我们今天回过头看,1912年 仍然是中国最有希望走上 宪政的历史时刻。关于辛 亥革命失败的原因,更确切地说是中 国宪政事业在民国初年失败的原因, 教科书上早已用真理般的语气作了表 述。与它非常接近但更早的表述,是 孙中山领导的中国国民党在其第一次 全国代表大会宣言上说的,是由于没 有一个有组织、有纪律的、了解本身 职责的政党。 历史否定了上述结论。中国国民 党不但经过1924年改组成了一个有组 织、有纪律的政党,而且在1928年取 得了全国政权,并坚持以实现宪政作 为它的职责,但中国没有因为有了国 民党的领导而走上宪政之途。
As we look back today, 1912 is still the historic moment when China is most hopeful to embark on constitutional government. The reason for the failure of the Revolution of 1911, or rather the reason for the failure of China’s constitutional government in the early Republican years, has been stated in textbooks in truthful tones. A very close but earlier expression of it is that the Chinese Kuomintang led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen told the declaration of its first National Congress that there was no organized and disciplined political party that knew its own responsibilities. History has rejected the above conclusion. Not only was the Kuomintang reorganized into an organized and disciplined party in 1924, it gained national power in 1928 and insisted on the realization of constitutional government as its duty. However, China did not take constitutional government because of the leadership of the Kuomintang Way.