【摘 要】
成功与悲剧 莫琳·麦考密克的故事是从加利稿尼亚开始的。小时候的她是一个金发碧眼的小可爱。她在六岁时,赢得了圣费尔南多谷漂亮宝宝选美比赛;在八岁时,为美泰公司出
现实热爱浪子的皈依,特别是那些有才的浪子。 本·阿弗莱克有过年少轻狂的时候,和歌星詹妮弗·洛佩兹的恋情恐怕对于现在的他来说还是一场噩梦。当初的他们肆无忌惮,高调妄为,秀恩爱,秀下限,直到一起合作的电影《鸳鸯绑匪》惨败才让这对情侣清醒,之后的故事就是分道扬镳,各自安生。其实,阿弗莱克有一个不错的过去,与好友马特·达蒙合作编写的《心灵捕手》让这双好兄弟在好莱坞一时风头无两。但是,比起好友达蒙在演戏道
Down by the river by the boats Where everybody goes to be alone Where you won’t see any rising sun Down to the river we will run When by the water we drink to the dregs Look at the stones on the
脸上画着油彩 藏于黑暗之地 我们感到安全 彻底远离其他一切
I was a late arrival to university. I didn’t 1)enroll until my 74th year, and wasn’t to graduate until last week. At 78, I finished a 2)BA in history at 3)Birkbeck, University of London. I grew up in
I taught English in Japan for two years when I was in my early 30’s, and I was already late. I was late for life. I didn’t graduate from 1)undergrad school till I was 28, because of a series of factor
在这个浮躁而匆忙的现代世界里我们享受了心灵的全部欢乐——你和我, 如今我们商船的白帆已被收起, 满船的货物已被耗尽。
Love Letters In fifth grade, Brett liked me. I knew because he teased me relentlessly. One day, he stole the hat from my head and used it in a game of catch with his friends. Later, I received a note
Forget the bad press, the QR code seems like such a clever idea: Like a smarter barcode for the 21st century, it hooks up through your smartphone or computer’s camera to some code that reads it, and t