An Ideal Home Made of Love and Tolerance ——An Analysis of Black Women’s Love and Tolerance in the Co

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  【Abstract】:Alice walker is one of the most famous contemporary American writers, she advocates womanism to fight for black women’s rights. The Color Purple is her most representative work. In the novel black women not only emancipated themselves but also saved the black men and finally set up an ideal home for all the blacks. This paper will analyze how Alice Walker appeals to her womanism in The Color Purple.
  【Key Words】: the Color Purple; Love; Forgiveness; Ideal home
  Alice walker is one of the most remarkable contemporary African-American writers. Her harmonious black community not only includes a community of black women but also extends to the black men.
  1. the Kinship Between Nettie and Celie
  The Color Purple consists of 92 letters. The story begins with Celie’s first letter to God: “I am fourteen years old, I have always been a good girl.” (1; ). Later we know that Celie was raped by her stepfather. And her two children were given away. Nettie was her only family. She moved to live with Celie to protect herself from her stepfather. But she was threatened to leave after she refused Albert. Her letters to Celie were hidden by Albert. The two sisters were out of touch with each other.
  2. the Friendship Between Celie and Sofia
  Sofia is Celie’s daughter-in-law. She is strong-minded and independent. She is one of the few woman who dare to fight against men. The first time Harpo took her home, Albert contempted her: “young womens no good these days, he say. Got they legs open to every Tom, Dick and Harry,” (30; ).  To Celie’s surprise, Sofia said “Harpo, you stay here. When you free, me and baby are waiting”. Finally they got married. Harpo tried to make Sofia submit to him by means of violence, but he failed. On the contrary, he got rebellion from Sofia. Celie told Harpo to “beat her” (35; ). Sofia came fiercely to Celie after she knew the truth: “ you told Harpo to beat me”. Celie felt ashamed of that, “I say it cause I’m a fool, I say it cause I’m jealous of you. I say it cause you do what I can not” (37; ). However, they were soon reconciled after talking about their miserable lives. From then on, they became friends who rely on each other and help each other.
  1. the Sisterhood Between Celie and Shug
  Shug was Albert’s lover and she lived with him. The first day Celie came to live with Albert she was attracted by Shug’s nice picture. She knew that Albert is still in love with Shug. Celie took care of her without outright complaints When Shug was ill. “I want her here. I say, too quick. He look at me like maybe I’m planning something bad” (45; ). Shug dedicated a song Miss Celie’s song for her. Shug played an important role in leading Celie to search for her personal growth. She protected Celie from being beaten, she helped Celie find out the long lost letters from Nettie. She encouraged Celie to make her own living by designing and manufacturing pants. Finally Celie turned from a numb woman into an independent woman.   2. the Sisterhood Between Sofia and Squeak
  Sofia and Squeak were both Harpo’s women. Sofia is a strong black woman who dared to revolt against all of the violations upon her. She refused to work as a maid for the mayor’s wife and got the mayor down. As a result she was sentenced to be in jail for 12 years. Squeak was a black woman who behaved like Celie. Harpo was with her after Sofia left him. It was Squeak who brought up Sofia’s children for her. Also she was the first one to offer her personal help to save Sofia. She did not get Sofia out of the jail directly, but her sacrifice saved Sofia’s life. Her tolerance and sacrifice was appreciated. “Harpo say, I love you, Squeak. He kneel down and try to put his arms round her waist”. “she stands up, my name Mary Agnes, she say” (92; ).
  3. The Friendship Between Nettie and Corrine
  Nettie started her missionary life with the Samuel in Africa. Samuel and Corrine were both warmhearted. “Although I work for Corrine and Samuel and look for the children. I do not feel like a maid”. Nettie admired Samuel. She thought “Corrine is a lucky woman to have him as her husband” (133; ). But people started to wonder if Nettie is Samuel’s another wife because the children look like Nettie a lot. Corrine had been tolerant about this. “Corrine said to me this morning, Nettie, to stop any kind of confusion in the minds of these people”, “and don’t let the children call you mama Nettie.” (155; ).When she was dying she called Nettie and Samuel to explain why the children look like Nettie. Nettie was trying to get Corrine remember the day she met Celie. “Do you remember buying this cloth? Pointing to a flowered square. And what about this checkered bird?” (181; ). “She traced the patterns with her finger, and slowly her eyes filled with tears. She began to cry in earnest.” (182; ). Finally Corrine believed Nettie. “in the middle of the night she woke up, turned to Samuel and said: I believe. And died anyway” (182; )
  The deep sisterhood emancipated black women from the patriarchal system. Not only did they obtain respect and freedom, but also they understood their men brothers. In a patriarchal society, black males are living under a dilemma situation. On the one hand they are oppressor owing to sexism; on the other hand they are discriminated owing to racism. So they had to redefine themselves by bullying and ordering their wives and children. Finally they established warm friendship and set up an ideal home for all the blacks.
