First, the patient information, male, 56 years old, a year ago found that the right side of the central painless swelling, treatment in our hospital, 20 years ago had bruised the right side of the middle, the treatment is unknown. Physical examination: The general condition of the body is good, all vital signs are stable, and no abnormalities are found in the heart, lung, liver and spleen examination. Maxillofacial asymmetry, the surface of the right cheekbone significantly uplift, hard, no palpable tenderness, the surface of the skin has a length of about 2.5cm oblique scars, normal oral mucosa, teeth without loosening, the occlusion relationship is normal, CT film shows the right zygoma Bone has a 2.2cm × 2.3cm × 2.5cm size of low-density lesions, bone destruction edge neat, clear