Never adopt,always adapt in terms of teaching technique.

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  Abstract:The choice of English teaching technique in the process of English teaching will directly affect the students’ interest and the quality of English teaching.How to improve the level of English teaching,to choose the appropriate English teaching method,and to meet the needs of students has become an important topic in contemporary English teaching.
  Key words:adapt;teaching technique
  The overall goal of the English curriculum under the new curriculum standard is to develop students’ English comprehensive applying ability.The formation of this ability is based on the overall development of students’ language skills,language knowledge,emotional attitudes,learning strategies and cultural awareness.And,the students’ enthusiasm,initiative,and interest are the key to effectively learn this course.This paper will mainly focus on the teaching techniques in the teaching process.
  Teaching techniques refer to the tool,media or equipment for teachers and students to exchange information to each other.English teaching techniques have experienced five stages: oral language,texts and books,printed materials,electronic audio-visual equipment and multimedia network.Traditional,English teaching techniques mainly refer to a textbook,a piece of chalk,a blackboard,several pairs of pictures and so on.While with the development of modern science and technology,modern teaching techniques refer to all kinds of audio-visual educational equipment and teaching materials,namely,the slide projector,recorder,video recorder,television,film machine,VCD player,DVD player,computer and so on.We are in an age of rapid development of information technology.We should not rest on our laurels and refuse to learn various technical techniques that can promote our ability of teaching.But,how can we adapt the teaching techniques suitable for ourselves based on the existing teaching techniques?
  The level of software technology of modern teaching methods directly restricts the use of modern teaching methods.English teachers should be involved in the study of different teaching software.On the one hand,when teachers make courseware will be involved to many software such ae Power Point,Word,Excel etc.,let alone teaching systems in educational administration system.On the other hand,with the rise of modern society,micro-course Mooc,flipped classroom and other teaching models all involve computer technology.It also stresses the importance of modern science technology.Only when teachers fully master modern educational technology can they better attract students’ interest and promote the development of teaching.All of these show that modern education requires not only teachers to have adequate knowledge reserves,but also computer technology.   Take the time arrangement of English in senior English for example.It is hard to arrange the nice time to take English lesson,and often has first class in the morning or afternoon.At that time,most of students feel sleepy and tired,which will decline in quality of teaching.Hence,a good lead-in is very important and the modern teaching equipment plays a key role.Some teachers used to play some video or pictures which are educational and stimulating.While a good lead in is definitely good enough.There are also some teachers trying to add some emoji,the newest TV series or star in the ppt,and most of student enjoy it very much during the lesson.Teaching is a very rigorous process.In order to attract students’ interest,we should not inject too much irrelevant things into the class,and make students pay too much attention to these.As a result,the classroom lost the meaning of learning.
  Although we have learned a lot about teaching technology,what we should do is to fully understand the theory,and combine our own teaching characteristics to inject new ideas into the original teaching technology,instead of copying blindly.Both novice teachers and expert teachers should have a deep understanding of different teaching techniques,since each of these has different strengths and weaknesses.Always remember,don’t blindly pursue a versatile way to teach.
  [1]Jack C.Richards & David Nunan.Second language Teacher Education[M].Cambridge University Press,1990.
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