How to Reflect the Guiding position of Teachers in the English Self-Taught Higher Education

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  abstract:The paper aims to generalize the underlying teaching methods tailed to the self-taught higher education in China. The interview cast a specific experiment on the sophomores in one of the university. Considering the existing disadvantages and shortcomings on hand, the writer reveals the unveilings on depth.
  key words: teaching methods; self-taught; experiment; existing disadvantages
  I. Research questions
  This questionnaire-oriented interview study aims to explore the guiding position in terms of teaching methods in the self-taught higher education. Meanwhile, it turns out to be a sharp contrast among the interview answers of teachers, for self-education is the concentration of teachers with different education background and occupation settings. More importantly, the study is noticeable in teaching goals, classroom implementation, as well as the atmosphere involved.
  II. Method
  2.1 Sampling
  The interview exploited random sampling, the Self-Education Department with Major Economics and Trade in Dalian University of Foreign Languages is chosen as the research target. The interviewees include director of the department, teachers in the course of reading, comprehensive English and oral English, as well as some counsellors.
  2.2 Interview Questions and Interview Methods
  The interview in this study is half-open: with an outline as the interview guide. The specific interview questions are:
  1. How do teachers balance exam-oriented goal and ability-oriented goal in the self-education?
  2. What methods do teachers employ to create a cheerful and effective atmosphere?
  3. How do teachers handle the multi-tier students with different education settings productively?
  The first question is about the teaching goal, the second and the fourth ones are for the classroom implementation, while the third one concerns more about the atmosphere creation.
  The interviewees include the director of the department, teachers with different courses and counselors.
  III. Conclusions and Limitations
  The problem in the English self-education is the extremely exam-driven goal-setting. Take reading course for instance, after consulting the recent exam paper, some lessons repeatedly involved will be ignored or discussed not as specifically as other ones, although worth-taking. While for English study, it is supposed to be a gradual process of accumulating, but most lessons are claimed to be fast-running, even little awareness of the acceptance of the students. Some teacher argues that although lessons go as their minimum pace in accordance with the requirements, the voice of the students’ response is still too fast, which troubles them days around.   This interview investigated the teachers’ guiding position in the Self-Education Department in Dalian University of Foreign Languages, with the following conclusions:
  To start with, all the teachers have their concentration on the exam, so their goal-setting is still exam-driven instead of ability-driven. The scheduling design of the course is extremely compact, concerning little about the students’ absorption of the knowledge, sometimes even far beyond of their cognitive capability.
  And then, the resources are way too outdated, so the textbook’s feasibility and reliability seems weak and backward. Some of the teachers try their strength to introduce some latest materials to the class to draw their attention and interest, while others display some vivid visual and auditory material to make the body of the content impressive. But still, because of the different education background of the students, the implementation of these technique skills can not work effectively.
  The study has some limitations: the sample size is small, the study can not be respective enough and there is not sufficient time for the interviewees, and the study needs to be improved. The issue of teachers’ guiding position in the English self-education is still a tough and complex one in the education field.
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教学说明:本单元围绕”寻找物品”这一话题展开教学,同时给学生介绍了动词be的过去式was, were.本单元安排的教学情景与学生的生活贴近。从运动会入手,引出寻找物品这一话题,语言的交际性和实用性均较强。建议教师在教学中要尽量结合学生的实际情况,创设既符合儿童心理特征又很自然的活动情景,让学生在情景中学会交际,在交际中学会语言。  本单元在四课时内完成  第一课时  教学目标:  1.能掌握单词,
学生学习英语的过程既是一种认知过程,也是一种探究过程,英语课堂教学不仅要重视学生主体作用与教师主导作用的统一,更要教师不断探索英语课堂教学新思路、新方法,才能提升学生发现、探究、解决问题的能力。  一、在英语课堂上,教师应积极培养学生发散思维,设疑启智,激发学生的情感,营造课堂的英语氛围,提高创新思维能力,最大限度地发挥学生的主体作用。  在英语课堂上,教师要注重培养学生独立学习能力,给他们提供更
初中英语教学中,如何转变观念,改进教学方法,很值得我们深思和探讨。古人云:“授之以鱼,只供一饭之一需;教之以渔,于终身受用无穷。”这就是说“授之以鱼不如授之以渔。”英语这门功课的特殊性,让学生掌握和提高再学习的方法,在教学中突出学生的主体地位,培养学生自主学习英语的能力尤为紧迫。如何培养提高学生的自学能力呢?在十多年的初中英语教学实践中,我做了一些尝试:  一、改变观念,树立学习信心  创设民主、
Quality education is the core of autonom ous learning and self development. Learning to learn is the basic training objectives of the knowledge economy age and
摘要:本文对初中英语听力教学的现状进行了研究分析,对听力教学中存在的问题进行了阐述,并根据教学经验就如何实施初中英语听力教学展开探讨。  关键词:初中英语;现状;听力教学;策略  “听”是人的一种重要能力,也是初中英语学习过程中一个关键的环节。英语学习的最终目的,并不是单纯的会说英语,更重要的是要会听,只有听懂,才能理解,才能进一步的进行准确的表达。数据表明,人们靠“听”获取的知识占所有知识的百分
摘要:探究性学习是新课改倡导的一种学习方式。通过探究性学习可以培养学生的探究与合作能力、分析信息能力,这对于学生形成良好的学习习惯、培养学生的创新精神有着十分重要的意义。  关键词:初中英语;探究;体验;教学  在新课改理念的指导下,初中英语课堂教学中采用自主、合作、探究学习的方式,不但可以提高学生的认知能力,而且可以使他们的情感因素得到充分地发挥。学生在自主合作活动中既全面提高了英语素养,更培养