstrong to raise awareness of cancer.   美国自行车选手兰斯·阿姆斯特朗为了提高人们对癌症的认识,发起了印
Do you have a problem or some distress you want to chat? Have something to get off your chest? Write to me, your sister “Summer”.     Q:我是一名初二的女生,在和同学的交往中,我不敢和人对视,因为怕自己说错话,让别人听了不舒服。上课时,我不敢发言,老师让同学轮流上台
Do you have a problem or some distress you want to chat? Have something to get off your chest? Write to me, your sister “Summer”.     有难题或苦恼想跟人聊聊?想将积压心头的忧虑一吐为快?写信给我吧,你们的“夏天儿姐姐”。  To: [email protected]
Prometheus (普罗米修斯)was a Titan (巨人).In the war between Zeus(宙斯) and the giants(一个巨人种族) he had stood on the side of the new Olympiangods(奥林匹斯山神).Out of the clay(粘土) he made the first man,to whom Athena(