  Alice,Walker. The Color Purple. New York: Harcourt, 1982. Print.
  Harold, Bloom. Alice Walker. Philadelphia: House Publishers, 1989. Print.
  Lagrone, Kheven. Alice Walker’s the Color Purple. New York, 2009. Print.
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【摘要】:首先分析了2-3联防的概念及其在大学篮球队中的应用,其次结合云南师范大学在CUBA 赛事中有效地阻止向中锋的传球、迫使球远离最佳投篮区域、防止内线出现一对一的不利局势和降低高位中锋接球的成功概率等几个方面阐述其在大学篮球比赛中的重要性,然后进行结果分析,最后针对这些现存问题,提出策略意见,尤其是2-3联防战术的应用。  【关键词】:篮球;2-3联防;男篮  篮球是一项以投篮为中心,具有高
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【摘要】:在新课程改革的今天,中职语文阅读教学仍普遍存在高耗低效的现象,提高阅读教学的实效性已是迫在眉睫。本文从提高文本阅读的实效性、自主学习的实效性、合作探究的实效性、讲和听讲的实效性四个方面进行了具体的探讨。  【关键词】:中职语文;阅读教学;实效性   《语文课程标准》指出:“阅读教学是学生、教师、文本之间对话的过程。”在学习方式上,《语文课程标准》倡导“自主、合作、探究”的新理念。然而,现
【摘要】:内容提要: 20世纪70年代至今,德国功能主义目的论不断发展并引起了国内外的普遍研究。在影视字幕翻译领域中,目的论取得广泛认可与巨大成功的同时其缺陷也日益凸显。本文即在目的论的指导下,以《马达加斯加3》为例,通过分析目的论三原则,以及这些原则下相适应的翻译方法在字幕翻译中的运用,来客观展现目的论指导下字幕翻译的成功与局限,从而对字幕翻译的进一步发展提出建设性提议。  【关键词】: 目的论
【摘要】:文言文是文化的传承,是民族的瑰宝,而字词阐释与篇章教学之间的关系一直是文言文教学中难以把握的点,本文将着重对字词阐释与篇章教学在文言文教学中的表现形式进行分析,以探讨二者之间的关系。  【关键词】:文言文;字词阐释;篇章教学  对于文言文而言,字词与篇章之间的关系无非就是“文”、“言”二字的关系。字词阐释就是“言”的阐释,是整篇文章的点,是个体,这些小的个体在不同的语言环境下能够阐述出不
【摘要】:在新的课程改革背景下,教育教学理念有了新的革命性变革。美术以视觉形象承载和表达人的思想观念、情感态度和审美趣味,丰富人类的精神和物质世界,美术教育具有悠久的历史,近代以来,美术课程更以丰富的教育价值列入中小学的课程体系当中。但是影响美术教学有很多方面。本文分别从学校、社会、家庭三方面来讲述影响美术教学的因素。  【关键词】:美术教学;学校;社会;家庭  一.学校对美术教学的影响:  1.
【摘要】:通过观察小学初职教师课堂管理,发现初职教师课堂管理中存在以下不足:课堂管理规范的制定还不够完善、课堂行为的处理方式不当、权威性和放任性管理方式的极端化。研究提出小学初职教师课堂管理的四种策略:家校合作的课堂管理策略、学生参与管理策略、正向激励课堂管理策略、分层引导课堂管理策略。  【关键词】:小学初职教师;课堂管理策略  课堂管理指的是教师为了促进学生参与课堂,提高课堂效率,建立良好学习
【摘要】:随着社会的发展,我国的留守儿童问题越来越突出,从事基层教育的班主任就肩负起关爱留守儿童的任务和工作。面对不断增多的留守儿童,班主任如何通过课堂做好留守儿童的教育工作成为当前教育中面临的难题,本文通过分析目前留守儿童存在的问题,提出一些具体的解决对策和方法。  【关键词】:班主任;课堂教育;留守儿童;问题;对策  随着我国城镇化脚部的加快,人们需求量的增加,越来越多的农村劳动力逐渐脱离农村